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7/24 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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10:28 AM BBT

Rachel, Shelly, Brendon asking Adam what he's won as America's Player so far. He tells them he's going to split everything he's won fairly with them. Shelly points out they can't split winnings so Brendon tells him to donate it to a charity. Adam chooses ALS. Adam had Lawon and Dominic being his television last night. Every time he would "click" Lawon, Dom and Kalia would act out a new channel for him. The drama over the "ditching" last night was a part of the game they now call "Television".

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10:46 am BBT

Bren & Adam talking deals, Adam making his pitch... Rach om the eliptical, she starts talking and Bren immediately shhhhh's her says that she is talking too loud. Bren heads inside to see if others can hear her. Shelly outside with them...

Bren comes outside with coffee...

Rach says "If you aren't with us you are against us" Adam agrees

Bren "If you are with us, we will have a strong force"

Shel tells Adam that he is NOT going to win HoH this week because she is going to win it. She doesn't care what the game is, she wants pictures.

Rach tells her she had better eat up because it will be endurance.

10:49 am BBT

Bren is threatening Adam "If you say anything and we find out about it...."

Adam says that She is the only one he has been talking to & listening to...

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10:45 AM BBT

Brendon has been really trying to win Adam's loyalty. They like him and want to keep him around. He has to pick a side and stick to it. He's telling them how he's not out for them, needs strong players to support him. It's a pretty tale but he agreed to the exact same deal with Jeff/Jordan last night.

"It's an honour for me to hear from you two and for you two to give me a second chance. Kalia and Lawon would have been my targets this week because I hate to see people go 'la-lala." Adam says without even cracking a smirk

"I hate seeing floaters go to jury." Says Rachel "You are either on my side or against me" "Exactly, you're either by my side or on my way." says Adam.

"So if we trust you and go through to this next week together it's important because we all play HOH this week.." says Brendon as Shelly interrupts him "You are not going to win HOH this week. It's mine. I want the pictures, I want the letters, it's mine. I don't care what game it is. I don't care if they spray water on us or bury us alive I want this HOH." Rachel hopes she does win it so they can read her letter.

Brendon saying that if Adam betrays them after this they will go after him.

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Shelly has just been having a Long convo with Brenchel and she is doing a great job of explaining herself to them, and is also telling them some out and out lies she has caught Kalia saying. I just tuned in here, so sorry i couldn't repeat all that they have been talking about, Shelly is telling them everything they want to hear believe me on their relationship and relationships

in general, Shelly is really explaining how love relationships work and how they grow over the years, Shelly says " Men are always gonna look" Security is a hard thing to come by within yourself, different strokes for different folks as far as who you are as looks and as a person.

Shelly says in her 20's all she cared about was making money and being independent and not relying on anyone else, then she met her husband ands she trusts him 100%, Brendon says that it is not set up in society or in general to be with just one person men are visual, amd women are emotional, on and on

Shelly says bein in here together 24/7 is really tough, and Brenchel are agreeing, and saying , that is so cool that you understand that, Shelly says she could not do it and it makes you second guess stuff when you are in here 24/7 (I think Shelly should be a motivational speaker folks, she is rootin tootin good at talking)

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Shelly says He if you (Rachel) ever want to know something just ask me cause I will tell you, now Shelly is tellin the groups who were out here last night as Brenchel asked her, she is giving the run down, they were all together out back then all of a sudden they went their seperate ways but did find a group to be with somewhere inside the house. talking about Porsche liking Dom, they are thinking Porsche is cute and is fliriting with Dom, they say they think she likes him, Brendon says sooo silly.

Shelly says she asked Dom what is going on back here, Dani and Dom, then Dom was by himself cause dani got called to DR, and he said I am not talking game with anyone till the POV is played or not played, and she says that Dom says that he does not talk game with Daniele(that is a crock) Brendon says with Kalia you just let her sit there and talk cause it never stops, then Shelly says I am amazed at how much disrespect that Kalia shows to production and of course that ruined that we get music,

We are back, and talking about Kalia says her grandma owns some big mansion and she must have money but a lot of stuff she said doesn't make sense,then Shelly is saying her backstory is that she was bulemic, Brendon says well she eats alot (hello) Shelly says you should not lie about medical situations, Brendon has a problem with ppl who say stuff that is heart wrenching when it is not true, then Adam pops in from somewhere sayin something about his parents,saying Kalia says stuff to be on the pity pot "feel bad for me" "feel bad for me", Jeff arrives and says something and we get music.

