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8/3 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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News Alert---Julie Chen on David Letterman tonight. David: I would go into the house would he come out alive? Julie: you not so sure, otheres yea. He asks how the house smells, she says the first week is sweet, after that not so much. David says like a state park restroom.

Julie is doing the Top 10 reasons to watch BB--#10-This season will have 5-% more grab-ass. # 9-Its even more Hi definitioner. #8 If you get the immunity idol, you cannot get kicked off at the tribal council or whatever-look, we're in our 1th season. I'm tired. #7-Its the only show on CBS that isnt about inspecting corpses. #6-Economy stinks, too hot outside, what else you gonna do? #5- Its the only place you can see stuff like this (Keith jumping on HG during the milk comp) #4-The BBH is over run with feral goats. #3 There's a good chance you will see ppl gettin it on #2-If you dont I'll have my husband Les Moonves fire Dave.....and the Number 1 reason to watch BB---14 housemates: one toilet.

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the wedding preperations continue. Rachel doing make up, asking Shelly about how to wear her hair. Porsche wants to make peanut brittle. She says they pushed the wedding back to 10:30BBT. Kalia and Shelly need to shower. Adam tells her they need to hurry up, its not their day.

Shelly tells Adam she doesnt want to take a shower yet, but she will.

BB gave them champagne.

Rach even has a garter.

In the BY--Law tells Adam they need to go big. One of us has to win or we just played their season.

Adam: we lucked out with Dick leaving. Now they are turning on themselves. Law says that one toothpaste leaves a bad taste.


Jeff tells Jordon she is going to turn into a pickle. Shelly tells her she has lost a lot of weight. Shelly ate way to much Shephard pie tonight.

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Jordan tells Jeff she thinks they are slop till Thurs, she just asked & 'he' (in the DR) said he would have to check.

Porsche asks Brendon if he is nervous. He cant get cold feet and walk out the door.

They are going to have a dress rehearsal.

Porsche is getting things ready for the reseption, she is making caramel corn and peanut brittle.

Rachel goes over the order of how things will go for the wedding. Her and Brendon and Lawon bring up some seating for the guests. They discuss music--oh cant have music.

Brendon and Rachel giggle as they practice. Brendon has to dip her when he kisses her. Then dance down the isle. (thats the plan anyway)


Ring bearer elf practices walking down the isle (yellow towels on the ground) They sing the 'For he's a jolly good fellow' song..WBRB..

Lawon does a quick review of his speech. Jordan says to remember is BB Trashy Wedding.

In the house Porsche adds some more milk to the caramel stuff so it doesnt burn.

Rachel is getting nervous, going over her vows.

Adam is ringbearer elf, Lawon is minister, Porsche is maid of honor, Dani is the bubble girl. Jeff is the best man

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Jeff wants a beer to get into it more. They tell him he can have a pre wedding beer. Shelly says she will take one too.

Kalia helping Rachel into her dress in the spa. Porsche. Jordan, and Jeff dressing in the CBR. Jeff in a suit coat.

Feed had the BB music while BBAD shows Kal putting the finishing touches on the vail.


Brendon walks past the spa where Rachel is in her dress, she yells at him, he says he didnt see anything, he didnt see anything.The make sure the door is closed when he comes back through.

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Everyone is really getting dressed up for this Trashy White Wedding, better than for the live show. The wedding dress is terrific.

It is pretty amazing what these HG have been able to put together without any resources. Bren's tux even has tails. Rachel has a tiara. Porsche, Shelly and Jordan look really nice. Jeff looks more like a detective than a best man. Adam wearing Elf Formal. Shelly is all class - has a cig in one hand, a can of beer in the other, giving wedding directions. Rach has bouquet and is ready. Lawon is dressed like The Impressive Clergyman. Kalia also in a nice sleek dress, Dani dressed in white. BB making last minute Audio changes of mic pacs. Eachel's dress even has a trail. Brendon outside giggling. Jeff has the rings. A runway has been extended down the BY.

Adam the Elf is the ring bearer. Dani is spreading bubbles instead of slowers. First Kal walks down the aisle as the guys clap. Since they cannot sing. Introducing The Bride. Rach walks out to For She's A Jolly Good Fellow.

