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Finale Live Show


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Wow, Annie was talking BS when she said Enzo was responsible for getting everyone evicted. Wonder what show she was watching. She was only making Enzo's head bigger than it already is.


Wow, Annie was talking BS when she said Enzo was responsible for getting everyone evicted. Wonder what show she was watching. She was only making Enzo's head bigger than it already is.

Really my mouth dropped open when she said that. Like wha?


These 2 hrs finale are stupid!! All this stuff can be done in an hour tops. Hopefully they'll go back to an hour next season.


The only part I want to see is AFTER the damn finale, guess it'll be in bits and pieces elsewhere, although I would never buy a live feed for any BB.


as expected brendon follows rachel and vote same :animated_bouncy:

should have been 7-0 but i figured britney would go lane 100% :animated_bouncy:


I kind of thought it'd be a close vote since they put Britney second to last. Her vote was a given, and if other's didn't vote for Lane, her's would have been first or second.

SO happy Enzo voted for Hayden. I want to know WHY bother Brendon and Rachel think Lane played a better social game than Hayden. Maybe they're still made at him for nominating Brendon during the DE. But hello.. Lane helped vote him out.

Hahahahahaha. Rachel looked PISSED when Britney won!

Good finish to an eh season.


rachel was pissed off :animated_bouncy:


I kind of thought it'd be a close vote since they put Britney second to last. Her vote was a given, and if other's didn't vote for Lane, her's would have been first or second.

SO happy Enzo voted for Hayden. I want to know WHY bother Brendon and Rachel think Lane played a better social game than Hayden. Maybe they're still made at him for nominating Brendon during the DE. But hello.. Lane helped vote him out.

Hahahahahaha. Rachel looked PISSED when Britney won!

Good finish to an eh season.

Actually, the votes were placed and read in the order they were evicted.


looks like lane lame answer to enzo cost him 450k :animated_bouncy:


Rachel and Brendon voted for Lane because it's their way of giving the finger to what they perceive as a totally lame season.

They both made a point of saying they based their decision on the SOCIAL aspect of the game. Since they think of themselves as

the greatest PHYSICAL competitors, then the lame Brigade season gave them no choice but to go with SOCIAL.

However, this logic doesn't hold up either since Hayden played a better social game even then Lane.

Methinks they did it for spite and to get one last jab in before they sail off into nothingness. The joke is finally

on them, though, since their effort clearly didn't work. Enzo did the right thing and voted for Hayden -- despite

Hayden not taking him to the finals.


The twit won but I think BB changed it to America's worst BB hg not favorite.

Normally I would be sad to see the season end but am so happy it's over. The best part of BB12 was Morty's if this forum wasn't here I may not have been able to watch the entire season. It was nice to hear from a lot of new people this season as well as the others who are here every season.

I hope BB will do everything possible to give us the best season ever next year to make up for this disaster. Hopefully it can't get any worse then this season was.


This is just like an election: It's not important who wins, it's important who doesn't win. So it was OK.

Britney seemed like she was in a good mood, think she knew about her house?


my 2 cents--

Happy Hayden won over Lane.

Shocked Brenchal voted for Lane since the were so big on the "best competitor" thing all season.

Disappointed Twitney won AC.

Glad it's over.

See you guys next year. Here's to a better BB13 season. :food-smiley-005: Anything would have to be better than this season.


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