Angelo Joe Posted August 11, 2011 Share Posted August 11, 2011 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.Please post pictures and video in the following forum! If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted.Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goldylucks Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 9:00 PM BBT Trivia. HGs playing HoH competition. (BBAD is in one hour so the competition should be a short one in comparison-Goldylucks)9:30 PM BBT Still Trivia.9:45 PM BBT Still Trivia. (Probably going to make us wait until BBAD) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tecajungarcon Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 Jeff/Bren talking in Italian voice. Adam,Shel,BrenChel, J/J in Tarot room jumping up and down 7:07 BBTRach telling Bren about the last veto comp. 7:11 BBTRach telling Bren about her DR sessions and who was mean to her and what not...Por ask BrenChel(Who are alone in tartot room) are y'all having sex they joke and say yes its been a week. 7:16 BBTWe currently have FoTH could this be the HoH?!?! 7:19 BBT It's not the HoH ( Bren is saying that all he can remember when he left was Rach hanging her head and crying. He tells J/J, Shel, and Rach what Kal's good bye message said. 7:22 BBT J/J, Shel, Rach acting out everything that happened last week, in HNBR 7:29 BBT Bren explaining what happened while he was in sequester and Adam sounds amazed by it. 7:51 BBTAdam talking to Shel in SR saying that Dani ran Kal's HOH, she even got one of her own evicted 8:05 BBT *Twitter Threshold*BrenChel talking to Jeff in HNBR about Dani...Shel/Jor talking about all the votes Bren had. 8:13 BBTJeff says HoH is not going to be for a while b/c they have to take down all the stuff and set up for HoH comp. 8:16 BBT FOTH Maybe this is HoH?!?! 8:26 BBTNo false alert, it's CBS just having fun with us. 8:28 BBT Kal is in Tarot room doing what she does best eat, Dani is talking to her, J/J BrenChel talking about random stuff. Jeff is mad that Bren took a pair of his drawers by accident and threw them away this morining, they were modeling drawers. 8:34 BBT Rach is following Bren around she jokes and say I'm his little puppy 8:37 BBT Rach telling Bren that she learned to grill catfish(apparently it was her first time) 8:43 BBT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 9:07 PM BBTTrivia Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Looby Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 I just heard from a showtime viewer that Dani won HOH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ericsturrock Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 10pmBBT(BBAD) Jordan sad talking to Jeff about "She" winning HOH and that Kalia will be in HOH "blah blah blah" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
adballoon Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 Dannielle won HOH Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goldylucks Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 10:00 PM BBT Feeds still on trivia but Showtime is showing J/J in HNBR. Jordan is looking depressed and saying "this sucks". They have not revealed HoH winner but J/J are not happy. Jordan mentions that Shelly in particular is upset.10:03 PM BBT Dani is HoH. Dani mentions in bubble gum room that she went into DR to make requests for her room, no pictures of herself and something to do for boredom. Dani and Kalia are smiling ear to ear while Rachel is sitting in there with them very subdued.I'm out to watch Showtime since us that pay good money for the live feeds don't get to see anything!!!! Goldylucks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DanielesFan Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 10:40 pm Bubblegum room: Daniele and Porche laughing about win and how excited they are Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cathy Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 10:41pm BBT:Jeff and Adam talking about who 'She' will nominate. He thinks that it'll be B/R and just a repeat of this week; maybe he'll be a replacement nom. Or be nominated along with Jordan. Bren and Rach whispering and talking about her week away from him. She tells him how she's tried to be social. In another room Dani telling Porch that she wants Bren out first, then Jeff. That she thought she wasn't going to win because when she looked at the comp she felt she wasn't good at it.Porch mentions how revenge is sweet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 11:09 BBTBrenchel in purple parlor talking why Kalia nominated Lawon...Rachel is saying she "got scared because of the twist"....Brendon listening...