Law conducts the ceremony in Baptist style. Jor gives Rachel away. Law delivers the message today. The message today is Love. Love should be everywhere including in the BB house. Love has brought you two here together. So, Roses are Red, Violets are blue The Big Brother congregation loves you! Rachel, do you looooove, do you looooove, do you loooove and respect Brendon? I do. Brendon, do you loooooove, do you loooooove,

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Jeff does a quote from the movie 'blow'as a toast

Its cool with a irish accent.

(the only cool thing tonight. sorry,CAchristine)

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The toast was from the scene in 'blow' when jonny depp and ray liotta toast before his mom turns him in.

"may the sun always be on your face, the wind always at your back and and may the wings of destiny carry you off to dance with the stars"

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11:03 BBT

The reception is in full swing with the ladies in the kitchen eating the snacks...Rachel suggests to Brenden they change so they don't ruin their trash bag clothes for tomorrows HOH pictures..

In the have not room Brenchel smooching and Rachel getting emotional...Rachel says thank God they had the wedding planner Shellly and laugh that Jeff and Jordan caught the bouquet..

Dani and her allinace sitting on the outdoor couch..talking whos idea was the wedding ..kalia says she just heard about it and says she got into the spirit of the thing and says how creative their cast was for doing this...

11:07 BBT Brenchel finished changing....Jeff says "so Thursday" and Rachel "big Jeff" and Jeff says no they are going to show this..and jokes for Rachel to get "off the negative train"....and Rache says that's why they had their wedding...

Rach asks Bren if today makes him want to get married sooner and he says yeas...talk about the crying they will do on Thursday..."did the mock on make you feel like the real wedding' and asks if it made him "happy" "super happy" and he says yes and vow to wear their rings til thursday...

11:10 BBT they enter the kitchen and Porsche says "here is your reception"

Bren getting bummed BB isn't letting them eat tomorrow at midnight or in an hour....Porsche talks about the failed peanut brittle that burnt and the salvageable parts are "to grainy" from too much sugar..Brenchel heads outside to make "their rounds...and thank everyone

11:13 BBT In the kitchen Shely suggest they save some of the brittle for Jordan for Thurs...Jordan is making some slop to "get a different taste in my mouth" other than "the pickles"..Shelly says "they stopped all the DRs"

11:15 BBT Jordan and Shelly in kitchen talking about their mutual love of the color pink

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everyone is drinking and eating at the reception. The bride and groom changed out of their wedding garments.

most of the houseguests are on the patio couches. Jeff is talking about watching some filming of transformers. They are all talking over each other. dani talking about the tv show 'Full House' and how one of the actors was a meth head, and her husband was a cop and didnt even know it. DAni met her a long time ago. Talking books again. Babysitters club is a favorite of the girls.

Shelly and Jordan cleaning the kitchen.

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The Big Brother Trash Bag Wedding...

Law is creating an aisle out of towels. Shel is decorating

There is an aisle of yellow towels, the altar area is two loungers back to back with flowers

Adam the elf is practicing his walk down the aisle with his pillow for the rings

The final wedding preps are underway. They got champagne, but HN cant have any. Rach discussing how to wear her hair/vail

Por asks Bren if he is nervous. He cant get cold feet and walk out the door. They have a dress rehearsal. Rach going over the order of how things will go. Brenchel bring up some seating the guests. there will be no wedding music. They giggle as they go over the I do's and Law saying "you may kiss the bride" Bren will dip Rach as he kisses his new wife.

Ring bearer elf practices walking down the isle (yellow towels on the ground) They will sing the For he's a jolly good fellow' song. Law does a quick review of his speech. Jor says to remember it is BB Trashy Wedding.

Adam is ringbearer elf, Law is minister, Por is maid of honor, Dani is the bubble girl, and Jeff is the best man. Kal helping Rach into her dress in the spa. Por/Jor/Jeff dressing in the CBR. Jeff in a suit coat. Bren walks past the spa, Rach yells at him, he says he didnt see anything, he didnt see anything. They make sure the door is closed when he comes back through. No seeing the bride in her dress. Everyone is really getting dressed up for this Trashy White Wedding, better than for the live show. The wedding dress is terrific. It is pretty amazing what these HG have been able to put together without any resources. Bren's tux even has tails. Rach has a tiara. Por, Shell, Jor look really nice. Jeff looks more like a detective than a best man. Adam wearing Elf Formal. Shelly is all class - has a cig in one hand, a can of beer in the other, giving wedding directions. Rach has bouquet and is ready. Law is dressed like The Impressive Clergyman. Kalia also in a nice sleek dress, Dani dressed in white. Rachel's dress even has a trail. Bren outside giggling. Jeff has the rings. A runway has been extended down the BY.

