Iris Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 11:25 AM BBT: Danielle saying "you aren't going to take prizes, right" (in the comp)? Brendan says no. They weigh out a trip to Hawaii with a half million dollars. Danielle talking about the number of weeks and votes and Brendan says he isn't thinking about votes. Danielle says "you have to" (she is getting mad). "You have to think about votes whether you want to or not." This is about if they keep J/J, they have their two votes. If one stays, they may not have the other person's vote.
Fatcat Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Dani says Porsche is trying to get with Dom, and acts sorta jealous about it, but Brenchel says Porsche is trying to flirt with Dom to work with him, Dani keeps sayin Obviously, then the minute Rachel uses the word production we get music, talking about how stupid Jordan is cause she says stuff without thinkin about what she is sayin and that is why they had to get rid of CassiDani is being really bitchy when Rachel asks about her outfits, Dani gets really defensive and starts raising her voice and says her outfits are "cute", then they are start making backhanded comments to each other about each other, Dani is immitating Lawon and how he is bugging her big time, and if he won HOH who knows who he would put up, noone would know cause they do not know where his head is at (hello he would put up Brenchel,lol)
Fatcat Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Dani is really trying to plant stuff on Jordan about jeff shushed her because she saud Kalia is in their alliance, wha? Jordan says she only tells Kalia stuff to be nice, then Brendon says when you retell stuff you put your own spin on things, uh oh almost a Brenchel argument brewing,lol they are chanting Veto Veto, Dani being really sarcastic about everyone brenchel now that Dani has left saying wow Dani is gettin ballsy and pushy right?? lol glad to hear them sayin that, sayomg that Dani went from considering putting up J/J to adamently wanting to put them up, they have to just tell Jeff whats up cause Jordan will repeat stuff inadvertantly, but that Dani is acting nervous, and first time Dani is wanting to like make a move against them, and they do not think taking J/J out is a good move, and it proves that Dani will not try to win an HOH until she has to as she is all for Porsche winning HOH next week looks like Rachel is gonna take a nap now Kalia . Dani and Dom on a room talkin about Kalias dream, Kalias saying she doesn't know what is real or dream,wha?? Dani says a mean comment to Dpm, then tells him he is mean. Someone mentions the word production and we get music Rachel leaving the HOH, asks if the lockdown is over, of course says "just kidding", Porsche, Adam making food, Adam says he has to start watching what he eats, Lawon and Jeff eating too, I hear Shelly
Iris Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 11:47 AM BBT: Danielle to Dom in the HN room about Brenchel: They're so stupid, they're so dumb!" BB: Danielle, please do not obstruct your microphone. She says how am I obstructing my microphone as she pushes her hair off to the side. Kalia walks in and Danielle says "you're not invited in this conversation." Then she tells Kalia "your boobs are like dying to get out of there".
Iris Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 12:05 BBT: Dom and Daniele in the HN room. Dom says "in the next two weeks, no one is going to go after Brenchel or J/J because no one has the balls to do it". Daniele says she doesn't agree.Trivia questions on all 4 feeds, competition time?
Fatcat Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 I thought I just heard Brendon say "now we have absolute Power" not sure who won veto tho
hek1127 Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 2:20 BBT Feeds return. Rachel complained about soap in her contact lenses and it isn't fair because she is the only one with contacts. Jordan talking about wanting to do an -ing word. Sounds like a spelling competition.2:25 BBT: Kalia wishes the letter had scrabble point values then Jeff would have won because he used an -X which is worth 8 points.2:26 BBT: Rachel and Brendon in HOH. Rachel telling Brendon he is in charge of winning PoVs and spelling competitions. Brendon said he would have still won any way. Sounds like Brendon won PoV.
