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Thursday, 9/9 Show


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Sorry this may have already been discussed but I can not find it so I hope someone can help.

So does anyone know what exactly is going to happen tonight?

Do they do part 2 before the show and then do 3 live???

Does someone get evicted?

Im trying to remember from previous years and I just seemed to get more confused. lol

Please help.

Thank you:animated_wave:

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i think it will be similar to last season

tonight jury house ragan and part 2

on finale night part 3 :animated_bouncy:


This is what I think they are doing tonight.

Part II of the HOH, Julie said it would be live.

Showing more of the Jury House with Ragan learning about Matt's lie and maybe some of Brit (not sure about this one)

And maybe since they haven't shown Enzo's family, they will interview them about him being in F3

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion, could all be wrong!!


If it'll be like last season then:

Tonight we'll see the end of Part1----Haden wins

Then we'll see Part 2 between Enzo and Lane. We'll get to see all of that comp and know who wins it.

Next Wednesday Finale Night we'll see the last comp Part 3 between Haden and the winner of tonight's Part 2 comp. The winner of that last and most important comp will chose who goes with him to Final 2. The one not chosen will walk out of the house and join the jury already sitting outside with the live audience. He will vote along with the others for the winner of BB12.

At least that's the way it was last season:

On Finale night the winner of Part 2 (Jordan) played the winner of Part 1 (Kevin), Jordan won Part 3 and she chose Natalie to go with her to the F2.

Kevin was evicted and immediately joined the jury outside the house and voted for a winner along with the rest of the jurors.

Guess we'll find out tonight when Julie explains how it'll work but I'm pretty sure it'll be the same procedure.

On Sunday we should see them reminiscing or something like what they did last season :animated_bouncy: The spoof they did last season was awesome :smile1:

Showing more of the Jury House with Ragan learning about Matt's lie and maybe some of Brit (not sure about this one)

And maybe since they haven't shown Enzo's family, they will interview them about him being in F3

They WILL show Ragan walking into the JH and learning about Matt's lie, Julie said that on Wednesday's show.

I believe I read somewhere that they will interview Enzo's wife. Don't remember if Julie mentioned it but I know I read it somewhere :animated_scratchchin:

Don't know if it's too soon to show Britney walk into the JH or not, guess we'll find out. Maybe that's why they taped her eviction on Tuesday night, to have time to tape and show her walking into the house as well, ummmmmmm :animated_scratchchin:


There is a show on Sunday night...so maybe that's when we'll see Brit go into JH and possibly some discussion there about who to vote for? Or maybe that's when we'll see Enzo's wifey and baby?

In either casse I just HOPE they don;t have the f2 alone for a few days like they did with Memphis and Dan...that would be PURE TOTURE!


showtime :animated_bouncy:


enzo giving kathy a run for her money

out first in part 1 :animated_bouncy:


2 hour + comp went much longer then i expected


Lane and Enzo in the question/answer part 2 is going to be tied 0 to 0 and we will have a tie breaker with one point the way these 2 are going.


they should have showed us jury house during the feed blackout :animated_bouncy:


That 2.5 hour Endurance Comp was actually 10 minutes. More BB editing magic. Thanks, Grodner.


enzo wife is pretty good looking :animated_bouncy:


me too :animated_bouncy:


Nice family segment, but Enzo hasn't done anything in this game, unlike what his wife said.

Can't fault a wife for self-delusion, though. I guess it runs in the family.


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