It's time!

Adam the Elf is the ring bearer. Dani is spreading bubbles instead of flowers. First Kal walks down the aisle as the guys clap since they cannot sing. Introducing The Bride. Rach walks out to For She's A Jolly Good Fellow. Law conducts the ceremony in Baptist style. Jor gives Rachel away. Law delivers the message today. The message today is Love. Love should be everywhere including in the BB house. Love has brought you two here together. So, Roses are Red, Violets are blue, The Big Brother congregation loves you!

Lawon: Rachel, do you looooove, do you looooove, do you loooove and respect Brendon? I do. Brendon, do you loooooove, do you loooooove, Do you love Rachel? I do.

Rachel delivers her vows:

It all started last summer when we were on the block. I knew from the first time that our eyes locked. We bonded over our love for science, who knew we would make a life long alliance. I promise I will always be loving and kind and you know I will definately always speak my mind. I know that your very understanding, you spell it all the time, you even appreciate this little rhyme. We have a lot of fun and a lot of laughs, even when slop gives you bad gas. I thought it was so special when you used the veto on me, almost as special as when you got down on one knee. I promise to always put your key first, and for me I hope you always have a thirst. I'll always be your number one fan, cuz as I say, no one comes between me and my man.

Brendon's vows:

Rachel, since the first time I sat next to you in the nomination chair, and kissed that first night in that hammock over there, i knew you were the one for me and I will promise to always use the PoV on you. l promise to never evict you and I will promise to always talk to you before I nominate anybody in BB. You're my best friend and you're my sole mate. and uhh (Rach-it has to be funny) and I promise to always put your key before mine. You are verything to me and I also know that undoubtly our love will be stonger and surpass anything that has ever been on ABC.

Rachel: CBS... (realizes Bren was refering to The Bachelor being on ABC) Oooohhhh! zing!

Lawon: Big Brother, I have the alliance for the love of Brendon and Rachel. Law asks Bren if he takes Rach to be his lawful BB wife and Rach says yes. Now by the powers that be, I now pronounce you Husband and Big Brother Wife! The HG all sing For They're Jolly Good Fellows! They skip back down the aisle, followed by the wedding party. They circle back around for a second trip down the towel aisle. Dani is still blowing bubbles.

Now its time for Rach to throw the bouquet. All the single ladies line up. They make sure Jordan is in front. Jor, Por, Kal & Dani. Who will catch it? Jordan lunges forward to catch the bouquet. Jeff is silent. Then it's Bren's turn to take the garter belt off with his teeth and tosses it to Jeff who catches it in his hat. Brenchel retreat on their honeymoon to where it all started - the BY hammock

HG gathering at the BY couches for the first dance. The wedding cake awaits inside for the Haves (the groom can't eat or drink).

They decide they will have to keep all the outfits together for pictures tomorrow. We will have pictures in about 10 minutes. Inside, BB has provided the HG with champagne. HG congratulating Lawon on his very impressive clergyman, Shell for organizing. Shell gathers everyone outside by the wedding alter for the toast. Jeff makes his best man toast.

Brenchel kiss in the HN room, renamed they Honeymoon Suite. For the other HG this was just a lot of fun, but for Brenchel it had real meaning. breaking down the wedding environment and getting out of their good clothes. And plastic bags. B/r head outside to say thank you for coming to their wedding.

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11:17 BBT

Outside the reception is in full swing...wine, beer, snacks and everyone in god moods...talking movies

11:18 BBT Back inside..Jordan and Shelly talking..about honest people...and the "honest policy" and this place to get tomatoes.and you pay in a jar sitting there..

Jordan "i feel a little homesick today" saying she's been thinking about home.....Shelly says she noticed it this morning..

11:21 BBT Shelly talking about "seeing Josie"....Porsche and Adam in the kitchen looking at snacks as Porsche warns the popcorn didn't "come out so good" she asks Jordan is she's "coming out soon" and she says yeah but doesn't want to leave her stewing pot of Slop alone..

Rachel comes and says "i can'rt wait" forr their real wedding and says her and Jeff have to come..Jordan says she missed Laura's from her season but she was in two weddings...