Fatcat Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 2:46 BBT I think Rachel is sick to her stomach, sitting in the middle of the floor of HOH caughing and acting like she is holding back the hurlmeanwhile Dom and Kalia whispering in one of the rooms, cannot hear what Kalia is saying, laughingDom walks into the kitchen and says "hi cutie" to Jeff, then says hes pretty happy about this taco dinner, then says where did everyone go. everyone dissappeared. Starts to sing, but we did not get music,Jeff cookingnow Dom makes a trip into the lounge room, says he is not a good speller,just talking about spelling and words, Dom talking really loud and says he kept changing his mind as he is not a good speller,Dom leaving, he talking sooo loud, then they say that Brendon won on the same word he won on last year, advantage was Shelly says he knew a word or his word going in.Jeff was playing good cause he grabbed all the ss's that was a good stratgy, blah blahShelly asking Adam if he was smoking with the nicotine patch on as well, he says yesNow Shelly says we will see what their plan is , if it's a back door. or straight up, Adam say they will never put up J/J when Adam asks if Shelly thought there was a chance of that, Shely assumes they are taking noone off.
hek1127 Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 2:47 BBT: Dominic and Kalia whispering. Kalia said the only problem she had if she played PoV and won and saved Dom and Adam and Jeff and Jordan were backdoored that the blame would be on her. She says this is perfect because hopefully Daniele can convince Rachel and Brendon to use the PoV and it (getting out J and J) will be on Brendon and Rachel.Inaudible whispering continues. Meanwhile Rachel is alone in HOH bathroom sitting on the floor coughing (seems in pain from competition).2:50 BBT: In parlor, Adam, Lowan, and Shelly talking about the competition. Adam said the soap hurt his eyes too and he didn't have contacts. He thinks Rachel was crying because she misspelled the word, not because of the soap. Dominic joins them and says he had issues with the soap too and he was worried about the competition because he is a horrible speller.Dominic said he was going to do the word Thanksgiving but he thought it wasn't an actual word because it was a holiday [odd logic to think that names of holidays aren't words...].Dominic then wanted to go for conditioning but couldn't get it together. Sounds like Brendon won with Understanding, which he won last year in the spelling word. Shelly says the key is to go in to the game with a word in mind. She would have done the word Sensationalism. Adam says Jeff's strategy was hogging all the -S tiles so no one could use them.2:55 BBT: Talk turns to smoking in the parlor. Adam was smoking with a nicotine patch on. Shelly warns against doing that.Shelly wants to find out if Brendon and Rachel are going to play straight up or backdoor. Adam agrees that the couples are splitting up. Lowan doesn't buy it. He says they have to stick together, that is the advantage they have. He says they are going to go to top 4 together. Shelly is convinced that Brendon and Rachel won't backdoor Jeff and Jordan. Adam is going to wait to campaign. He doesn't want to do what Keith did and freak out. Lowan says he has been thinking ahead in the game since Keith left because that was his wake-up call. Shelly's wake-up call was being put up when Dominic took himself and Adam off the block. Adam says they need to start winning HOH competitions or else they aren't in control of their future. Shelly thinks Brendon and Rachel are trying to pull in Dominic to their side to win competitions. Shelly says Brendon and Rachel will only make a deal that will keep them in power whether that is someone who can win HOH or PoV competitions. Shelly: "They (Brendon and Rachel) think it's all about competitions."
Fatcat Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Adam says he will not panic or campaign until the actual veto meeting. Lawon says he's been thinkin ahead since Keith, cause they fell apart early on by not sticking together and that the vets will NEVER put each other up.Shelly says it will be interesting to see how they play it this week, cause next week it will be huge, Shelly thinks they willeither pull Dom in withthem, or get rid of him( vets are way ahead of y'all,lol)Lawon sayin they will get rid of the floaters, then Shelly pipes in that Brenchel feels that it is all about game, so they will vote a floater out in a heartbeatShelly says she is gonna go straight up there and ask them here in a little bit.Adam says no matter what he is appreciative to have ben there this season, Shelly says next wek she is comin out of the gate fightin and if it is endurance she will stay no matter whatShelly says if it is endurance it will be hard, Rachel wont do good but cannot play anyway. Lawon says if it has to do with his legs he can do anything (yeah right)talking about the bananna comp, says they didn't care about that one cause they knew they were not gonna the kitchen, I think Dom askes where nurse Shelly is and Jeff says in the parlorgeneral chit chat aobut the comp, this and that, no game talkgoing back to Adam, and he says I am not campaigning, but I am lookin at the votes, Lawon says yeah, it is what it is. says he is just gonna put it straight to Porsche, they get along ok, and he hopes he gets to speak 1st when they make their speeches why they should stay.Adam say to Lawon "that you know as well as I do that things can change on a dime", says his friend in D.C. is wachin.Music (hey kids I gotta make a grocery run , someome take over ,lol if anything exciting happens)
