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7/23 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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musta been wrong, cause they are, meaning they, Brenchel jthen back now to hoh, and Branchel says that is why we needed to talk to you guys to make sure they are on the same page, t/j in the hoh, they are discussing Dani, and how to proceed with how Dani is playing, Rachel is saying that Kalia is not stupid, then Brendon says yeah she is, Jeff saying to use theur own gameplay against them, the cameras switch to kitchen and hey say Dani is playing all of them, then music, ok back, but missed some of that, then Jeff says Dani is right in the middle pointing fingers when stuff is goin on but you never see her otherwise, Jeff says in Dani's head she does not think that they that are in the hoh are even onto her at all, but if whoever eins hoh next week she will be right up here, Jordan says she doesn't say much to her just general stuff

Jeff tells them that he always tells Dani and say Kalia why dont you guys go to bed cause nothin good is happening after 3 am but that they are up till the early hrs playin "telephone",lol

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they say if they keep adam they will steamroll Dani, I think they are plotting to put out Dom and not Adam, and not let Dani know what is really going on but they have to be very careful, Jeff says tho he sees a change in Dom, and that he plays with his heart. Rachel is reinteraiting her convo with Dom last week, tjey are thinking that Dani will not make a move for at least 3 weeks, but that doesn't mean she won't have Dom do her dirty work

They are throwing ideas around, so not sure if they are gonna really evict Adam or Dom, think they are discussing all options


9:54 AM BBT

Jeff explaining that Kalia is not working the system or the game, she just wants to be a part of something. When she hangs out with Jordan it's just to belong. When she hangs out with the late night crew she says shit to feel cool, to fit in. She's got no clue.

Brendon wouldn't be suprised if Daniele is the one feeding all the stuff back and forth between the group. Kalia is a perfect person to send messages between us. She's a floater she won't pick sides or do anything that exposes her.

Jeff thinks Adam and Kalia are going to go after each other sooner or later. "That's a good reason to keep Adam, he will eventually go after her."

Jeff says "Well it's really up to all of us. I still don't trust Adam. I see a change in Dom and he plays with his heart. It's a weakness." Dom had told Rachel and Jordan that the 6 of them should play together. He told them that when it comes down to the final 6 whichever team he and Dani side with will be the stronger. He and Dani have a plan.

They now debate whether Dom or Adam. A strategy is to use the 'he's a strong player card' to get votes against him. Rach says that Dom says stuff about siding with them. Jeff says that he never says stuff about siding with them.


discussing they have already had the convo for both of them to throw the pov, yesterday when a/d were in the havenot room, Rachel asked them if they know what is going on, now the damn camersa have switched to Dom and Dani, talking about diners and dashers, (whatever)

I had to switch my camersa back , they are insinuating that in the DR they kinda ry to sway you with their conversations they give you in there, then saying they love Shelly, watch what you say to Kalia, then they are saying there are alliances and sub alliances


from this point on they say let them, I thnk they are talking about Dani Dom and Kalia to let them think they don't know anything of how they are tryin to work it and throw them under the bus, say Dani is gonna make decisions all for her, so be wary, and that they, that are in the hoh no j/j Brenchel (porsche?) they will stick togehter and keep her out of the loop on some stuff, and that be careful of letting Shelly win HOH cause she would put up Brenchel, they think Shelly is tight with Adam (really?), Brenchel says that Shelly says stuff well like if I put you guys up(brenchel) you would win pov, they say that they have to keep the late night crew onto the idea that they are driving a wedge between them

Brandon says we have to strip away all of our personal feelings from how we feel about say Shelly cause they really do like Shelly, Dani is not doing all the work, Rachel says they are doing all the work in the house


10:03 AM BBT

in BBR Daniele and Dom are talking about their bucket lists with Porsche.

