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Rainbow Reuion 2011

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's strange, I wonder what happened.

I liked looking at all the videos.

It could just be they didn't get enough past contestants willing to do it this year. If CBS plans to do another allstar season in the future, this season is right around when they would have one (based on the past number of seasons not that CBS or the producers of the show actually follow that number exactly).

I don't post on this board most. This is just speculation on my part (not based on any news or rumors/don't want to start any). Even though there will be some casting calls held in the future, its possible this season could be an allstar type of season (Similar to Hero VS Villians with Survivor). The Amazing Race is having an allstar type of season and Survivor has brought back Rob/Russell. Right around the time the last allstar season was held was also when the Amazing Race had an allstar season. It has been the same amount of seasons sense the last one. It's possible that CBS/producers are thinking of doing an allstar season this year.

Again, that is just based on speculation on my part.

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