Back, then someone hums and we get music, shhaaaddyypp ppl with the singing,lol,

Says he signed the papers? do'nt know who they are talking about unless it is the talk they had with Adam about him being on their (the vets) side. Talking in weid accent voices, hear Adam breathing heavy working out

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Music , of course

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they broke something, and Rachel is having Kalia hold a bag to put the glass in and Kalia says you can throw the rest in the sink sown the drain, and Rachel says"uh, I don't think you are supposed to like throw glass down the drain", Rachel sounding a tad sarcastic towards Kalia, could have something to do with the chat they were all having about her jsut a fe mins ago

Jeff and Joradan weighing, Jeff weighs 180 and says that is cause he just took a poop but will be 190 by evening, they say the word production and we get music, something about not letting them do haircuts

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Dani is up said something about "that is racist" Dani yakking about nothing, most of them in kitchen

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Rachel is talkin in the BY about the ideas has been put ou t there about Brenchel putting them up and backdooring them J/J, Jordan is talking aobu tsome convo about Adam and how nervous he got when Jeff was telling him he should always campaign when you are on the block, then they get interuppted . Convo stopped and lost

Dani talking about the Dr and we get music, this is a losing battle

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ok, back to Jordo and Rachel, think they are talin about Kalia, Rachel is telling the story that Shelly told about her lying about the vote and lying straight to her(shellys ) face about it. Jeff says it is weird how Dani can only seem to be the room with him for 30 secs and then she leave, and Jordan says Dani scares her because she does not care about anything but the game, she will throw anyone and everyone under the bus for her ownself. talking about throwing the hoh to Shelly if that is possible, cause Shelly will not put them up. Jordan had said there is just one more week for them to make it to the jury house, she just doesn't want to get seperated from Jeff, now jeff out there and they are talking about at least they know now about Dani and they did not think she would do something like that till later on in the game

{orsche vame out and they change the convo to food and what Rachel still has food restrictions. Talking about going out to eat Rachel and ordering what is not on the menu but if they have like chicken on the menu and shrimp they will ask them to like make it like what ever it is they want (Oh how we love that,not)

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Kaila talking about she is not here to givaway romantic vacations to ppl, talking about J/J wanting to stay togehter for the summer and then someone else walked in there and she changed the subject, ok it was Lawon (Kalia is a piece of work)

talking about going to Napa and Dom says he is not wine person but wine from Napa is the bomb, talking aobut boasts, idle convo, not talking game cause Lawon came in

back to kitchen, Brendon in there, going outside, Adam out there, maybe they are doing haircuts, Brendon hamming it up for the outside cameras

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Jordan and Rachel in pool, Kalia is the subject and Something about Shelly, Jordan says she has never said anything about Shelly to Kalia for fear she would repeat, but that everyone goes to Shelly and that is good cause Shelly will them tell them everything that is said

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Dani and dom are trying to get Porsche to her side,plane flying over, not sure who they are talking aobut as the plane ruined it.

Rachel says they think if they get rid of Jeff that Jordan would not get pissed, Jordan says oh like it pisses her off just thinking aobut it. Rachel says they cannot be that stupid can they?? Dom and Dani, Getting rid of Jeff is the stupidest thing, and too early

talking about what the comp it could be, knock out?? they are speculating what and when in their own seasons

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Rachel and Jordan in the pool discussing whether they think next HoH will be a knock out or endurance.

Rachel saying knock out is genius for them to do, because it will show sides.

Jordan saying she is going to try 10x harder this hoh, but if it comes down to Shelly, Brendon, Jeff and her she will let Shelly have it.

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damn planes, Rachel is saying they have to make sure she doesn't win, (Dani?) Counting votes

Now Kalie talking with Lawon aoubt who has a deal and who doesn't and they don't have to talk that much to each other because they are not up on the block or there is no threat to them right now, she was emotional cause she was pissed and stressed, and it always comes out in tears with her, she mentions DR and we get music, she says she sat in the lounge with shelly for a while talkin to her and it is hard cause you cannot get away and then it pissed her off cause ppl saw her crying and then went in and told everyone that she was cryin and then they were checkin on her and it pissed her off cause she just wanted to be by herself for 20 minutes, she says you can tell who has what going on with who. then Says Dani and

Dom came in and she said can't we jsut alk about anything but game?? yesterday everyone was soooooo effing paranoid, on and on

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Shelly has joined at the pool with Jordan, and they discussed Dani and how weird she is acting, also that everyone still talks to Shelly and that Shelly cannot like commit to anyone of them yet cause they will carry what she says to the others, Shelly says she talked to Brenchel this am , they have started talking general chit chat as someone musta joined that they do not want to heat what they were talking about

oh, I see Porsche is the one who has come out to the by ro sunbathe

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the guys are in the bathroom doing their hair, and i see that Dani is there (listening?) she is just putt putting around them, they are talking about the buzzer and which one they use I hear Dom say a #3 wihich is a guage on the clippers, Dom says "doing a little shave too?" I think Jeff is just trying to even up his sideburnsm he says the left side is sooo much harder to do, the 2 of them are in the mirror trimmoing and cuttin it up

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music for a min for some reason, back then music again

at the pool now, then someone says "what's up Kalia?" Shelly says "feelin good today Kalia?" then Kalia starts in about how she has gained weight on slop, talks aobut when you don't eat and then you start eating again your body holds onto eveything you put in. Kalia says she is one of those ppl who has to ecercise and eat right *seriously?)