Jordan likes Shelly & Kalia

Brendon likes Lawon

Rachel calls it like it is "I think everyone here has a bunch of different alliances." Jeff laughs. Brendon thinks it's best just to keep pushing and make strategic moves to act like they are still in the dark to Daniele and Dominic's plan. Rach and Bren will pretend that Jeff and Jordan are really pressuring for Dom and they will act like it's for the benefit of the group. Daniele won't do anything obvious to get him to stay, it will all be "Oh, relly? Because we got rid of Cassie...."

If we stick to this plan she'll play it like she's winning, and she won't carry on. says Brendon

Dominic will feel that way too says Rach although who ever knows what Dominic is thinking.

Rachel and Brendon know that Shelly is closer to Jeff and Jordan. Shelly doesn't like Rachel. She says stuff about Brenchel being super competitive and if she puts them up they'll win POV anyways. (sounds like Rachel has her new target, she's really concerned about Shelly's play)

"You two will have a huge influence on Shelly if people think there's a wedge between us" says Brendon to Jeff "you can use that to our advantage."

Brendon confirms that Shelly is in a really good position because everyone likes her and this makes her dangerous. She's really close to Adam. This is a reason to take Adam out.

Jordan arguing that if they take Dom out, Daniele will be closer to the 4 of them. "We've done all the work in this house," says Rachel "We've won every HOH except one."

Jeff comments that if Dani throws the first HOH they have to watch her then.

Jordan questioning how Lawon heard that he might be backdoored - is it Dani?


they don't think Dani would put any of them up if she won HOH then Jordan wonders if Lawon feels he is gonna get back doored cause of info that Dani infitrates?? Kalia and Dani are in the middle right now they say, saying Kalia is horrible, and she relaly doesn't know much and when [[l start running their mouth that is when he Brendon see a red flag go up, they think Kalia gets just a tid bit of info and then uses that to act like she knows everything, Rachel is paranoid, they say they gotta stop that, be leary of the late nighters and their seeds of doubt

Jeff says if they hear any late night seed s of doubt to question them and say "where did they get that?" etc

Porsche came in to shave her legs so the convo changes


10:13 AM BBT

Jordan says Kalia gets on Adam's nerves, she gets on Shelly's nerves. You could get Shelly to put up Kalia in a heartbeat. Rachel keeps going back to Shelly saying that she said she'd put Rach up. Brendon

"Be weary of the people and the seeds of doubt." misquotes/speaks Jeff "We got to bed early, ask these people where they are getting this info because we aren't staying up talking shit."

Porsche comes upstairs to HOH to take a shower (and break up the chatting) Jeff had just been saying that Rach and Bren had Porsche, they have Shelly.

Porsche is hosting the comp - she's getting all gussied up. Jeff thinks the comp will be good and messy.


I was briefly on the camera where Dom and Dani are laying on the bed together, Dani is a brat, shades of her season alll over, but she is flirting big time with Dom, and putting on the little girl act.

Now back to the HOH, J/J have left so porsche in there with Brenchel


10:23 AM BBT

Rachel explaining Big Brother UK to everyone - what's different there vs here.

Dom whispering to Dani about nothing. They are all going to go out to lunch after this and enjoy themselves. "Somebody's wadding" says Dani (no idea what that means) Dom asks why she doesn't work the night shift on Saturdays? He's staring at her arms "You are like a little kid. You have bumps like I do." "DO you take pride in being annoying?" he asks "PT.." Dani says "Yes" he responds "Shut up" she tells him. 'Are you religious?" he asks her "Um hum." she mubles "Yes? Do you consider yourself a christian?" "Yes" Dani replies. She's trying to sleep.

Jeff and Jordan walk in "I'm wide awake but no one wants to hang out." Dom says to Jeff "With you specifically." says Dani. Jeff ragging on him about the 6 a.m. crew and what they do "Ask questions like would you rather be a dog or a plane?" says Dom. BB takes pity on us with this inanity and flips to Porsche listening to Rachel's CD on the bed.


