gishy333tx Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 I don't care how many comps clifford wins, I still don't like her and still don't like her game. She has the balls to critize Cassi's game? Please. Part of the whole BB expirement is social. She has no clue how to do that. None!p.s. please excuse my speeling. too many b-day drinks.
pinkie Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 I don't care how many comps clifford wins, I still don't like her and still don't like her game. She has the balls to critize Cassi's game? Please. Part of the whole BB expirement is social. She has no clue how to do that. None!p.s. please excuse my speeling. too many b-day drinks.Your speeling looks fine to me
Auroradawn Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 I don't care how many comps clifford wins, I still don't like her and still don't like her game. She has the balls to critize Cassi's game? Please. Part of the whole BB expirement is social. She has no clue how to do that. None!p.s. please excuse my speeling. too many b-day drinks.Happy birthday! Well, then!
gishy333tx Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 I"m allf or good tv. But please, first Allison had "crush" on Jessi, now Clifford. I'm just dumbfounded by Rach. She is pissed because Jordan put up Adam/ Dom instead of Shelly/ Cassi wich is what SHE wanted. Then Jordan wins a comp and does what she did in past season. Took second place winner. But of course, Jordan should have picked clifford becuase she is HOH? Win your own damn luxurious comp. I was watching BB last night and got soo mad at Rachel, I actually called her the C word. She makes my blood broil.
KerriJ Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 I"m allf or good tv. But please, first Allison had "crush" on Jessi, now Clifford. At this point I would prefer to have Jesse and Nat in the house instead of Rachel and Brendon.
BigBroFanTX Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 I tried to give her a chance, but she is just an awful person. She IS catty just like Cassi said. I hope the red headed monster does not get JJ before they get her or Braindead. She wanted to come in and change her image--She failed miserably and the fact that CBS did not give her a good edit is further proof. Do not think they will be invited back to any future shows. She can win comps though, but is the absolute worst loser and winner. UGH ! ! !
sparkleplenty Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 OMW. That is so disgusting. What, Grodner? Are you so in love with Brenchal that you couldn't let J/J use different sheets? That is beyond disgusting. If I were Jordan, I would be sleeping on the floor instead.Jeff and Jordan turned the mattress and washed everything on the bed. Rach/Bren are pigs and was Grodner asleep last season no one could stand them why would you think we want to see them again they make me sick whining and lecturing and being ridiculous 24/7 that marriage will last 2 months tops.
straykat Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 I don't care how many comps clifford wins, I still don't like her and still don't like her game. She has the balls to critize Cassi's game? Please. Part of the whole BB expirement is social. She has no clue how to do that. None!p.s. please excuse my speeling. too many b-day drinks. Happy B-Day! Darn. Wish there was a youtube of Rachel singing Happy Birthday. I'd put up here just for you cuz I know it would make your day.
LenRay Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Washed the sheets? She should have burned the sheets. Puke.Hi, Shipp...I think Rachel's soiling of the sheets was her skanky way of "marking her territory" that Clifford has been HOH once it's only a matter of time that she gets voted out...
kiddyhouse Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 I don't care how many comps clifford wins, I still don't like her and still don't like her game. She has the balls to critize Cassi's game? Please. Part of the whole BB expirement is social. She has no clue how to do that. None!p.s. please excuse my speeling. too many b-day drinks.Happy B-day !! Having my first B-day dring too....a few hours early, but better late than never.Glad she put up Dom and Adam....praying she doesn't try to back door J/J.Feelin' bad mojo with Dani stokin' the fires....
gishy333tx Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Yeah dani is in HOH now telling Brenda and clifford that jordo is only 1 vote. If adam or dom win POV, the J's could be in serious trouble.