They discuss BB was nice for providing the champagne and Jordan says it turned out good "shelly is so good" at planning...

Jordan says Rachel looked nervous during the vows....Bren comes in discuss vows...

11:25 BBT Jordan says she made extra slop so Bren can have some..."how many wedding have you caught the bouquet at" and she says "zero" and Rachel happy her mock one was her first...

Jordan talking about giving a speech in front of a lot of people..and her friend was nervouse because she sais they are never sure "what's gonna come out of your mouth"

"Do you have a lot of close friends in north carolina" Bren asks and Jordan says yes and goes into that...

11:29 BBT Jordan talkiing about her friends foth..

Porsche comes out asking where brenchel are at the reception party....Porsche going over how good the peanut brittle came out when she threw away "the burnt burnt part"

Jordan asking Rach if her Parents were excited and Rach says they were because her and her sister got engaged the same weekend...and Jordan asks if it was planned and they say no and FOTH

11:32 BBT Rachel talking about Her sisters EX that she liked him but not "for my sister" and FOTH

Outside Dani talking about the weather saying Californians don't own coats {i do} and they discuss how cold winter is...Jeff uses "feet warmers"

11:34 BBT Back in the kitchen...they are talking Kfed and Britney.....

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Back in the kitchen..Porsche wants to eat the last of the seaweed salad and Bren says he doesn't mind but to tell the DR they are out...

11:36 BBT Bren says 'do you mind running in their real fast" about the salad....

Kalia getting up and waddles her way into the bathroom..

11:38 BBT Rachel talking her Vegas days and how her sister met her fiance...and FOTH when they discuss his business..

Back outside..Jeff says no one watches sports or footbal out here {duh we have no team}...Dani says Californians are awful fans...

11:40 BBT Back in the kitchen they are still discussing "brent" the sisters Fiance whose 40 something and band Jordan asks if her parents had reservations...but No Rachel says "they are getting married in April" and she's moving to Canada..Jordan woonders if Canada is "another country" and if she needs passport...Rachel starts discussing her sisters son and needs "full custody" to take him to Canada and the ex doesn't want to sign..and FOTH...

11:43 Feeds came back and are discussing the "3 years" age difference...Jordan and Rachel and Porsche dreading their thrities....Jordan says the 30s for guys is better....their more mature...

In watches Daniele and starts eating and says they were talking Vegas outside..

11:45 BBT Jordan talking about short hair ...

11:47 Jeff and Adam going to play pool and the couches Lawon talking about having a "game night"

Back in side Jordan says everyone watched the wedding ..Rachel "do you thing anyone cares" and Rache;l brings up the bouquet and will get awkward questions..

11:48 BBt Rachel talks JC questions about her wedding....


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11:49 BBT Rachel pussing for Jordan to marry Jeff...Jordan says she needs to get her life together..

Outside jeff adam playing pool with hecking from Dani about the elf from the couches...

11:51 BBT In the kitcehn wedding talk about people who have gotten married by Jordan mostly...

Rachel asks what her friends "say about Jeff" and Jordan says the girls from the "salon" are her friends...Jordan says Jeff loves her friends but she doesn't "bring him around" ...some girls "i can handle" Jeff may not...Rachel understands.....Jordan talks friend who have signed releases and FOTH

11:54 BBT Elf man playing pool

Not much going on...right now...

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11:57 BBT

Back in the kitchen Rachel says after 6 weeks Bren is gonna miss her..Rachel discussing that she wants to get married right after the show...Jordan says "are you crazy' and needs to not rush since its "one time" and "short notice" and Jorda says "go on a cruise"...Rachel wants toget married...."i want to get married Brendon" and he says its the "champagne talking" and she says "its the mock wedding talking"

Bren says the wedding isn't that big a deal "for a guy" and she says she will get married in "a trash bag"....Jordan says not "to rush it"

Rachel says she fits "tester" dresses so she doesn't need to wait...Shelly comes in and says that "we're done with DRs" so she can change...

Bren says he has chool, find an apartment...Rachel says they can get their moms to plan it .Bren says "you have to leave stuff to me because I know what's better" and FOTH

12:02 BBT FOTH...

Feeds back and Kalia was in the kitchen "this is delicious" munch munch munch...she waddles out

Jordan talking "brandon was easier for me" and Bren says he should just change her name...Rachel says her parents were raise in "new Jersey" and thats why they don't have accent..