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 5:00 BBTJeff, Adam, Lawon and Shelly have been outside chatting, about finances and now preparing for one's death (wills, plots, burials, etc.). They then talk about death. The conversation is led mostly by Shelly.EARLIER: (when I was listen but not posting - within the last 30 mins)Adam and Shelly were outside. She was giving him advice about talking to Brendon/Rachel. She told him to listen more and talk slow. Said to not tell him what he'll do for them, but ask them what they want from him. She said that she's not willing to lie and make promises she won't keep, but knows that Adam isn't worried about morals in this game and might not mind lying, in which case, she tells him to agree to everything. Adam says this is a game and his friends outside the house know the real him. Lawon then came back outside and talk changed to finances.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 5:03 BBTKalia is eating alone in the dining room. Porsche joins the group outside.Just general talk.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 7:10 BBTShelly and Jordan head to the HOH room to talk to Rachel. They wake Rachel up and tell them they need to talk. Jordan says they need to talk now b/c everyone else is outside.Jordan says her decision is to vote out Dom. She asks if Brenchel will use the veto and Rachel says she doesn't think so. Jordan explains how Dani and Dom do nothing but talk together.Shelly says that ? came to her to team up and get B/R out. She says she went to Jordan with this information and tells Rachel that Shelly will no put up B/R or J/J and explains why her word is good. She tells Rachel that she is always safe with her, no matter what. Rachel thanks her.Shelly says she's greatly concerned with what's going on behind the scenes right now, being Dani, Dom, Kalia and maybe Lawon. She says Dom told her he has Dani 100% and that if he won the veto, he was going to push for J/J to go up, with Jeff going home.
spikes_luv Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 6:51pm: Daniele & Kallia whispering in the Bubble Gum room. Can't hear it all because they are (especially Dani) whispering very low and someone is yelling in an adjacent room but here's what I could pick up:Kalia - whoever wins HOH this week nominates Adam & Porsche. So easy. We need to get him out next week. If that happens, it'd be be an easy week. And we backdoor...Dani - If I got them to do it...Kalia - Who promised him?Dani - Brendon & Rachel...that we would all have the votes so we would all vote to keep them safe. Their whole thing is they'd feel really bad because of sequester (I think separating Jeff/Jordan) and they'd never want that to happen to them, too.Kalia - Do you think we'd ever have this opportunity again?Dani - *shrugs* - ....all four of them.Kalia - Win HOH....who would you like to see in final four?Dani - final four - you, me, PT and Rachel...or somebody, I don't know. It gets broken up - (I hate when they whisper, ugh)
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 7:13 BBTShelly says she told Dom that B/R will not put J/J up and tells how Dom tried to push her to team with Dani and Dom to get J/J out. Shelly explains that Adam came to her after veto, asking what he should do. She says she told him to go to HOH and ask what they want from him, in order to save himself this week. Shelly tells her Adam convo to the word (as I heard the convo earlier, so Shelly isn't lying here) and says that Adam is sometimes annoying and doesn't know when to stop making jokes.7:16 BBTBrendon walks in with a patch on his eye. They ask what's wrong and he says he was just trying it on to see how his vision was. He takes it off.Jordan asks if he's using the veto. He says he doesn't know, but probably not. Jordan asks Shelly to explain the situation. Shelly repeats her convo with Dom, about teaming up with him to go after J/J.