Marty Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Yeah dani is in HOH now telling Brenda and clifford that jordo is only 1 vote. If adam or dom win POV, the J's could be in serious trouble. Well I don't think J or J likely to win. They are just not sneaky and crafty enough and as good at challenges as Brenchal and Dani. I don't want to see them split apart before jury. It would be so wrong after Rachel promised over and over they would not put them up this week. They really want to be in the Jury House together.
lemondrops Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 You all act like having no social game is the worst crime in BB history. Guess what, it's not? How many people who play have had no physical game play and did terrible at comps but still make it to the end? Quite a lot. How many people with bad social game play still make it really far in the game, and actually make it to final 2 as the other person takes them with them so they can win. Everyone hated Dr. Will his season, so Nicole took him to final 2, only for everyone who had got out of his house to have seen his diary-rooms and changed their mind about how he played his game. Which after his and season 3's Dani being "robbed" of her win is why they went to the jury house system in the first place. One of the best BB players of all time, had a terrible social game play to his houseguests on his season. In fact if you want to know the truth, I have always thought Nicole should of won her season, no offense to Dr. Will intended, but Nicole was targeted week one, when she was the intended target to go home, in an era which didn't have POV and she STILL managed to stay in the game, and survive multiple evictions. Yet because she had to lie, steal, beg, cry, and scheme to get to the end and Will seemed to coast there.. she is forgotten and he is praised.Face it.. the game of big brother in the house is a popularity contest.. and outside of it, is as well for the fans. Some people love to hate rachel, others just love her. If you hate a house guest everything they do is bad. If you love them, you find a way to justify everything the do (within reason). At the end of the day the only thing which matters is if you're safe another week. If you stay safe long enough, you get to the end. Whether you play socially, sleep most of the game, win every comp their is.. it doesn't matter how you do it, what you do to get there, so long as you're still there another week.. you're golden. In my honest opinion Rachel is of less of a threat to many of those house guests than Jeff and Jordon and Shelly are. In that house the people you need out are the people who are too well liked. If they put her up and vote her out, they're just as guilty as Rachel of playing emotionally in my opinion. Yes, she annoys her housemates. Yes she's good at comps, but in the end it all comes down to the final votes. And very few people are going to vote for her to win. She should be the person you keep there.The voice of reason in a thread full of emotional fans! I agree with you but I think if it came down to the end and it was between Rachel and any of the floaters - Porcha, Kalia, Lawon, the jury would vote for Rachel despite their "feelings" about her.
Fatcat Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 omg what a stupid bitch Rachel is saying that well J/J have been dating for 2 yrs and they aren't even engaged or living together, who the helll does she think she is to judge them over that crap because Rachel likes to bang her fianc
Fatcat Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Bitchy bitchy girls, mean ass girls, just in there raggin about Kalia and her eating the chicken, Porsche says her boy told her she can do whatever make out or whatever to further herself in the game,stupid bitch
Slowpoke Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Sheesh.... they should all let Rach win every Veto Comp, Food Comp, Luxury Comp and every other HOH comp.(and NOT ever put her up for Eviction)Then when she makes it to the end - vote for her to win BB.THEN.... Rachel will be happy.I think
Fatcat Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 nope she wont be happy she is acting like she is playin nice with the rest of them now but the look on her face,says this is not about me sooo I am sooooo bored, they are acting soooo stupid tonight. I have to go to bed as I have to work tomorrow, and I just hate the way Porsche and Rachel were acting just a little while ago, sooooo fake
wallybag Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 People in this show will not evict her they want to be in the final 2 with her, they think it will be there ticket to win. I love Rachel she is smoking hot with a cute laugh.
DeanMachine Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 ... I was watching BB last night and got soo mad at Rachel, I actually called her the C word. She makes my blood broil.Clifford...?
smassadi Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Bitchy bitchy girls, mean ass girls, just in there raggin about Kalia and her eating the chicken, Porsche says her boy told her she can do whatever make out or whatever to further herself in the game,stupid bitch EEEw Porscha and her BF are both sick!!! if you're going to fool around with men for money why not just be a full-time hooker?