Porsche getting ready to listen to Rachels music


ok Dom entering the hoh, says can he talk to Rachel?? Porsche leaving

Rachel says You know we did not put you up to get you out, Rachel says how do you feel right now, he says he wants to be with them, and if he doesn't play with them he has no chance, Rachel askes him something about J/J, He says he trusts brenchel over J/J 100%, is adam the target?? Dom asks, he says if they win veto or if whoever wins veto they will pull them off and put up Lawon, he says backdoor, and Rachel says that is not a back door, it would be a backdoor if they won veto and pulled him and Adam off and put up J/J , that would be a backdoor, then she asks is Lawon is talking to Dom,Rachel says she doesn't trust Lawon, noone does, and he tries all the time to get info out of her, she says Dom is not the target

Dom says where is Adams head at, neither one of them know where his head is at

Dom thinks Adam is making deals with J/J, Rachel says prolly, music,

Just as Rachel was gonna count who the votes for Dom are,lol


10:32 AM BBT

Dom in HOH with Rachel. He says he wants to play with Rach and Brendon. He just wants to play, he can't get there without playing with the two of them. He can't tell Jeff and Jordan this because if he does they will get him out. "Is Adam the target?" "I'm not even sure, if we win the POV and I take you down and put Kalia and Lawon up and he gets up. Kinda like a backdoor." Rach explains "What's a backdoor?" he asks "A true backdoor would be a POV win taking you and Adam off the block and putting Jeff and Jordan up. That's a true backdoor." She goes on to explain that Lawon going up wouldn't be true backdoor because he's got a sense of it, he knows that if he goes up he goes home.

"I'm definitely going to keep you." says Rachel "I've got to make sure we've got the votes for you or else we'll take you down."

"where does Adam stand with you?" asks Dom "I don't know he doesn't talk game with me." Rachel says "Me neither and that scares me." says Dom. "So who's he talking it with - Jeff and Jordan?"


WBRB, (glad you are here zuzu, cause I gotta go for awhile):animated_wave:


10:42 AM BBT

Feeds come back on for a second we can hear a female voice "So let's get back to.."

Porsche helping Adam shave his head.

"They know everything don't they?" Porsche says to Adam. Apparently she got partway through shaving his chest when BB told them to stop. Something changed their minds so now she's finishing his head. [He is shaved like the outline of a bikini, around the moobs ha ha - ZuZu]

10:45 AM BBT

"They are cutting hair down there" Brendon announces as he goes up to HOH "what?" "I was talking to someone in the giant box..." and we get WBRB when it returns Dom stating his case to Brendon (same info as before)


10:55 AM BBT

Lawon warning Adam to go upstairs. Dom has been up there for awhile and you need to get up there. Adam asks if he should just wait until they are done. "No bro, get up there." Lawon counsels.


11:02 AM BBT

Rachel hopes it's something super crazy (the POV comp) where they are in a harness. Adam (now up in HOH) doesn't want one because the harnesses crunch his balls.

11:03 AM BBT

Jeff, Jordan and Dani napping in BBR.


11:00 AM BBT: Adam, Dominic, Rachel and Brendan in the HoH room. Rachel says Jeff thinks there will be prizes for the next comp. Brendan thinks they spent their whole budget on David Hasselhoff. Talking about what the comp could be. Brendan talking about a comp from last year, one that was filled with mayo that had been sitting in the hot sun all day and it smelled bad (I think that was the "pop the zit" comp). Talking about the diaper/wedgie/toilet seat comp. Saying how uncomfortable that must have been. Talking about when Jesse came back in. Adam saying he was a duo with him and his ego, they all laugh. Brenchal say he got a bad rep on the show, that he's not a bad guy in real life.

11:06 AM BBT: Rachel tells Dominic that he "is probably the poster boy for West Hollywood" he says "sweet"!


11:05 AM BBT

Rachel says "I bet this live feed people f*cking hate us, all we talk about is "My season"" Adam says Dick was the worst for that Brendon pipes up "Wasn't Daniele in his season too?"