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 BEFORE Jordan and Shelly went upstairs, they were chatting outside about their worries of Dom and Dani. Jordan wants Dom out now, b/c otherwise, him and Dani will be a strong team, since Dani can play comps again next week. Shelly told Jordan she would vote how J/J vote. They decided to tell Rachel their concerns.7:19 BBTJordan and Shelly say they're worried if Dom gets HOH next week. Brendon says they have waived over Dom/Adam leaving this week and says if they decide to get Dom out, they will need to keep it hush hush so he doesn't find out. Shelly says Adam comes to her for everything, so she has an easy way to talk to him.Shelly says Jordan can finish telling the story so she's not in the HOH room any longer. She points to Brendon and Rachel and says she will neevr put them up. She leaves.7:21 BBTJordan says that the others are trying to get them against eachother and she has to have her and Jeff in jury. Rachel says to play past jury and Jordan agrees and Brendon says that if they stay together, they can work together during HOH comps and get further.Jordan says Dom comes to her and Jeff to make deals, but does the same to B/R. Jordan says if Dom is gone, Dani is by herself again and may rejoin them or try and get Kalia on her side.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 7:23 BBTJordan doesn't think Kalia is on their side. B/R tell Jordan how Dani was in the HOH room earlier and was very nervous. Rachel asks Jordan if she told Dani that production was trying to get Rachel out...? Feeds cut to WBRB.7:25 BBTFeeds back and Jordan says that B/R might have a deal with Dom and not telling J/J and they both say no. B/R say they're being honest and trust J/J and Jordan says she and Jeff are 150% with them, she promises. Brendon says he believes her and trusts them from their actions on J/J's season. Brendon says he likes Dani, but is worried, too. Says Dani is smart and my be like Dr. Will, where she gets an in and WBRB.Jordan says that Dani keeps pulling for Dom to stay and Brendon agrees, saying Dani was on them all last week and now about keeping Dom. Brendon agrees that Dom is a big threat and will weaken the other side, but then they loss Daniele. Rachel says not to say anything to Kalia and Jordan says she barely talks to her. Brendon says Kalia will get herself into trouble b/c she talks too much, w/o a filter.7:28 BBTBrendon says that Dani will soon come upstairs b/c she'll soon get anxious, so he'll go downstairs to get food, but for the girls to play anything off. Jordan asks why Dani was nervous before and Rachel says that Dani told B/R to let Dom win and how they didn't understand why Dani would want Dom to win. B/R said no, they wanted to win.Jordan repeats that with Dom gone, Dani has no one. Brendon says maybe they can explain to Dani all the reasons why they want Dom out and maybe she'll understand, instead of outing her of her strategy. Rachel says she doesn't want a Lawon in jury and Brendon tells them to stop worrying about jury. Jordan says she'd want Adam out next, after Dom.Brendon tells them not to let Dani know their concerns and how Brendon will lie to others about why Jordan and Shelly were upstairs.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 7:32 BBTBrendon says they need to keep Dani comfortable about how they're voting and flip everything on Thursday.They say this week is a tie breaker vote week and Jordan says they have J/J, Brendon and Shelly's vote, with Rachel as a tie breaker.Jordan asks if they should get Dani out next week and Rachel hesitates, but says Dani doesn't have the balls to put them up. Rachel says Dani may try to get Porsche and Porsche is trying to get close to Dom and mostly will not vote him out.7:35 BBTThey try and get their story straight for telling others why Jordan is upstairs. Jordan says that the Dani, Dom and the others are trying to form another alliance and come after them. Brendon repeats to keep Dani comfortable b/c the minute she suspects something, she'll get nervous and will compete even harder in the comps.7:37 BBTJordan leaves the HOH room.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 7:38 BBTBrendon and Rachel alone in HOH room. Rachel asks Brendon what he thinks is going on and he says he knows exactly what is going on, that Dani is turning against them. (He seems to agree 100% with Jordan.)Rachel agrees and says maybe Dani is scared of J/J and Brendon says no, Dani knows that B/R is the biggest threat to her winning.Brendon says if they take out Dom, he thinks they have a good shot. Rachel asks if he trusts Shelly and he says no, but Shelly likes J/J, so he thinks she'll be ok. Rachel says they need to get Porsche and Brendon says Rachel needs to get Porsche and to get her away from Dominic.7:40 BBTBrendon tells Rachel not to tell anyone about this conversation and to just play everything off. He tells her to tell others that they are still weighing their options, but that they need to keep expressing that they have doubts about Dom and Adam.Rachel says she knew from the moment Dani came to them this morning to backdoor J/J, she knew something was up and Brendon agrees.Rachel asks if Brendon thinks Jeff will get rid of them before F4 and he says no, he thinks they'll all stick together to battle it all out. Rachel agrees and doesn't think Jeff will lie to them. Brendon says J/J messed up their season, so they're being more careful this time. Brendon says he doesn't want Jordan to know too much, b/c he thinks Jordan may say too much. He says maybe they should tell Jeff this and Rachel says no, Jeff will take offense to that. Brendon says Jeff wants to win and will understand. Rachel understand and agrees. (Basically, how they tell Brendon to tell Rachel to do/not do stuff.)7:44 BBTBrendon goes downstairs to the kitchen. Maybe HGs are in the kitchen. Dani does not look happy. (Maybe suspicious.) Rachel comes down and joins them.