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Jeff - Week 1

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yeah but they are in a good position

the hg likes them

brendon /rachel and dick/daniele will probably be targeted first :animated_bouncy:

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I really do not think that Jeff and Jordan care that much for each other. The only reason they are together is to stay on reality TV. Jeff is always cutting her down and she does not look too lovey dovey on him. I bet they do not sleep together on TV!

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Jordan is anything but useless, she wins when she needs to, I love this girl and the dumb blonde thing is so not really her, just a front, and I believe she and Jeff are very much together, they always acted sorta standoffish and cracked jokes on each otherfood-smiley-005.gif

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I am so excited to have both of them back. I think they are very much together,they are exactly the same with each other as they were when last on BB. Jeff puts her down and she just laughs. He isn't doin it to hurt her feelings,thats just how they have always been with each other.

I am so happy to be able to look at him again,I mean have him back for another season :cheshire:

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Jordan is anything but useless, she wins when she needs to, I love this girl and the dumb blonde thing is so not really her, just a front, and I believe she and Jeff are very much together, they always acted sorta standoffish and cracked jokes on each otherfood-smiley-005.gif

I agree 100 percent. I never thought of Jordon as the dumb blonde. I think she is quietly observing the new house guests. She and Jeff are still very much together. I just think that they won't be all over each other because thats the way they are.

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I'm delighted to see Jeff and Jordan back in the house. She is smart because she watches and observes the other HG which is good IMO. The more you observe and keep your mouth closed the more knowledge you obtain about others.

I hope they do very well this season. smile.gif

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