{I cant stand this whispering stuff}In the HN room Jordan is telling Shelly she's going far....Shelly says she gets agrivated that people "don't listen"..."i'm always 2nd 3rd or 4th in those stupid games"..Shelly "i was so nervous...I wanted to win"....Shelly says it didn't affect her....she thought there was "60" ball "on each of those chairs"Jordan "its gonna get better".....Shelly says she's "accepted" the fact she won't see her family "look at the people your against"...Jordan says if it came down to the two of them...she would let her have it Shelly says she wouldn't want to win that way..Shelly complaing about rachel and taking care of her all week and then says its good for them..Jordan thinks Brenchel will go up and Shelly and Jordan says this time they will not keep Rachel.....11:15 Shelly 'if you didn't know better" you would think it was scripted...11:16 BBT Jordan "it was a fair game" ......Jordan "everytime she was "in the mid range"...Jordan says if Porsche would have got it "i would have died"..Shelly says she's fine and Jordan leaves the HN room..11:17 BBT Shelly is the HN room alone...Jordan in the kitchen hopes tomorrow is a house comp for food...Jordan talks that she "gained' and only a few pairs of pants fit...11;19 BBT Jeff prepares for the midnight feast...Jordan says "keith look fatter" and "dominic look " pale...talking about the returnees and Jordan says "he look tired" and Kalia says "his face looked rounder...Kalia and Porsche think Keith gained weight...11;20 BBT Jeff continues to prepare food..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 11:22 BBTPorsche sitting on the table with kalia who wants cake with frosting "smeared" across the top..Kali says "i really like baking' from "scratch"...Porsche says she's not good at it..FOTH11:24 BBT Jeff throwing 'shit away' that's been taking up room and is old...Porsche says she need 4 banans for whatever she's making..11:25 BBT Kalia says she needs to wash sheets but porsche says she won't have time...but Kalia is doing her ridiculous hair phobia..and is blaming Lawon for pulling his hair all over the bed..11;26 BBTKalia goes and checks "if the cake is ready for the icing"11;27 BBT J&J working together to prepare food.."you guys are gonna get sick"Adam observes..jeff says not to woory and Adam says he is worried about their stomachs and Jeff says "my stomach is already fucked"11:29 BBT Food prep continues.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrspippi Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 11:17pm Feeds are up! Por/Kali in KT whispering very quietly about HOH comp, Dani/Adam/Jeff in BGBR talking food. Kal says "Thank you God" says she cried b/c she was so mad earlier. WBRB for a little while, when feeds return Por does a dance to the cameras. Kal/Por saying they need their Vitamin B12 . Feeds go to WBRB.11:25 Adam/Kal discussing if Law volunteered to go up. Dani telling Adam he was going to go up, but she fought it. Said Kal was afraid of his vote, rightfully so. He apologizes and says are we still OK outside of the house? She says yes. Says she misses PT, wishes she could talk to him. Adam says they were surprised at his new look. Dani says worst game move in every season is to vote out one of your own. "No regrets, only choices". Adam mocks "Who wants to see my HOH room!?" Dani says "I'm ready for another funeral. Shocker" He leaves.11:34 Bren/Rach snuggling beside Jor in HNBR. They leave so as not to disturb her. Jeff comes in and asks Jor what he can make her to eat before he wakes her up at midnight. Dani/Por in BGBR celebrating. Bren/Rach/Shell in Purple room talking about Bren's Sequester. Dani says they only have 5wks, just need to keep winning HOH. Dani thinks Julie was giving her a clue to use handsignal and get rid of Rach. Por says she could hear audience reaction when she voted for Law. Dani says Shell is cut out. In Purple room Rach is whispering to Bren about apologizing to people. Bren hopes his prof understands, he seemed supportive. They're whispering in each others ears, so we can't hear.11:49 Dani thought she was screwed and would not win HOH, very surprised she did. Dani says this is why you never give up. Dani says no one would talk to her until she won HOH. BB keeps telling Dani to reattach her mic, not obstruct it. She hasn't moved it, she's just whispering. Por leaves to shower. Dani says she doesn't HAVE to be friendly. Bren/Rach still canoodling in Purple Room. Bren asks Rach if she liked his goodbye speech, she did. They revisit it.11:56 Shell/Jor sleeping in HNBR, Jeff baking a cake in KT. Rach/Bren snuggling and kissing in Purple Room. Jor/Shell saying all they can do is just try again next week. Jor hopes Shell gets her HOH for letters from Josie, Shell says she's never leaving her kid again. Hard not to talk to them everyday. Jor is being supportive, camera is tight on Shell as she seems to be crying a bit. Shell thinks she's jealous of Bren/Rach always getting their way. They help her stay and she gets Bren back, now back to normal. Jor said if it came down to it this time she would keep Bren, too hard to have Rach. Shell hopes Josie doesn't resent Shell being gone. Jor reminds her that Josie can see her and CBS updates them on anything or answer any questions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 