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Guest Corky812

If I have to put up with any part of Brenchel, I would rather see Brendon stay. I still don't think America actually voted him back in, but that's just my opinion.

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If I have to put up with any part of Brenchel, I would rather see Brendon stay. I still don't think America actually voted him back in, but that's just my opinion.

I agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't buy for one minute that he was America's choice!!! Ugh!!!! He sounds like he is trying to change Rachel into a "Stepford Wife". I can't stand Rachel either, but this girl needs to run and run fast away from this guy!!!! He is straight up creepy.


I think he's Grodner's house target, set up so the other 3 vets get a good chance of staying every week. He's annoying and so is his fiance but with Dani thrown into the mix, they're the only 3 with game in the house.


I agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't buy for one minute that he was America's choice!!! Ugh!!!! He sounds like he is trying to change Rachel into a "Stepford Wife". I can't stand Rachel either, but this girl needs to run and run fast away from this guy!!!! He is straight up creepy.

Agree and I am totally OVER him already! I think I can tolerate Rach better without him.


He lives with Rachel. This is summer stock for them - the same could be said, I suppose, for Jeff and Jordan. At least it isn't boring. I hope that Brendon stays awhile.


I'm pretty sure Brendon and Rachel will say anything NOT to go home. Brendon left the freaking house protecting Jordeff. I think Brenchel knowing that J/J have a final 3 deal with Shelly though hurt their alliance big time.


The DEAL did not include J or J..........except that they spoke about having to put them up, down the line, b4 F3. The DEAL was put up floaters & explain it by dani sayin I want to BD Brendon, because according to B/R, everyone including J/J want to BD dani, so it would be a good cover, since the deal is supposed to stay SECRET. Brendon agreed to go up, if he had to and go out if he had to but I think they were not counting on that.

IF J/J get screwed, that would mean both dani & R/B follow through with it to the end & no one else gets HOH & puts any of them up.......what's the chances of that?


just as I called it...this loser gets booted...but of course in the BB world it means nothing since he just gets to come right back

these frickin "twists" need to stop



I am sure BR know they can't beat JJ in the end so taking Dani is a better option if either of them gets voted out.

yeah but BR can win comps as we all know and they are emotional players so they will boot Dani in a heartbeat over the beloved J/J who admittedly has stuck to their word

And as much as I love Dani why in the world did she waste this HoH?



I think she's trying to save a jury vote.......knowing she could follow through with the deal & still get Brendon out if she's lucky.

What's her motto? no regrets, just choices......dani never likes the easy road.


yeah but BR can win comps as we all know and they are emotional players so they will boot Dani in a heartbeat over the beloved J/J who admittedly has stuck to their wordAnd as much as I love Dani why in the world did she waste this HoH?


What word? It's easy to keep your "word" when week after week you're never in a position to nom. They gave Jordan the win and of course she wasn't noming B/R at the time because they were in an alliance. If J/J actually got into this game instead of the back seat driving they've been doing I can guarantee they would go back on their word, Jeff has stated this many times. They have no game, without protection from others and the stupidity of all in the house they would have been long gone if some smart people were in the house.


YAY when all else fails, haul out the same old J/J bash materials.

I would LOVE to see Rachel out the door and Brendon left in the house. He would have such a better chance without the red-headed ball and chain dragging him to the bottom.


:animated_rotfl: "When all else fails" go post a pic of Jeff!

B/R's game is good and J/J have no game, they're back seat drivers!

Not in the Brendon thread, duh!

Really? How many HOH's has Brendon won? He got booted and came back, did he win HOH? Hmmmm - NO. Brendon's GREAT game move was to take Rachel off the block and go home - yeah, that was a great move! Rachel goes around flying off the handle - that always works out so great. Yep, great game. :animated_rotfl:


Yes I've been saying since he came in too that if one of brenchel have to go, this time it should be rachel. brenda is sensitive himself, but I'm sick of rachel's over the top hysterics. :animated_shocking:


yeah but BR can win comps as we all know and they are emotional players so they will boot Dani in a heartbeat over the beloved J/J who admittedly has stuck to their word

And as much as I love Dani why in the world did she waste this HoH?


I think she she is making the best possible use of the HOH. She was in a spot where if she stuck to her plan and put up Brenchel most likely Rachel would go home this week and she isn't nearly the threat Brendon is. And she was almost guaranteed to go home next week if she didn't win veto. By making this deal with Brenchel, she gets to send Brendon home if someone wins the veto and uses it. And if it isn't used, someone on the vets side goes home and she probably will be safe next week. Contrary to popular belief, Brenchel isn't any more likely to break a deal then J/J (who has admitted several times they will put Daniele/Kalia up ASAP despite any deals they might have made) and they really don't owe any loyalty to anyone because everyone wants them out.


Not in the Brendon thread, duh!

Really? How many HOH's has Brendon won? He got booted and came back, did he win HOH? Hmmmm - NO. Brendon's GREAT game move was to take Rachel off the block and go home - yeah, that was a great move! Rachel goes around flying off the handle - that always works out so great. Yep, great game. :animated_rotfl:


I said go post a pic of him, I didn't say to do it in this thread, though I'm not the board police so you can post what you want where you want.

To get the record straight, I was replying to a J/J comment and then you replied about bashing J/J (in the Brendan thread).

You're were there 15 seconds after I posted to jump on me, but you should read replies before you do that.


15 seconds? Nah, it was more like 4 minutes, but I wasn't jumping on anyone. Just stating the facts as I see them. And I made valid points about B/R's "great play" - nothing wrong with that.

Hope that Shelly wins HOH and the big B/R plan blows up in their faces! Even funnier would be if she puts up Rachel as a replacement to go home and Brendon stays - that would be awesome!!


I would LOVE to see Rachel and Shelly go home. Brendon can stay.

P.S. Pics of Jeff are about the most exciting part of BB13. Pls don't deprive me of that.


I would LOVE to see Rachel and Shelly go home. Brendon can stay.

P.S. Pics of Jeff are about the most exciting part of BB13. Pls don't deprive me of that.

Yes INDEED! Brendon just isn't even close to being as hot as the Jeff.

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