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 7:57 BBTJeff is on the eliptical. Rachel, Lawon and Rachel are playing with their new (pool) basketball hoop.All others seem to be in the kitchen/dining area. Light chat.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 8:02 BBTJordan is working out and Jeff is sitting next to her. She is filling him in on her previous conversation.Jeff agrees that Dom needs to go. He says he'll talk to Brendon b/c this is the wedge that they've mentioned before. Inside, Dani looks very worried. (BB keeps zooming in on her face, as if it's that obvious.)8:05 BBTRachel and Kalia go outside. Jeff tells Jordan if he finds out Kalia says anything wrong... Kalia go onto the hammock, now stopping J/J from chatting game.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 8:08 BBTKalia asks J/J what they think is going on. Jordan says they don't know, that they have no idea what's going on. Kalia thinks they won't use the veto and Jordan hopes they're not backdoored. Kalia says she hopes she isn't, either, but doesn't think Rachel would do that.Jeff asks what everyone else is thinking and Kalia says some people wonder if Adam is an America's Player or something like that, b/c of how he acts. J/J both say no.Kalia asks Jordan if she's talked to Dom and she says no, and not Jeff either. Jordan is trying not to say much, but says she thinks Dom has a deal with B/R, too. Jordan tells Kalia she'd go after anyone who is going after her. She goes back to working out. 8:11 BBTKalia tells Jordan she looks smaller. Jordan says her pants were feeling looser, but she's been eating bad foods.Brendon and Porsche are chatting in the kitchen, as they make food. Dani just watches in silence. She says 'no thank you' to food offers.Kalia brings up the veto again to Jeff. Kalia says that she's heard Adam has mentioned her name as someone he'd nominate. Jeff says he's never heard that and Kalia says she's going to talk to Adam about it.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 8:17 BBTPorsche announces to the BY crew that dinner is ready. Most go inside to eat.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 8:20 BBTDani is able to pull Rachel to the spot infront of the nomination chairs and they play Mancala.Rachel says Jordan and Shelly asked if they were using the veto. Dani says Lawon is crapping his pants. They talk about the spelling veto. Dani asks again and Rachel says they asked if they were using the veto.Dani says Jordan made a stupid move during the lux comp when she chose those people, so Jordan has a right to be scared. Rachel agrees and says she thinks Jordan is nervous.(The nature of the Mancala game, with the dropping beans into cups, making hearing the whispering even worse.)Dani says she walked into ?? talking in the parlor. Mentioning Shelly and about the couple splitting up next week. Dani says something about Shelly wanting to talk later.Dani asks where her head is right now and Rachel says she doesn't know, she's just glad they have the veto. Dani says no kidding.Sounds like Dani says something about a power play?? But then talk changes to a funny deal with her dad.8:30 BBTDani says that if they decided to do it, that she thinks a few people would guarentee B/R safety for awhile. Rachel asks who and Dani says Kalia. Dani says not Shelly, Jordan or ??, but that's only 3 votes. Rachel says that would be huge (she is keeping quiet.) Dani says B/R are making her nervous b/c they are winning everything and making deals with the others. Rachel asks what is up with Kalia and Dani says she'll do anything they want her to do. Dani says Kalia is the one who came to her and asked if B/R would use the veto, b/c she wants Jeff gone. Dani says Kalia is the type of player you want at the end, b/c she does nothing and she annoys people.
laladoopiedu Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 8:35 BBTDani says she doesn't know, but if that were to happen, they would literally have the strongest people on their side and Rachel says that would be amazing. Dani also says this would prevent a coup de Jeff from happening. They laugh. (Dani is still trying to push for J/J on the block, with Jeff leaving this week.BRB - lala
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