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7/10 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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9:34 AM BBT

Outside Adam and Porsche are talking. Porsche wanting to know why she's hang around all summer being the pawn for someone else to win. She's telling Adam that she always catches Dominic talking game with the Veterans. She knows people think it's Cassie and Keith with them but it's not. Lawon pipes in that "I know it's a crazy thing, but everything happens for a reason. Remember who you've spoken with and who you've shared with and who you feel comfortable with." "I don't feel comfortable with anyone. They've (Rachel and Brendon) have talked to everyone but me." says Porsche.

Adam explaining how the veterans had an advantage, they knew their partners in advance so they could work together right off the bat. The newbies have to learn about their partners and work out how they will work together. They are discussing options and how the jury will work with partners. The newbies have to win 2/3 of the next HOH's to ensure those couples don't have the numbers once we get past the key thing. We have to split those couples before the next key. They all agree that the game changed when Dick left, the veterans plan of letting Dick do all the evil work is gone. Rachel wants to be nice and that won't necessarily work.

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Shelly, Cassi and Brenchel talk game together in the HoH room.

The jist of the conversation is Brenchel is doing most of the talking. Essentially, they like Shelly/ Cassi and trust them. Brenchel needs people on their side who can and will win comps, and protect them. Once it gets to final 7, those 4, Jordeff and Dani, they can play it out.

Cassi voicing concerns that they'd be the lowest on the totem pole, Brenchel being evasive saying they are totally open to talking at that point in time. Cassi keeps bringing up in a round about way that it just doesn't make sense for Brenchel to not keep working with the returners at that point. Shelly is more buying into it, or at least acting like it, and saying she wants to help them get further into the game.

Brendon mostly saying you need to trust people at some point in the game.


meanwhile back to Lawon, Cassi and Adam........

Talking about the oldies that came into the game, saying their pairs are different then newbies pairs, cause they are cpls and will both win the benifit of winning the money, talking jury, its all midless convo, Adam says if they win the next 2 HOH's it will be good to their benefit, talking golden Key and Daniel is good to week 10, discussing that Rachel doesn't want to mean now this year and attributing that to ED leaving.

Cassi talking a bout whether Keith is a strong competitor, I think sayin Keith is, not so much on Porsche,Keith Scares Cassi because of his actions already in the house the way he twists things around and him calling virtually everyone out yesterday, he is a wild card in their minds, Shelly says Keith is his own worst enemy. Says Porsche has goo ga ga eyes on Brenchel, Brendon says she will do herself in and cassi says she is young and immature, then talking bout Keith's youth minister job,says he was on a reality show this year?? some Ken and Barbi thing, saying that is why he picked Porsche, saying Hello, we are not in a Ken and Barbi house, and saying this is how is tryin to go about his game play


9:43 AM BBT

Back up in the room Cassie and Shelly talking about the other HGs and heir comp skills with Brendon and Rachel. Porsche was observed 'standing away' from the line during the last competition so is she stronger than she's letting on? They move on to how Keith is calling everyone out and he's his own worse enemy, it's too early to so that. Brendon says Porsche thinks everyone doesn't like her already from the newbies. Shelly says she's got "Ga Ga Star Eyes" about the returning HGs. Cassie asking why Keith thought he made a stupid move in lying that he was a match maker "What was the big deal with being from HR anyways?" if you're going to lie make it a good lie. They all just realize that Keith picked Portia as his partner because he just got out of a Ken and Barbie reality show. It says a lot about how he's been playing. "This ain't a Barbie House and that ain't a Barbie pool out there." says Rachel.


9:50 PM BBT

Adam comes into the HOH room

"Welcome to the HOH room." says Brendon as he opens the door.

"We'll be here all day, think we'll stay here today." says Cassie as they leave.

"You're the person we trust the most around here, that's why we haven't talked to you." says Brendon once the girls have left (Rachel still there).

Adam saying how he was upset that he lost the chance to play with the greatest player of all time. And that Dick was his hero. "Dick really liked you a lot, he spoke highly about you. So that said a lot about you to us." Brendon says.

"You're one of the strongest players in the game. It's going to be completely secret this, Jeff and Jordan have your back, Danielle has your back, Rachel and I have your back but we're not going to talk. Obviously Dominic is your partner but he is someone in the game we don't trust. You should get in with him and gain his trust and we won't talk until you've done that. Not that we won't talk in common areas and stuff but we don't need to talk till that's done."


9:53 AM BBT

Rachel says they should call their alliance "The Evil Empire" because that's what Dick wanted to call his team. Adam likes it. They should use it in honour of Dick. Adam continues to gush about his hero and how grateful he was that Dick accepted him. Adam knows he can look intimidating and he tries not to be. "We talked to Dominic before you came up. We're making it look like we're meeting with everybody now. You don't need to worry and we don't need to bring this up again because we've got your back." says Brendon "What if I win HOH next week?" asks Adam "Well what's your relationship like with Kalia?" Adam makes a face "Well there you go, another reason not to put us up." They discuss a few scenarios. "So next week, don't win HOH right? Then I don't have to put anyone up and show that I entirely trust you guys." blurts Adam. "Well that's another option" says Rachel.