kywildcat Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 nope she wont be happy she is acting like she is playin nice with the rest of them now but the look on her face,says this is not about me sooo I am sooooo bored, they are acting soooo stupid tonight. I have to go to bed as I have to work tomorrow, and I just hate the way Porsche and Rachel were acting just a little while ago, sooooo fakeRachel gets uglier and uglier, inside and out, with each passing day. Just like last year. A woman who acts ugly looks ugly, imo. She's revolting and disgusting. Any chance she had of changing the publics' perception of her is down the toilet. She's stupid, childish, catty, jealous and petty. Why BB brought them back is beyond me. I turned the feeds off really early last night and watched the history channel because I can't stand B/R. I wish I hadn't bought the feeds this year. My enthusiasm for BB is just bleh...who cares.As for Porsche and Rachel, birds of a feather flock together. We all tend to like and hang with people who are most like we are. That speaks volumes. I read on the main page too that Porsche said her BF had a threesome with two girls she works with. She's okay with that? How sleazy. I guess she thinks that's a cool thing these days, to have absolutely no respect for yourself. Then again, Porsche was probably one of the two and just didn't want the whole truth out there in cyberland.
JP2009 Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Rachel gets uglier and uglier, inside and out, with each passing day. Just like last year. A woman who acts ugly looks ugly, imo. She's revolting and disgusting. Any chance she had of changing the publics' perception of her is down the toilet. She's stupid, childish, catty, jealous and petty. Why BB brought them back is beyond me. I turned the feeds off really early last night and watched the history channel because I can't stand B/R. I wish I hadn't bought the feeds this year. My enthusiasm for BB is just bleh...who cares.As for Porsche and Rachel, birds of a feather flock together. We all tend to like and hang with people who are most like we are. That speaks volumes. I read on the main page too that Porsche said her BF had a threesome with two girls she works with. She's okay with that? How sleazy. I guess she thinks that's a cool thing these days, to have absolutely no respect for yourself. Then again, Porsche was probably one of the two and just didn't want the whole truth out there in cyberland.Porcha is not pretty inside or out. Rachel needs bag on her head to. She fake cries terrible. Who picks these players?
gishy333tx Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Here is my first rant of the day on Clifford. First, she says something to the effect that J/J have been together 2 years and aren't even engaged yet? Sorry, didn't know there was a time limit. My hubby and I were together 5 years before we decided to get married. Some people want to make sure that it's the right thing to do. I put J/J down to be mature adults and making mature decisions. Unlike some people who jump into bed with each other while doing a TV show, then the man is caught doing a Penis-gate and they get engaged anyway. Second, Jordan won her season of BB. Yes, she won because everyone hated Natalie, not because Jordan did a great game. But she won nonetheless. Then, because J/J were so well liked, they were asked to do Amazing Race, then Jeff get to host that Around the World show. But that's not fair, Clifford didn't win her season, she wasn't asked to do anything else besides a soap opera that no one really watches anymore. You want to know why? Becuase 90% of America doesn't like you. Get over it!
jammer Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 As for Porsche and Rachel, birds of a feather flock together. We all tend to like and hang with people who are most like we are. That speaks volumes.If I remember correctly (because that season was the worst BB season ever for me and I hardly ever watched) didn't Brittany and Money sit around and talk about Rachel like Rachel and Porche talked about Cassi?? Pot meet kettle....
GingerSnaps Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 As for Porsche and Rachel, birds of a feather flock together. We all tend to like and hang with people who are most like we are. That speaks volumes. No one twisted Jeff and Jordan's arms to side with/hang with Brendan and Rachel, yet they did. So does "birds of a feather..." still hold true? All the great game plays I've been reading about through the years here stated by posters for some reason no longer hold true? Is this all because house favorties are there?Danielle is now disliked because she's whispering in Rachel's ear to get rid of Jeff-isn't this a good game play to let someone else get rid of your opponents instead of you, so you look better in the end?If the house tends to side with Rachel and Brendon isn't this also good game play? Don't you want to take a hated HG to final 2 with you? There is always that chance that votes may go to good game play and they may respect Rachel for that but that's a chance you take and it's a better chance of winning if you take a hated hg instead of one that is well liked.Bottom line: J/J had the chance to get rid of B/R and they blew it.
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