Bren asks who Jordeff are inviing to the finale...Bren says "his siter' came last year and Rachel says "my mom" ..Jordan "my brother would come my bet"

Rachel says ex HG were not allowed at their finale because ragan said "about viloence" and wanting "to beat somebody up"

Jordan says she was so happy when she got out "freedom" "such a relief to get out"

12:08 BBT Jordan says she though "lane was gonna win"...Rachel "why"....they discuss when the morphamatic pov...and other comps...

12;10 BBT more past HG talk...Reny is thetopic

Jordan talking staying up late "my day goes by faster" and talking about the gas from him and Lawon...

Rachel why did they "leave the veto medallion" on the wall...Rachel wondering why if Brendon won the veto and pulled her off why aren't they both safe and says "the whole situation" sucks ..."not inly the four of us " but "for the gamm" and Rachel "the fans can't be happy" {clueless Rachel} and Rachel says she called Dani "the wicked Witch of the HOH" and Brendon called her "judas"...in the DR..

Rachel "i wish there was a golden key veto power"

they discuss Pandora's box....and Rachel says "for sure"

12:15 Jeff comes in as Brenchel discuss wishful thinking twists...

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12:17 BBT Jordan talking when Jeff calls drunk "from his buddy's garage" and sings to her...

Jordan says "i'm gonna miss you as an elf"

12:19 BBT Jeff talking how Porsche but "8 sticks of butter" into the brittle..

12:20 BBT Talking about the awful smell eminating from the havenot room...Jeff smelled it from his bed "what the fuck is that"...."it was so gross"..."your farts smell like my brothers" jordan tells Brendon...

Dani pos her head in and asks a movie trivia question answer "com on anybody" trying to get an answer..

Jeff says it was the movie they saw in the BB house and neither J&J can remember...

12:25 BBT Dani still trying to figure out the ugly truth...

Everyone outside...sitting on the couch..Jeff and Adam playing pool..

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12:30 BBT

Bren Adam and Jeff at the pool table trying to still remember the movie...Jeff "i loved that movie a walk to remember" because Jeff loved "mandy moore"..

12:32 Jeff calling the movie "my guilty pleasure"

All feeds on the pool table...

12:35 BBT a lot of the same...

Adam lost and its just Bren and Jeff....everyone ele on the couches talking but no feeds on them..

"you guys are idiots" jeff says because they don't think Jimmy Fallon is funny "he's hilarious"...

12:38 BBT Pool game continues...

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12:42 BBT

all feeds on pool game...

absolutely nothing worth reporting...

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12:49 BBT

Lawon saying he's bored while talking to his coool alliance of him kalia and Dani...they are discussing "toes"

Dani wonders if she should say "where's porsche" and Kalia says what is it gonna do Dani "make her pissed"

12:51 BBT Dani does it but not loud enough for Rachel to hear...

Lawon says Rachel will be "a hot mess" while Kalia plays with her claws...saying they need to be worked on...

Kalia doing her high pitched whale sounds.......Dani wants a snack ...Lawon "i'm hungry"

Rachel and Brendon called to the jury room...

porsche joins them at the couch...

12:55 BBT Porsche offers to make some slop for him and he says "don't worry about it"..

Dani wants to take "funny pictures" tells Porsche they will be on CBS.com and they are "really great memories"

12:58 BBT FOTH..

Porsche saying "so annoying" people whispering and when she "ate chese" why does it have to be such an issue..

12:59 BBT "the stupid kids make over 100 grand for appearances" and Porsche says that's probably per episode..and say "i don't watch that show"

Dani "i want chese' but Porsche says she doesn't want to eat anything....talking how she ate too much "shepard's pie"

Dani says "i've never seen it" as Jordan talks "jersey shore" off camera

Porsche "what did I miss" refering to Rachel and Lawon says "whispering" calling it rude and annoying...then comes to his senses "everyone whispers"

Porsche complaing aboutBB HG..calling "fake"...saying "now that I'm in the game"...crazy...

Kalia and Jordan at the HT talking...

1:04 BBT Kalia says "i need to pee so badly" and promises to make shepards pie next week...

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1:06 BBT

Jordan telling Lawon and Porsche about her impacted wisdom teeth removal and the swollen bloddy aftermath

Adam running around the BY with his shorts down because he lost a bag game...