Now Cassi and Shelly talking in Kitchen, talking about more twists coming, lots of things can happen , just trying to hash it out if it is a good thing to join forces, Shelly tells Cassi that she needs to keep her smarts under wraps, and that she has to keep workin the other side, that anything goes weird, well that the other side would get suspicous if newbies won HOH, and they didn't put up an oldie they would be suspicous

Now girls Cassi and Shelly have joined Lawon and Porsche on the BY couches, gereral chit chat, talking wearing colors and laundry. Now talking bout slop and ideas for slop,Lava cakes.

talking the weather, no game talk, figuring out the hot water issue if you aren't a have, now pool chemical talk, they aren't takin care of it, now talking about going to the DR to ask about some stuff


10:00 AM BBT

Adam trying to get Brendon and Rachel to tell him who their alternate partner choice is. Brendon demonstrates obfuscation as a new art by carrying on about who he does like. Brendon asks Adam to leave and send ? (missed it) up. Brendon "We love having you here because you are someone who loves being here." "I am so happy to be here!" As Adam leaves Rachel says "Are we telling everyone the same thing? We trust you we like you." Brendon, "We have to play a social game, we have to stack the numbers." "But we have 7 people on our side, I don't know about telling everyone we are comfortable." Brendon says to her "I know you aren't comfortable with this because we didn't do this last year but we have to have people on our side when the numbers don't work."

10:07 AM BBT

Porsche comes up. Brendon lets her know nothing's changed, even if she's sitting on that chair come eviction night she's safe. Brendon reminds her that Keith acted out exponentially the other night and that she, Porsche, she be a little more mellow about trying to get votes. Shelly was giving her advice and asked if she could make it up with Keith. "Honestly, if this was outside of the house, no. You can't f&ck up in the first 7 days and then expect me to be ok." says Porsche. She's really worried now that she heard perhaps the noms will change.


10:07 AM BBT

Porsche leaving and Brendon asks her to send up Jeff/Jordan or Danielle.

Brendon doesn't trust Cassie and Dominic because both of them say the same things which means they are talking. He doesn't trust her, asks Rachel if Cassie would put them up? Rachel doesn't think so, she'd give Dominic the golden key because she's in love with him.

Brendon mentions that the POV ceremony will be done by both of them and that BB told him it would be at 10:30 BBT so they should get ready.


10:15 am BBT -- Rachel talking to Jeff. Telling him about convo with Shelly and Cassie, that they're both down with working with them until F7. They're worried about Cassie wanting to keep Dominic. Brendon's really iffy about trusting Cassie.


10:17 PM BBT

"These people are so f*cking stupid. They are worried about final 4 (because all Rachel/Brendon deals include Jeff/Jordan being safe)and really, why are you worried about it - you won't be here anyways!" Says Brendon by way of updating Jeff on this mornings updates.

They are updating Jeff that Cassie and Dominic are working together.


Jeff and Porsche in Kitchen, nope Jeff going to HOH, Rachel telling about the talk with Cassi talk, telling Jeff about Cassi does not trust when it gets down to final 7, cause Brenchel has J/J's back. telling Jeff they will good with that till the cpls split. Brenchel says not to trust her or Dom at all. Saying that when Brenchel mentioned that they have to keep J/J safe they were not reacting great about that, then they are saying that the newbies are not thinking about this game in the right respect or the right time line.

Rachel thinks if Domwins HOH he would maybe put up J/J, but says if that would happen she would tell him they will win POV and take J/J off, etc, Brenchel is sayin how dumb they are. They do not think she can be trusted until Dom is out of the picture

sounds like Keith going first, then Dom, says adam is sooo honored to be in their allience, and they are saying they trust him, so they now have Shelly and Adam in their pockets, but not sure about Cassi, they are gonna keep an eye on her and possibly use Cassi to plant info in Doms ear


back to BY, Porsche saying she is gonna spice up her life, talking that Jeff is in HOH, Cassi questioning about whether they said they would be using POV, repeating that Brenchel told her Porsche that Keith came up earlier trying to make a deal, she again made the point that she is not with Keith and how wrong he is with his crazy actions.

talking about the long run, the big picture is that they evenually will be playing singles,Porsche says Keith is more or less craming her style and when he's gone she can be herself,Cassi is sayin none of us are idiots, they are not sure about what it could be that Keith could promise to keep himself safe, that he was 1st one up to the HOH this am pleading his case

Lawon is sayin if any of them f**k him he will be done

dom amd Shelly in storage room, not sure what is bein talked about, oh, it's about that a mattress got switched, now talking about a dirty bathroom, cam switched, back to BY.

Ok I guess that Shelly and Dom are discussing the HOH talks and are figuring out that possibly the same convo has been said to everyone, Shelly saying she does not see Dom as a schemer, Dom and Shelly talking about the physical comps and they are out maned agaist the oldies, talking about how they have to be careful who they pair up with in comps

Now Cassi and Dom in the bathroom area, he is shaving, she's lounging, now says she cant wait to use it any longer, I guess she's waiting cause he might have stunk it up, he says See? not bad?, she says "I would not go that far"


all feeds on Brenchel, Jeff used the HOH batheroom for his Sunday constitution, but he wasn't in there that long.