Shelly says she will walk with her today, general chit chat, Kalia says she has to walk everyday ( I have not seen this)

they are gonna have a big basketball game of some sort today and Shelly wants them to get it together, then the convo starts in about what time did they all go to bed, we get different times, someone says it's 24 hrs in here ya know, think they are talking about production say where has Aaron been, hello music, Aaron must be a production guy, oops they gave a name, baaadd,lol Shelly sayin" does anyone have "darks they want to run in the wash machine that iit is available"

now mentioning wineries, and they think they are soo fun to go to, mentioning you might win something in the luxery comps and Jordan says you gotta pay the taxes and stuff and not so worth it, she Jordan had said she wants to go somewhere tropical

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back to the batheroom and the haircutting, Dom really concentrating on doing the top of his hair by looking in the mirror and cutting, not doing so hot, he is like doing it all wrong too, snipping down in the hair on the top of his head, Jeff has done fine, but Dom not so hot. They tell shelly who has just come in there to not start cleaning,she says she is done cleaning in there for the day, the Dom says 'ewwe if someone not mentioning names finds one hair, it will be said like "GROSS"

yummie yummie, Jeff doin the outside shower water dripping off of him, lookin HOT, he asks how his hair looks they say fine, Jordon says who did it, and he says I did

Jeff says wanna play pig pool?

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:animated_wave: going to grab a bite, someone jump in
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1:49pm BBT: Dani talking to Adam in the spaceship room, telling him to relax and saying she'll see what she can do. Saying Jeff acting super sketchy and is crapping in his pants because he's so nervous. Adam giving the same speech he gave to Brendon/Rachel this morning saying right now there's nothing he can do but keep his word. Says his word is good. Dani asks Adam if she can talk to a few people and promise him a few things he's fine, right? He says yes.

He's explaining his goals in order: #1 - Don't be the first to be evicted, #2 - Make it past jury stage and #3 ... Says if he stays he'll owe Dani for keeping him there (same thing he said to Brendon this morning and to Jeff last night). She really wants him here and it's in everyone's best interest to keep Brendon/Rachel in the game for a little while (2-3 weeks or so). They think winning comps is the way to win the game but as soon as they mess up it's over. Adam agrees.

Kalia comes in momentarily and they break it up for a second, chit-chatting. Kalia leaves and Adam gestures as if he's shooting himself in the head (I assume about Kalia).

Dani says if she explains it's in their (Bren/Rachel's) best interest because right now they're scared to make a big move. She said people will need to promise them safety for a few weeks.

Adam says that's what he wants, he doesn't want people walking around here that don't deserve to be here (I think he's kind of missing Dani's point but he keeps repeating what he's said earlier). He seems to just agree with everything she says and thanks her.

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2:15pm BBT Lawon in the pool playing basketball by himself. Kalia lounging in the shade near the pool. I hear Shelly but do not see her. Shelly now in pool. Lawon asks what time did you get up, she said 9 and she went to bed at 3am. Kalia says oh she was on the late nite crew. Talk about the way the house messes with your sleep. Kalia, Lawon and Shelly talk about Jet lag............Now shelly and lawon playing basketball.

This justy in, Brendon cut his hair and is outside rising off. Shelly telling Brendon how nice it looks. Dominic cut Brendons hair and is still working on his own.

Brendon and Jeff sitting ont he BY couches talking about how the house is acting crazy. Jeff says he cant believe they (D&D) thought they could pull that off. (back dooring Jeff). B rendon says it is very disapointing.

Now talk about the beach and getting tar on your feet.

Kalia and Dani whispering in the Kitchen. dani tells Dom he looks like he is getting in really good shape.Kalia tells Dom to get out of the kitchen since he just cut his hair. All 4 feeds on these 2. Dani tells Kalia she takes too long to make a sandwhich.

Jeff and Brenden still talking about game. They both say they told their girls to only say little things to people. No game talk. Brenden says Lawon talks in circles. Jeff says he is trying to listen right now. Jeff says if he wins HOH he is putting Dani up brenden says straight up. Jeff and Brenden both had good talks with Adam this morning.

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2:26pm BBT: Jeff, Brendon talking on the couches outside. Talking about how the house was crazy last night and still is. Jeff talking about how "they" were up until 6am. He can't believe they thought they could mess with everything and they thought they could pull that off. Brendon thinks it's very disappointing.

Feeds cut to Dani/Kalia/Dom in the kitchen. Dom leaves and Dani tells Kalia she should have stayed up. She says everyone thinks they are scheming (she and Dom) but they're not (uh-huh).

Back to Brendon/Jeff. They're telling each other how they tell their women what to say to everyone, basically to say they want to make jury and not tell them anything. Brendon says Lawon sits at the bar stool closest to the door so he can hear (I think that was his point).

They both brag about how they talked to Adam. Jeff said he killed him. Brendon, not to be outdone, explains what he told Adam this morning.

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