1:07 Talking pictures again

Inside Dani and Kalia talking to Shelly about Rachel....bashing Rachel....Dani and Kalia saying Brenchel making up "blantant lies" and Kalia says they should be "honest"....

1;10 BBT Dani and Kali trying to get shelly's vote for a brenchel eviction while they are in the DR...

{i'm out early be back tomorrow}

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Nothing significant to report throughout the night/early morning hours except around 3:30 am Dani asks Lawon who he would put up if he wins HoH and he says Rachel and Shelly. Most of the night is the house guests playing the guessing game... using movies as their theme.

Everyone is asleep by 4:30 am BBT.

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5:15 am BBT: Adam wakes up and goes to the BY to have a smoke and talk to the live feeders. He tells us he doesn't want to win HoH this week that he wants Shelly, Jeff, Jordan or Lawon to win... possibly even Rachel or Kalia. Pretty sure he's safe with everyone in the house. He's missing his girlfriend. Says the game is much more difficult than he thought it would be and is emotionally draining. Has a lot of respect for those that have played it before. If he does win HoH he might put up Rachel and Dani but, has to think through some other options. Even though he doesn't want to win HoH this week he goes through some Jedi training for future comps. As he gets back in bed he tells Farrah he loves and misses her.

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9:00BBT Brendon and Shelly ones up, change batteries and use WC.

In the BY there was a camera view of what at first looked like a bug flying around, then a second spot joined it and they zipped around really fast 'fighting'. My opinion is they were laser pointers. Maybe doing a camera position check? I felt like a cat following the lights.


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9:02BBT WBRB to 9:10BBT wake up call. Rachel putting in contacts. Brendon puts ring back on, he doesnt want to ruin it, its not very strong.

Brendon and Shelly talking about food. The stumble over how to spell Flambé (I looked it up!) They say how great Lawon did last, but you couldnt tell him what to say, he just had to do it.

Brendon & Rachel say they dont want to over campaign

Brendon: dont throw Jordan under the bus.

Rachel: obviously Jeff made a deal with Dani. Last week he was screaming & cussing at her now he is cooking & laughing with her.

Brendon: he''s not going to keep a deal with her, he doesnt trust her.

Rachel prefers McDonalds coffee over Star Buck coffee, its cheaper. Shelly is now a coffee drinker, didnt drink it before BB.

Brendon tells Shelly that Rachel is nervous that Jeff made a deal with Dani. Repeats how Jeff has been treating Dani.

Shelly: really? I didnt notice. You think he has a deal for more then next week?

Brendon: he better not keep it. There is no way he can do that.

Shelly: I will try to talk to him today, he is kinda funny about talking game.

Bredonn: if he keeps a deal with her it wouldnt be good for him.

Rachel: there are two kinds of game players-those that dont care to get blood on their hands and those that dont want to make big waves. I can see Jeff not winning HOH so he doesnt have to keep a deal.

Shelly: I hope everybody does throw it. I will take it.

Rachel: I will be right there with you.

Shell: Adam wants to win for his Bday

Shelly says she hasnt thrown a comp, but she did come down from the banana for Cassi. She told Lawon a mini lie yesterday, told him his name was being put out there for next week, she was trying to get him to talk.

Brendon: he is Danis little worker drone.

They agree he is the biggest floater, doesnt talkmuch he only listens & laughs to see where to go.

Shelly tells them she has a deal with Porshce.

Brendon: she is one of the biggest lairs.

Shelly tells Rach she is playing a great game.

Shelly tells them the luggage is in SR.

Rachel & Shelly talk hyphenating Rachels last name.

No one will go after Jordon exept as a pawn.

Rachel: this is the exact same game Jordon played 2 years ago and she won.

Shelly: it would be better for me if Bren stays.

Rach telling how it would be better to keep Bren. (working for the vote)

Shelly goes over the votes for Bren. Porshce, Rach, maybe her, maybe Adam.

Rach says he is a good person to keep in the game to get Dani out.

Shelly asks if they would work with her to the last 3?

Brendon says definitely. They encourage her, saying she would do well in the final 3 hoh.

Shell goes over the benefits of keeping him.

They continue going over benefits of keeping Brendon, how no one will vote out Jordan she is a sweet nice girl. Brendon only needs 4 votes.

Rach says she thinks they are trying to get the girls to play together. Get Jeff out and take over.

They keep going over it, Shelly keeps agreeing.

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