Brenchel are changing clothes, and cleaning up the HOH, boring chit chat, out for awhile to go eat



Adam and Keith laying I'm the silver beds. Adam is giving Keith a pep talk onhow to play the game. Adam is telling him that by Keith telling people who should go bmakes him look bad. Instead he should focus on why he should stay. All 4 feeds are on the two of them.

Feeds switch to jeff, brenden and porche sitting in the back yard. Disussion is on how Keith has lied about his job. Jeff says he doesn't understand why he lies about his job. Porche says Keith told her to do whatever she can to save him.

P - Keith isn't my type and that her dad would kill me for dating a black guy. She days her dad is from a small town.

Brenden - do you ever stop when saying black and thin it's wrong? I grew up with my friends saying black.

Jeff - I always say black.

P - I like brown people.

Feeds change to Rachel, , Jordan, and Danielle in HOH. they are discussing how many keys are left.

They confirm that 7 people will be in the jury plus the two in the house. More idle chit chat.

Rachel asks if Kallia took the bible fron the sequester hotel and thn says the note said they could take it.

Kallia - is saying she is over Lawon and is over him.

Jordan - asks If lawn is making up stuff.

Kallia - admits to saying she does not like Keith and sai she didn't have his back but it upset lawn told him.

Jordan - Keith is going to say anything to save himself.

Kalia - confirmes to Jordan that lawon keeps promising Keith he has him. I haven't done anything to hurt lawon.


Kaila and Jordan in HOH, Brenchel had to go to the DR, Kailia talking about how Lawon messed up, and he is now apologizing and it is too much, and Keith is pissing her off, and she also says t is hard for her to act to be who she is not, she also says she has not done anything to make Lawon look bad, and she doesn't want to have to keep up this front. She was in the storage room with Keith, and she was gonna give what for to him, but then he said she didn't have to say anything to him but that she should not trust her partner , she's leary of Keith, does not want to be around Lawon as ppl will think they are scheming, etc

Jordan is leary of Dom, as he basically said he would put her and Jeff up if they he got HOH, Kalia saying beware of Cassi and that her alliance to Shelly is strong.


11:26pm BBT

Kallia and Jordan still talking in HoH. Brenden and Rachel were called to diary room. Kallia says she will vote with the house.

Jordan - I just don't want Dom to win because he will put us up.

K - they have the notion to get out the old ppl

J - Dom was acting like there are two sides an jeff told Jim there aren't. And that other new ppl are making alliances with old ppl so your going to end up screwed.

K - Cassie and Dom are close but I know she is with Shelley the most. I think Cassie is underestimated and I thin she will slide threw.

J - agrees.

K - this is only week one

J - Who would you put up if you were HoH

K - I would put up Dom because he knows the game and thinks this is summer camp. I have never threw a comp. But I don't want to win HOH tomorrow. I know I need to though.

J - you need to try. And after what lawon did you might end up on the block.



we have trivia,POV?? we will see back later


1:00 BBT

Shelly, Keith and Adam chatting on the BY couches. Shelly gives Keith a pep talk about how to stay in the house. Shelly leaves.

1:10 BBT

Adam tells Keith he's happy he's here another week, b/c being in the BB house is a dream for Adam. Adam says he was really worried there for a minute, about the veto being used on him.

Seems like Keith doesn't want to stay in the house? Adam is telling Keith that if Keith really feels bad for hurting Porsche, and has mentally checked out of the game, then he should let Porsche stay in the house. Adam says voting won't happen for a few days, so tells Keith to think about it and let him know. Keith is sitting quiet, but agreeing.


1:15 BBT

Brendon and Daniele chatting in bathroom. Brendon says Rachel isn't thinking logically. Jeff comes in and Brendon mentions Rachel was drunk last night. Dani laughs and repeats what Brendon told her, that Rachel is not allowed to talk others when someone from their alliance isn't around.

Shelly comes in and they tell her she's allowed to hear their talk, b/c she's with them. Jeff tells him he took the best poop yesterday and got rid of a lot of crap.

Outside, Adam is still giving Keith a pep talk, saying once he leaves the house, his life isn't over, just another chapter will begin. Keith seems annoyed, but is entertaining Adam's comments.

1:20 BBT

Brendon, Jeff, Dani and Shelly talking about cleaning dishes. Shelly leaves and Jeff says he thought there were only 3 golden keys, not 4. They discuss and Dani says 5 people will be evicted before sequester. Jeff is clearly confused. Dani tries to explain.


3:30 BBT Nothing much going on. Almost everyone sun bathing or in the pool. They are talking about TV shows. Right now about to catch a predetor. We keep gettong FOTH. I guess they are talking about shows or people they should not be talking about.


Some trivia daniele mentioned:

She was 99 pounds last time she was on BB, and thought she looked "disgusting." Now she weighs 135 lbs, and works out to keep the weight on.

Also, her and Dom like the show 'hoarders.'


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