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Jeff - Week 6


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WOW lots of viewers saw this 'bit' that the editors choose to include in the show in different ways.

Count me as one who saw it as showing Jordon's thought process (whether it be less than brilliant or unworldly) ...

and it showed again that Jeff loves all sides of her personality.

I found it lighthearted and fun to watch.

(The thought that he was putting her down didn't enter my mind - but that's just my opinion)

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I think that Jeff was laughing WITH Jordan not AT her! I believe that he really cares for her. I'm not sure if he's all that smart at playing this game though...I hope that he doesn't decide to keep Brendon in the game...BAD MOVE on his part in my opinion. Ultimately, he's a target any way you slice it. Bottom line - the Vets HAVE to win HoH, period.

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the thing thats starting to rub me the wrong way about Jeff is he is always looking to hide behind someone (now he's not sure about voting Brendon out because the target might shift to him. Hasn't he learned anything from Kalia and Dani putting Marce...whoops Lawon out? you don't vote out your own.

Once the numbers start dwindling down everyone becomes a target, expect the person who is less likely to win. You have to step up and play.

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Not a fan of this guy anymore, then again I was never a big one anyway. His attitude stinks too much for me to love him. I really don't see what Jordan sees in him for the long haul or even a short one, since he's totally condescending towards her.

I saw the interview segment on the show and when it happened on the feeds. Shelly went overboard and must have asked her 20 questions, all were kind of ridiculous imo, but nevertheless Jordan couldn't answer either with even a small amount of intelligence. I think that kid thinks her country accent and blonde hair is going to get her jobs, but what a rude awakening she has coming.

Jeff's not a good BB player. If he were he would be keeping Brendon and letting Shelly go this week.

He's won one comp, and usually leaves it up to Jordan to win...Sorry man imo. All he does is smoke, and bash Rachel behind her back. I hope he's up for eviction the next time the newbies win HoH cause it would serve him right for turning on Brenchel.

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Oh just shut up Jeff because your game play is transparent as hell to Rachel. She knows from the beginning you didn't want to vote for Brendon to stay, that neither J and J are working to help Brenden stay or swing the votes. And he has the audacity to be mad at her about it. Ugh.. this ego on this guy "we're going to vote to evict your boyfriend, but you better still protect me later, and we'll use you to get rid of dani and then turn on you.." WTF ever. I am so over this guy and his ego.

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I thought I heard J&J working hard this week to get Adam to vote to keep Brendon. A person can only do so much. You gave it a good effort Jeff and Jordan.

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I thought I heard J&J working hard this week to get Adam to vote to keep Brendon. A person can only do so much. You gave it a good effort Jeff and Jordan.

I don't think they've been full gusto to keep him this week. They may have had a few conversations here and there, but they haven't been working very hard at all, since they don't really want to get their hands dirty.

And VERY early in the week I heard them planning to blame Adam for their votes to evict him, before any of the rest of this happened. So to my mind they have always planned to evict Brendon and pin it on Adam.

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I thought I heard J&J working hard this week to get Adam to vote to keep Brendon. A person can only do so much. You gave it a good effort Jeff and Jordan.

You're absolutely right Marty. Jeff has worked Adam several times this week, for Brendon. Adam, is in an alliance with J/J/S and he's sticking with Shelly... it's as simple as that. (Also, he doesn't want to upset Daniele by voting against her wishes this week... like he did last week.) So, as much as J/J think it's best to keep Brendon (to help get rid of Dani) they just don't have the votes and there's nothing they can do but, shore up their alliance with S/A.

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They may have had a few conversations here and there, but they haven't been working very hard at all, since they don't really want to get their hands dirty.

Isn't it the name of the game to make it to the final two without getting your hands dirty? That's how you get those jury votes....pretty much how Jordan won half a mil.

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You're absolutely right Marty. Jeff has worked Adam several times this week, for Brendon. Adam, is in an alliance with J/J/S and he's sticking with Shelly... it's as simple as that. (Also, he doesn't want to upset Daniele by voting against her wishes this week... like he did last week.) So, as much as J/J think it's best to keep Brendon (to help get rid of Dani) they just don't have the votes and there's nothing they can do but, shore up their alliance with S/A.

J/J are always trying to help the ungrateful Clifford and her boy/girl-friend Brenda---oh well what can you do, brenchel have no manners.

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mo money mo money mo money :animated_bouncy:

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