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Brendon - Week 3 PoV Winner

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going out on a limb again and say he is safe :animated_bouncy:

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but not for long cause sooner than later he will have a lot of ppl after him and his fianc

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Rachel and Brendon secured themselves as the #1 target for the next eviction.

they always had that title :animated_bouncy:

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:rolleyes: doubt it, they don't seem to get into all the politics, plus they have a much bigger life outside that house in comparison to Brenchel who are attention whores, and professional students, I think eventually they will be kicking some big booty getting ppl out, If Grodner has anything to do with it they wont be going anywhere,well, just sayin
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What brought up the thing about children not getting married, and when they get married they have to act like adults? I've met a few adults who still have childish moments. Some of the better adult relationships that I see out there have some elements of play mixed in with the regular mundane stuff.

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I was so happy when everyone picked mouth to mouth with Jeff over Brenda-even Brenda LOL!!! He knows his twisted controlling behavior is obnoxious to everyone but apparently this doesn't stop him!

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I was so happy when everyone picked mouth to mouth with Jeff over Brenda-even Brenda LOL!!! He knows his twisted controlling behavior is obnoxious to everyone but apparently this doesn't stop him!

Did you hear on the feeds when Brendon said they "probably picked Jeff because I'm engaged". Brenchel are both dillusional.

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I dind't get why people picked that Brendon would most like save you from a burning building over Shelly..

Especially since he probably couldn't. Would probably need Rachel's help in that cause goodness knows he never wins a comp without her help. I think most people like Shelly, but see her as a liar in the BB house which she is, but she's playing a good game if Grodner would let her continue playing it.

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Rachellllll, you need to calm down. Rachelllll, you need to be a better girlfriend. Rachelllll, you need to follow my every command. Rachelllll... ugh.

Yes, Rachel may be annoyingly conceded, but jeez, let the woman be. If you can't deal with her, don't be with her. It's that simple. She carries your behind in most competitions anyways.

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I dind't get why people picked that Brendon would most like save you from a burning building over Shelly..

MY guess is he is built like a fireman.. I didn't look at personality .. I looked at strength. Brenden is physically stronger than Shelly .. I could picture him lugging someone over his shoulder and carrying them down a flight of stairs. Shelly .. not so much. Not only that .. Brenden isn't a mean guy. Sure he's a bit controlling of the women he dates.. but he does it from a place (in his head) of what's best for the other person. He's rarely rude .. the few times I've heard him say a tense word to anyone, it's when they've attacked him, or someone he loves (his girlfriend).

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Did you hear on the feeds when Brendon said they "probably picked Jeff because I'm engaged". Brenchel are both dillusional.

LOL I did not-thanks :animated_rotfl: Oh Brenda! You are a girl and Shelly is a man!

Geesh, I was thinking it was Shelley who is built like a fireman.

:fireman2: LOL

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I'm confused and worried......the discussion this morning between Rachel/Brenda Jeff/Jordon in the HOH room where they want to split up Dani and Dominic, then they have a discussion with Dominic that they want to go after Jeff/Jordon. So does anyone think that they are really aligned with J/J or are they coming after them already? I'm afraid for J/J! And I do find it ironic (and typical Brenchel) that they are angry that J/J are going to come after them at some point......well.....are Brenchel going to go after J/J at some point too? Ridiculous statement, but again, Brenchel believe that the BB world revolves around them.

Geeze I hate these two and will be pissed and swear I won't ever watch another season of BB if these two a-holes are in the final 2!!!

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I don't see Brendon as "controlling"...I view him as concerned with the negative impact Rachel has on ppl and he tries to help her...he is too weak of a man to be controlling in my view..

but the question remains...if Rachel is so in love with her fiance, why didn't she throw the HOH to him??? She had one already this season...self-centered and egotistical...she should have thrown it to "Her Man" so he could reign... does Brendon realize this I wonder?

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I don't see Brendon as "controlling"...I view him as concerned with the negative impact Rachel has on ppl and he tries to help her...he is too weak of a man to be controlling in my view..

but the question remains...if Rachel is so in love with her fiance, why didn't she throw the HOH to him??? She had one already this season...self-centered and egotistical...she should have thrown it to "Her Man" so he could reign... does Brendon realize this I wonder?

I think it was because Rachel is on slop so if she wins she gets to eat her basket.

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