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Porsche - Week 7 - Nominee (PoV used, off block)


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could go on the block

but the number one target will be daniele :animated_bouncy:

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She has been getting better and better in each comp. Girl better watch her head.. or it will roll. Her only chance this week is if J and J don't choose to BD Rachel, and if Dani doesn't win veto.

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If Jeff nominates Porsche, which he probably will, I'd love to see Rachel win POV and take her off the block, so she has a direct hand in evicting Daniele. Karma :P

Plus, it may help her win some points with Porsche. Couldn't hurt.

HA! I hope Dani does get evicted this way! I can't stand the way it's always predictable that she wins POV.

This is Wretchel's last chance to look like a competitor again instead of a helpless baby without Brenda. DO IT Wretchel!!!

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HA! I hope Dani does get evicted this way! I can't stand the way it's always predictable that she wins POV.

This is Wretchel's last chance to look like a competitor again instead of a helpless baby without Brenda. DO IT Wretchel!!!

Rachel doesn't get to play. :( She's hosting.

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Rachel doesn't get to play. :( She's hosting.

Thanks! :animated_bouncy: Too bad!

I really want anyone to win but dani, although Porsche would probably be best. The scenario of her taking herself off and getting dani BD would be great!

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