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Brendon - Week 6 - Evicted 8/18 Jury #1


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no doubt he would return :animated_bouncy:

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Seriously? America voted for Brendon????? How did he become so popular? Was this pro-Brendon or anti-Daniele?

guessing it was pro jeff/jordan cause :animated_bouncy:

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I had always liked Brendon until last week and his boneheaded move. All I can say is ask yourself if Rachel would do the same for you she never would. Because she is a selfish brat.

I don't really like the competition that the current HG's got to sit right there and cheer them on. Of course nobody dared to help Lawon, because Queen Rachel would eat them alive lol.

That said not sure I can bring myself to forgive his idiot move and like him again.

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I had always liked Brendon until last week and his boneheaded move. All I can say is ask yourself if Rachel would do the same for you she never would. Because she is a selfish brat.

I don't really like the competition that the current HG's got to sit right there and cheer them on. Of course nobody dared to help Lawon, because Queen Rachel would eat them alive lol.

That said not sure I can bring myself to forgive his idiot move and like him again.

Quite a few were calling for Lawon too actually.

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I can't bring myself to like Brendon especially the way he treats Rachel and other people in the house as if they are inferior to him. Just because you've gone to college and are getting your PHD right now doesn't mean you're intelligent, it means you're well-educated in a certain field. You can be the most knowledgeable person in the world but that doesn't mean you're smart at playing this game.

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There are things I don't like about Bren BUT, I wouldnt mind seeing him win this. As sappy as he is.....he shows Rachael a LOT of love and he seems sincere. Given her ways, she has probably never been loved like that before. With him wanting to be a doctor, Im glad to see those genuinely caring traits in him. It speaks volumes to me. Yes, he is dorky at times but I bet he will make a great doctor.

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hmmmmm.......I'm thinking about when I have played GAMES, in the past, to WIN. :animated_scratchchin: I think I may have tried to get in my opponents heads by acting like "I'm all that". Trying to get an advantage....... :food-smiley-005:

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