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Live Feed and BB AfterDark - 7/31


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House guests are hanging out in the kitchen eating and chatting. If only I could mute Kalia... I might actually listen to the feeds! :D


Listening to these morons talk politics is unbearable...I wish they would shut up and talk about what they know best...unemployment, dead end jobs, and being 30 plus year old college students..


Some BBAD drama.

Kalia never stopped talking but the worse part is she never finishes a sentence. I sort of felt bad for Lawon then realized he could have excused himself at any time so too bad for him. She did put the thought into Lawon's head (if it wasn't there before) that Dani is making deals to be safe next week while they are hanging and will probably be put up. Dani then came in and told Kalia she needs to go out and be social, evidently Kalia had a little blow up outside and retreated to the have not room to vent to Lawon.

Sheldon was the only one worried about ants, no one else gave a damn and she has become the house ant fighter. I can't wait until they'll crawling all over the others in the other room and then maybe they'll pay more attention and help her out with cleaning.

A bell went off in Jordan's head that maybe Dani is actually looking to backdoor Jeff(I do think this is a possibility). Jeff said whatever happens happens, he doesn't seem too concerned.

Jeff made some slop stuff for them to eat. Jordan didn't finish hers and leaned over and said something to Brendon and he said I'll finish it, so she scraped hers off the plate into Brendons with the same fork she ate off of. Kalia is not the only non-hygenic person in the house.

Tears from Rachel. I just can't get over the audicity of the gruesome 4some thinking no one especially Dani was allowed to have an alliance other than them. They each have someone (Sheldon and Porsche) and they may have taken her to the end but was going to kick her to the ground at some point. Rachel got hurt over a comment Dani made about her discussion with Julie was going to be longer next week and Rachel went to everyone to say why did she take it to a personal level and be such a hurtful bitch. Like the others haven't? Rachel "Why did you go after me and my fiance?" Dani had to explain that she honestly went to them and asked that Dom remain after doing all their bidding and she got stabbed in the back-Dani is right on this one and she's blaming Rachel and Brendon but she can easily blame Jeff and Jordan for putting the seed in their head.


Just wanted to add that Sheldon was talking about her horrendous and what sounds like painful birthing experience (birthing was created for women) to Jordan. I think this is terrible when women share their bad experiences about birthing to single women who have not yet given birth. Anyway, Jordan was enthralled and told a story about a boy born with an eye problem and another kid saying something about running out of eyeballs that god provided in the eyeball bucket (she's a moron). When she left the table, Jeff asked her why she over there talking for over an hour or something like that. He's a control freak!


my first time having the feeds that i have saw it rain at bb house :animated_bouncy:


Yep I was going to mow the lawn today but it is raining in So. Ca.

It hardly ever rains in the summer.

Brendon and Rachael playing in the rain.



Kinda nice that all the women (except Daniele) involved in helping Rachel create her wedding dress for her "Trashy Wedding". Boring but at least they are playing nice with Kalia.


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