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Jordan - Week 6


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I don't think Jordon can be considered a floater either.

She makes little inroads here and there... listening and finding out information.

Then she picks and chooses what details she wants to air out with different HGs.

She mulls over what others say and pieces together stuff the others would overlook.

She was just talking to Rach about the 'thing' with Shelly.

Rach calmly (and that's not normal) tried to explain what Shelly told her...

leaving out a lot of details.

I would bet money that Jordon doesn't trust her at all.... and didn't buy Rach's version.

Who says she isn't playing the game ???

She's just not as In Your Face and dramatic about it most of the time.

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I'm a little curious as to why Jordan (and Jeff) aren't more worried about who is going to be the replacement nomination. Last week, Rachel was crying her eyes out and stressing out that one of them was going home, blah blah blah. I'm not hearing much freaking out from B/R this time. Did I miss something??? Jordan usually picks up those kind of clues...

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I'm a little curious as to why Jordan (and Jeff) aren't more worried about who is going to be the replacement nomination. Last week, Rachel was crying her eyes out and stressing out that one of them was going home, blah blah blah. I'm not hearing much freaking out from B/R this time. Did I miss something??? Jordan usually picks up those kind of clues...

They were walking around like moon cows last night (Brendon and Rachel). From what I have heard Dani saying, unless something changes in the next 24, Brendon is going up and probably out.

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After watching Jordan eat some of Rachel's greasy cheese stuff, I realized the girl def needs a back-flap on her leotards...so when "evacuation time comes" it will be quicker for her to do the deed...

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I dont Hate Jordan, I think she is sweet, but she is not a competitior! SHe thinks Adam is on their side, but he has his own agenda! Jeff and Jordan are not playing the game, they are letting other people playing it for them.

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Jordan is playing the game all the time. She is very subtle but she is always talking to people and always thinking of how to get her and Jeff farther. I hate to say but she plays the game harder then Jeff. He is kinda the skating .......

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Jeff: Are you excited?

Jordan: Yea, I've never worked out in a pink tutu before.

Jeff: Yea, and me in my boy band shirt.



How can anyone not love them? Jordo I would be so proud if you were my daughter.

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Why does everyone think u need to be a player they causes drama to be considered good in this game? True Jordan doesn't win a lot of comps but in the past she won when she had to which is why she won her season. She is playing how she wants to play! If it gets her kicked out it does. She believes Shelly because she really likes her and to my knowledge Shelly has not lied to jeff and Jordan she gas lied to the rest if the house but generally she has pretty much lied and then told jeff and Jordan what she has discussed with the people she just lied to. Shelly doesn't throw her under the bus like 2 other people we know they have done it for weeks. She told jeff today she trusted shelly and Adam more than b/r for that very reason. If she was truly clueless don't u think that she would believe b/r when they tell her we are not throwing u under the bus? She knows they are.

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giving up that phone call may have help her steal away some ac votes from jeff :animated_bouncy:

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How can you not love the crap out of Jordan after tonight's episode? Anybody wanting to talk bad about her can kiss my lily white you know what! moon.gif

But I'll bet that thought never even crossed her mind at the time and probably still hasn't.

100% agree!

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