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Live Feed and BB AfterDark - 8/25


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So the HOH will be tonight right?

Triva for the last 10 minutes, should be playing now at about 9:00pm BBT. I gotta get to bed...LOL! Just have to find out in the morning who won. My guess is Adam or Porche.

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Guess it is meant for the newbies to have this game!! The one who has done NOTHING all season is doing it all in one night, GIVE ME A BREAK!!! This show has gone down hill sooooooooooo fast!!!!!!

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The only one I want to win, besides Jordan or even Rachel--is Adam. But I am so bummed out, I could really care less right now. I need 24 hours to recuperate from this disastrous 24 hours! I am self evicting from the feeds. GAH!!!

Couldn't agree more.. I've been hyped all day for a HUGE dissappointment.

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I wanted Jeff, Jordan or Rachael to win....but lets be honest....just WHAT has Jordan done in this game? Nothing. Jeff was fun to watch, he thought out his moves the best he could, he strategized, he was an excellent game player. As bad as I hated Dani, she was a good player too. Even Rachael plays the game. Jordan (and I still would like to see her win for some reason) has done absolutely nothing to "play" this game.

They will vote out Rachael this week. Jordan couldn't win a lottery ticket if all she had to do was scratch it off. She is a weak player. I think the final 2 will be Shelly/Kalia.

Shelly made a bold move this week. It was wrong. BUT, thats what this game is about. I cant stand her for it but she did the right thing by voting Jeff out. The couple had to be broken up and Jeff is a strong player. She did what was best for her, even though it meant going against her alliance.

I could see Shelly winning the pot at the end.

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Because in the end, when people have cooled off they always realize its a game and vote for the one who played best. Jeff would vote for Shelly as would the others. She played them and I think they are all mature enough to realize that.

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Because in the end, when people have cooled off they always realize its a game and vote for the one who played best. Jeff would vote for Shelly as would the others. She played them and I think they are all mature enough to realize that.

Never happen :animated_rotfl:

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Hopefully she puts up the two poor losers,rachHO and jordo...

I don't think Rach and Jordan are poor losers. I think they are upset losers. I don't see them going around all needy and why me bull like Dani.

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