11:30 Jordan telling Jeff about Shelly's mini breakdown and jeff does the crazy finger in a circular motion...Adam has reorganized the kitchen and seems to be a little short tempered with porsche where the walnuts are...11:32 Jordan going on about banana pudding that made her throw up....porsche aks if she should make the "banana bread"....11:34 BBT In the purple room {have your barf buckets ready} brendon is telling rachel how he would do anything to get back to Rachel and goes on about his ucla doctorate program...and how he's gonna cure cancer....and going on about being "in jury together" and says "i think we both have separation anxiety"...They laugh how Rachel "drove everybody" crazy all week and talk about being "crazy in love"....11:37 BBT Brendon says he talked about "us' while he was in sequester to himself...and goes on his dying love hor her....{im switching}11:38 BBT Back in the kitchen banana bread talk...Porsche is using the recipe on the flour package....Porsche says she needs 'a mixer" and Adam 'you have strong men in this house"11:39 BBT Jordan announces it 11:44 and the countdown to midnight continues..Shelly is in the kitchen and says "i'm getting my diet coke ready"....Adam admits they had been snacking on the pizza "all day' when Shelly says "that's all the pizza thats left..there was 4 or 5 bags of it"11;42 BBT Porsche pounding the nuts...for her bread...Jeff puts his "jacked up' pizzas into the oven...Porsche looking for the whisk in adams reconfigured kitchen...nice shot of Porsche trying to pick out egg shells from her banana bread n{now with extra cruch}...11:46 BBT "9 minutes" Adam calls out to midnight... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrspippi Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 Above times should have been the 10:00 hour, sorry!11:07 Jor leaves HNBR to get Kleenex, Shell cries a little more by herself. Asks Shell if she wants to be alone, no. Rach/Bren still in Purp. Room but door is open now. Bren says he wasn't sure he'd stay for this comp, because of school. Rach goes over week convo's with Kal/Dani. Rach tells Bren about the deal, Bren laughs at their threats. Dani campaigned against Rach, then after convo's Rach said..even Dani voted to keep me!11:18 Lots of convo about tomorrow's HN comp, everyone hopes it's a house win rather than teams. Hoping for the margarita party. Bren says CBS asked if he would get married IN the house, he said they had to have family around. He thought he would be a pandora's box. Bren didn't realize he'd be coming back into the house to play, he thought he'd just see Rach one time to help her morale.11:30 In KT, Jor tells Jeff her convo w/ Shell. In SR, Por/Adam going through food to make for HN's who come off HN at midnight. In KT, HG's baking and preparing for a feast. In Purp Room, Rach/Bren professing their love. Rach daydreaming of CBS paying for their wedding.11:55 Kal/Dani go over HOH comp. Rach/Bren thank America for voting for Bren, he says he won't let "you" down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 11:47 BBTIn the purple roon Brenchel doing what Brenchels do...In the kitchen food prep continues...Dani comes out..."smells good" about porsches uncooked banana bread...Jeff says "waiting here like a dog" when Dani asks what's up....Rachel is finally in the Jeff talks about his "sooped up" pizza..Shelly asking for stuff that has been eaten..11:51 BBT Kalia and Dani laying in bed talking..they are whispering "shelly" "pissed" all I picked up...11;53 BBT Brenchel have moved to the HN rook making up songs about Franklin....and says "i ccan't be too upset" he says because he won one comp.....they thank America..."i won't be psycho anyome" while Brendon says "i won't let you down" "thank you America"11:55 "we have such an epic love story" Rachel says "true love conquers all" Brendon offers.....they leave back to the kitchen....11:56 BBT "12:01 YAY!!!!" Rachel says..."the clock is right" Rachel says...Shelly is first at the table eating...she is joined by Rachel and Jeff pigging out at the kitchen bar...Brendon offers to wait till they eat first...Jordan last to indulge..Rachel loves the "hawaiian" pizza...11:58 BBT Back in the bedroom Kalia and Dani Brenchel bashing and wishful thinking about Dominic coming back..Dani talking about have 3 people..."we can do this"...and talks about keeping the nominations the same {sounds like Brenchel nom}....and FOTH12:01 BBT FOTH and BBAD commercial..Feeds back with Kalia whispering and Dani says she gonna tell them "you better let me" and FOTH..Kalia "i cannot stand him" {sounds like she was talking about Brendon I doubt she would say that about J&J}Dani talking about she would have been depressed spending her birthday alone..and kalia asks "do you think next week will be endurance"...Kalia asks what are you gonna to about Adam and Dani says he apolgized and says she isn't gonna do "anything" but will make him "crap his pants" and "even shelly" crap her pants "i don't care" and says "i'm not telling " anthing to anybodyKalia talking about regretting trusting Shelly....12:05 BBT Dani and Kali talking about bad decisions and are "fine" and says Lawon "is the stupiest" person In BB history... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 12:07 BBt Dani (correctly) guesses that all her friends and Family would be "disgusted" about her gameplayDani says never "ever ever" get rid of an "ally" and says she will play "a smart game"12:08 BBT Kalia says she likes the challenge...of the game...Dani "i'm gonna come off as a little piece of poo"...Porsche enters..and Kalia asks about the cake...Porsche says they were making sure Adam wasn't hanging out with them..Dani "they're all a buch of phonies"....12:11 BBT Dani called to SR for her HOH...Kalia "we get to go upstairs..thank God"...Porsche tattling on the others.."she doesn't want your cake" Porsche tells Kalia..Kalia going on about her emotions...Talking about endurance..Porsche says its "hard for me"..12:14 BBT Kali talking about Shelly came with her with a plan..after the veto ceremony..Porsche says Shelly wanted an all girls allince...Kalia says after wards she started "limiting what i say to her" {those were Dani's orders}Porsche wants to tell Rachel "this girl is going back and forth" and tell Dani...Porsche spilling everything about Shelly about her saying "i would never vote for Dominic"Porsche already talking about next weekDani gets HOH key12:18 BBT heads to HOH Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 12:18 BBT everyone assembles at the HOH door..."are we ready?..dun dun dun" and the bimbo has trouble opening her door.."malfunction" and it finally opens.."yay stein"People look at her pics...12:21 BBT "from pete and Leslie how nice" her letter her roomate and his GFPic of Dick before the tats...."yes doughnut and lots of humus" Dani says as she looks through her stash...Jeff brought his food upstauirsDani reads letter: "hi Dani" "leslie so misses you".."both excited" "great job..behind you 100%......dressed up in a tutu.......still have a mustoche.....leslie and I miss pete and leslie"12:25 BBT New Dani goes through her basket...more peanut butter .."thanks big brother"..Dani points out Eric BB* pic..."he's short" when some asks his height..12:27 BBT Dani looking at her hand cream...jordan leaves first says she's gonna go downstairs "to finish eating"...Dani starts eating her doughnut holes..12:30 everyone cept Jordan just chit chatting in HOH.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
txcyclone Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 Have to post this ... Kali is cutting red velvet cake and is touching each piece and licking her fingers after each... and serving the others... (so wrong!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kekila Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 0:00 BBT Bren talking about morning after eviction - he was on the lot and some girl came up and asked for a picture. Security was w/ BrenDani telling Kal that she is going to make every HG crap their pants including Shel0:07 BBT Dani tells Kal that they are fine. Dani sick with herself that she voted with the house.Dani tells Kal that they are going to play a smarter game.00:15 BBT We have WBRB - could it be "Who wants to see my HOH room time"?Kal was talking to Por. Dani does have her room key and we head up to the HOH room0:20 BBT We are in. Dani gets a picture of Dick., her roomate, her cat and her brotherDani's CD is unclear - she doesn't recognize the music. Kal checked out the basket and then picturesKal picking up goodies from the basket and checking it out. Dani checks her fridge. There are donuts - both Dani & Kal cheer Dani's letter is from her roomate Pete.Pete says that his girlfriend misses Dani more then he does. She supports her in everything. They did a 5K (a beer 5K) and wore a tutu. He is sure she is busy playing the game. The pets are doing well. Take care etc..they miss her.Dani says that she met her roomie on Craisglist. He is the greatest roomie everDani's CD is Cold World Kids. Kal heads to use the HOH bathroom0:35 BBT Rachel stays in HOH room with Dani. Dani says that she told everyone that was what was going to happenDani/Rachel talking about comp. Dani rearranging her fridge. Rachel not getting the hint Rachel asks her if she wants to be alone. Dani says she wants to listen to music. Rachel still sitting there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 12:38 BBT Rachel and Dani hug and says "we'll talk tomorrow"...or "maybe" as she said....Downstairs Kalia working on her Dani called to DR....Brechel in the bedroom with Rachel telling Bren what her and Dani's short convo entailed...they walk back to the kitchen...12:40 BBT they start on the cake..shelly walking into the SR looking for something..and joins the group in the kitchen....Shelly doesn't want cake..."i love red velvet cake so much it makes my life complete" Kali says {spoken like a true fatgirl} "mmmm mmmm mmm"12:43 BBT cake eating continues with mattress switching talk...Jeff wants the cake "no icing" Kali gladly accepts his icing..."im obsessed with icing" Kalia says as her and Jeff discuss cake...12:47 BBT Jeff saying "this pop"{so funny soda being referred to as pop} saying it makes him full and him and Kalia discuss vodka's...12:49 BBT Jeff Adam Porsche and Kalia discussing different boozes... