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Live Feed Updaters!

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I just practiced on the photo capture with BBlite and it works very well! Right now they're showing a video on racing;


Looks like it will be a piece of cake so count me in on photo captures! smile.gif

This year I once again find myself deployed with horrible internet... I am able to watch the flashbacks with some interruption, so fingers crossed that I can watch the feeds! I will be updating as much as I possibly can again this year!!

Sheldon, so glad you're able to join us this year wherever you're stationed right now! It does my heart good to see you posting with us once again. smile.gif

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I'm out here again... will be doing TFUs and try to do better at doing LFUs... and some pictures... maybe I should practice on the pictures today also!

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Anyone else staying up late tonight to catch the first few hours of live feeds?

The first night always makes me so anxious, b/c you have to try and figure out who's with who, who's nominated and what's the game plan (seeing how what they show on the premiere show is actually 3-5 days old).

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I finally have availability this summer - last time I had the feeds was 2008! We were busy moving out of our townhouse summer 09 - then we rented, spent summer 10 looking for a new house. We're all settled now and I have a new laptop and BBLite, so I'll do my best to contribute to updates.

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