Rachel and Brendon remind Adam and Dom that they aren't the targets this week. They joke how there will be a clip this week of someone on top of Dom again. It'll probably be a wheelbarrow competition where Adam has to hold up Dom by his legs and falls on him and that's the clip they will use.

Rachel says he should be glad as he's the poster boy for West Hollywood.


11:08 AM BBT

"when do you think they will do this?" Adam asks Brendon "What time is it now? Bren asks "Probably within the next hour, hour and a half." he says after hearing it's 11.

AS they leave Brendon tells Rachel that he trusts Dani more than Jeff and Jordan. He's worried though that if they keep doing everything she wants they will carry her right to the finals. Rachel reminds him that she WILL win competitions once she can compete. Brendon reminds her that THEY are the main competitors in the house.

Dom, Lawon chatting in LR.

Jeff knows, he knows you are irrational and that you could let something slip. Says Brendon but he, in the end will trust Jeff and Jordan over Daniele. Porsche asked Rachel if she should flirt with Dominic to build herself up. Brendon asks Rachel if she heard about Porsche talking herself up about how hot she is. How she is insecure and wants everyone to think she's hot so she tells them how hot she is. "I think she's cute." says Rachel "I think she's cute but she's not hot." Brendon says. They keep telling her that she has to win HOH if she wants to stir the pot.

11:14 AM BBT

As Dani enters the HOH room we get WBRB.


I wish I could type as fast as they talk to capture everything!

11:10 AM BBT: Brendan talking about Danielle, saying they will end up "serving her up on a golden platter to the final 4"

Brendan saying he is nervous telling Jordan anything saying he thinks she will slip, Rachel says yeah, I don't trust her.

Brendan telling Rachel that she cannot let her emotions get the best of her.


11:20 AM BBT: Danielle, Brenchel in the HoH room. Brendan saying Jeff knows that Jordan doesn't make the best decisions. WBRB for a minute. Rachel thought Jordan was guilty about winning the comp. Danielle says no she isn't, she feels guilty about planning how to get Brenchel out of the game.

Danielle pushing hard with Brenchel to keep Dominic in the game.


Dani in HOH and pissed off about all that she is feeling and hearing and I am getting the gist that she is aggtavaited what Branchel is doing, it seems all so confusing to Dani , she makes the statement"Am I dreaming right now?"


11:15 AM BBT

They are telling Daniele that Dom is safe, Dani is pissed off about Jordan telling her that she might not use the veto if she wins. A lot of WBRB. Dani si wondering why she would tell that lie. Rachel said something about 'no think about produc.." and more WBRB.

Brendon telling Dani not to listen to Jordan because Jeff knows that Jordan makes bad decisions and he'll just take care of it. Dani just got really mad when she heard that, Jordan is paranoid because she feels guilty. Daniele is laying it on thick about Jordan feels guilty because she was planning ahead and how to get Brenchel out in the future. Brendon says not to worry - it was all sorted out this morning. Dani is saying she doesn't understand what will happen if PT wins and pulls himself off. Brendon says if PT doesn't win then Adam goes home, they don't trust him. Rachel mentions the options if Dom wins the POV - it's Jeff/Jordan or Kalia/Lawon. Brendon and Rachel don't want Jeff and Jordan to suspect that the plan to get Adam out is going forward. It's almost the exact reverse of the conversation they have with Jeff and Jordan.

Jordan called to DR.


Dani is sooo cocky, Brendon asks Dani "why would you want to keep Adam?" Dani is explaining about some comment she made to him about J/J and now she is worried about him, Dani is being kinda snotty

she seems to really wants to get J/J out and is adament about you have to think about the votes, she is yelling sorta at Brenchel, and says J/J are 2 votes, Dani is really wanting them out, she keeps saying "I'm just sayin:, it's 2 votes, Brenchel is standing their ground against putting out J/J, they say J/J are not gonna do anything this week, so why not buy themselves another week with J/J, Dani seems not happy she wants her way for sure


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