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 12:52 BBTDani and Porsche talking....Dani relays her short convo with Rachel and both says they are both "excited"Porsche saying she's getting the evil eye from brendon...Talking about Brendon...Dani excited she doesn't have to do laundry..."its like we never left" Kali says...Kali says notice Jordan is always the first to leave...They talk how everyone is nice...Dani saying they will love "all my friends"In HN room Adam and Shelly in HN roomw with Jeff talking about the HOH comp...1:00 BBT Shelly going on about the HOH comp and talks specifics "ahh who gives a fuck" Jeff says..."go ask in the DR....why ask us we lost" but Shell says she won'tJeff says Dani would have beeb out id Brendon would have guessed more than 320 olives outta 1500....Shelly "i know" perplexed at Brendon's guess...1:02 BBT Shelly saying she feels "destined" never to win....Porsche bashing..Shelly "i'll shoot myself" in Porsche wins....Adam says "we control the votes" and no matter who's against her they will win..1:04 BBT Upstairs in HOH..they are bashing Adam and his revoked membership to Pajama Jam...Talking about Lawon's speech....and how he left his wig for AdamKalia whining about LD...Dani "we have to get Brendon on slop" and Porsche says we have to "grab all the bandanas" and Porsche says she will throw it...and Dani says "you have to sleep with them" and Dani says "you would take one for the team"...1;07 BBT They talk about grabbing Kalia laughing at Jordan being on slop again..."i can stand to lose a few pounds" Porsche admits...Porsche "america " if she does this we better give her good food...Dani going through her fridge.....1:09 BBT Back downstairs..."jordan would be a better pawn than you" Adam says..and Jeff says that it sucks playing for "two people" {hmm he's only won 1 thing}Shelly says "at least thet can grab asss" and her and Adam have no one..."are you gonna go up there and talk to her" Jeff asks Adam and he says tomorrow...Shelly sick "kalia gets to fricken coast" this week...1:12 BBT they talk how viewer can turn off their set and not watch this week and they can't and have to live it...Shelly talks sleeping arrangements for tomorrow..."at least pajama jam is upstairs" Shelly says and Adam tells them his card has been "renewed" and Shelly corrects him "revoked"1:14 BBT Adam talking about his patch and smoking...Shelly asks what his DR's were tonight and FOTH1:15 BBT FOTH Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 1;24 BBTAll feeds on the HOH....they are talking about HN comp....dani excited she's Hosting...Kalia talking smack about Shelly for getting two timed by her...Dani joins in...They are really Shelly bashing...her hypocrisy..her bossiness...and her playing two sides..1:27 BBT Dani HOH "kills me with the DRs"..Porsche "everyone " has got to talk to Julie except HOH..Rachel BBT Dani says people like Rachel when Kalia says they just have her here for ratings...Kalia says if its endurance she will throw it to Porsche..Dani says "we have a good team"....1:30 BBT Porsche admits she burnt the banana bread...1:31 More HOH talk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 they are discussing why America picked Brendon over Dom...and Dani wonders if all her friends voted for Domkali says Shelly's body looks like her body's "falling apart"{she smokes cigarettes like you eat food}Dani hopes she doesn't come up...1:37 BBT Porsche "i can't believe Keith stayed" in sequester...Kalia's cockiness is hitting Brenchel levels from earlier this season.....1:38 BBT kalia back to bashing shelly...Dani says sheelly and Adam are in "cahoots" and Dani will tell him Shelly says she has him in her back pocket..Dani says all they want is to "coast to the end"....1:42 BBT Kalia says if she eats one more thing she will barf all over the floor Porsche says 'prove it prove it prove it"Dani still can't get over America voted for Brendon..Kalia says "i feel really bad" about Lawon especially since she said she wanted him out the first three weeks...Kalia sings and FOTH1:44 BBT FOTH.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Granny0214 Posted August 12, 2011 Share Posted August 12, 2011 450AM BBT Kahlia and Porsche are downstairs in their room, Dani in HoH listening to music. Kahlia and Porsche just chatting about out of house stuff and earthquakes. Porsche talking about missing her dog and Kahlia says she seriously loves dogs. Just general chit chat...Everyone else is asleep Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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