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Enzo - Week 10


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Good ole Enzo who kept telling Hay and Lane that "doesn't matter as long as we're in final three...one will get $500,00, one $50,000 and the other $25,000, and I'd be happy with that". All he's done is have a pity-party since he lost to Lane. Guess he didn't even believe his own BS

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He really thinks he's a shoe in for the 25k AC award. I think he's in for a bit of a shock. Besides, his wifey makes plenty of change.

This is from a news story from his home town.

"Joella is the vice president of loan sales and trading at financial services giant Credit Suisse in New York City. Their daughter Gia is 9 months old"

I will add that in the article his wife says that if he wins the 500k they will have another child a year earlier than they planned and make sure their daughter's college education is taken care of.

Personal opinion:

Enzo could have easily been a fan favorite this year. He's not bad looking, he's funny and loves his wife and daughter and managed to not piss anyone off in the house. What did him in was his constant bragging of how he will win the next HOH or POV and winds up a total loser. If he would have won a HOH or two or a couple of POV's to back up all that smack talk I think people would like him better. But few people care for a guy who's ass can't cash the checks his mouth keeps writing.

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Enzo was only cast because of Snookie and the weird allure of Jersey Shore :animated_rotfl:

Your probably right arrowhead. He's like a bad spin off.

I hope he gets a guest appearance on Jersey Shore. "The Situation" would more than likely beat the crap out of him!

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I'm sure she wouldn't take offense to it due to her own dirty mouth.

At least he didn't throw a drink in her face and burn her.

I agree Ginger, his wife has been on Twitter, Jokers and interviewed by several media outlets in NJ. She is well aware of everything and still loves him, as does all his family. If you are going to talk like a gross tramp to someone's husband, don't get mad if said husband swears behind your back. Joella must be very happy that a young girl tried to talk sex with her husband but he reacted negatively, instead of being turned on like many guys.

Enzo said a swear, he did not gang up on her with another man twice her size, physically assault her, all while a nasty girl yelled and swore at her. Didn't he also threaten death once or twice? I guess if he physiacally assaulted her it would have been much better. :animated_rotfl::rolleyes:


Good job Brigade! I'm so glad the Brigade won! They all deserve the win! :gossip:

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Oh, for sure, Enzo has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. He can go into all those hollywood auditions with his head held high. Best of luck, Enzo! ;)

And don't forgot how HOT he looks in a penguin outfit. :jester:

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So, he was the first to drop in the first part of HOH. Surprise!

And he lost to Lane in the second part. Surprise, surprise!

He has basically allowed the other members of the brigade to carry him this whole game. As was mentioned by a previous poster, all the time he's talking smack about what a great player he is, how "strong" a player he is. He's delusional.

IMHO, he doesn't deserve a nickel. He choked when he needed to step up to the plate, with the exception of one POV. I'm not crazy about Hayden or Lane, but at least they have been good competitors.

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Guest 6Borders

Yeah, and look how he won that POV, by practically flattening Ragan and pushing him out of the way. I still think we should call for a penalty nom for all the eating he did as a Have-Not!!!

IMHO, he doesn't deserve a nickel. He choked when he needed to step up to the plate, with the exception of one POV.

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So, he was the first to drop in the first part of HOH. Surprise!

And he lost to Lane in the second part. Surprise, surprise!

He has basically allowed the other members of the brigade to carry him this whole game. As was mentioned by a previous poster, all the time he's talking smack about what a great player he is, how "strong" a player he is. He's delusional.

IMHO, he doesn't deserve a nickel. He choked when he needed to step up to the plate, with the exception of one POV. I'm not crazy about Hayden or Lane, but at least they have been good competitors.

One thing I always found puzzling was when Brendon and Rachel would always mention Enzo's name in among "the real competitors" in the house. It used to drive me crazy...I never could figure out what they were basing that assessment on. I guess if you say you are great enough times, some people believe that you are.

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I think it's funny that with only 3 people in the house he STILL couldn't win. Whoever makes it to the final will talk about their "comp wins" but IMHO when there are only 3 or 4 people left in the house you can hardly brag about a win. I agree with a previous poster, the pity party by Enzo is horrible to watch.

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One thing I always found puzzling was when Brendon and Rachel would always mention Enzo's name in among "the real competitors" in the house. It used to drive me crazy...I never could figure out what they were basing that assessment on. I guess if you say you are great enough times, some people believe that you are.

I'm sorry, we haven't met yet. I'm Steve, the greatest poster ever to grace the pages of Morty's

Did I mention how great I am? :smilielol:

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Enzo came out of his loser-coma since Lane gave him some hope that if he wins Round 3, he'll take Enzo.

If Hayden-the-ferret-head was smart, he'd be thinking, "Why is Enzo so happy?" and then be pushing that F2 deal with Lane, cause he's gotta realize there's trouble brewing.

Of course, if Enzo was smart, he'd know that Lane's chances of winning that final competition are almost none, and if he faced reality, he'd be in bed with his head covered.

And if Lane was smart, he'd know that he can't win against either and he should throw that competition on Wednesday, and maybe he'd get Enzo's vote since Enzo is not smart and thinks he might have been in the F2.

But this is Big Brother, a reality-show fake-reality-show, and starting a sentence with "blah blah blah smart" or "blah blah blah reality" is just insane.

Hey, I'm qualified partially qualified to be on Big Brother! (I have all my original body parts.)

And go vote for Stevea11 and Britney! :animated_wave:

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Yeah, and look how he won that POV, by practically flattening Ragan and pushing him out of the way. I still think we should call for a penalty nom for all the eating he did as a Have-Not!!!

IMHO, he doesn't deserve a nickel. He choked when he needed to step up to the plate, with the exception of one POV.

He ate and didn't get punished. I call BS!! What's up with that??

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I believe the only reason Enzo is still in the F3 or even in the game is cause of his personality. I have seen and met many a person who have high executive people orinated positions in life, but when the time clock clicks and it is quitting hour, they turn into the most horrid species you would ever want to be around. That being said, I would like to see Enzo get something out of the game, but not the '#1' spot :) Okay I am old and senile, what do I know about BB :)

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You know how the pool trophy went missing for awhile? And now, in the last few days it's showed up again. I think it's reappeared so Enzo won't go home empty-handed. Congratulations, Enzo, you get the pool bowl! Priceless in sentiment, and 250$ on Ebay! :animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

Now's the time to count (if you are still watching the feeds) how many times Enzo gets called to DR. Production has to be doing some pretty fast 'n fancy talking to Enzo to keep him campaigning. I still don't see either Lane or Hayden taking him to F2!

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I believe the only reason Enzo is still in the F3 or even in the game is cause of his personality. I have seen and met many a person who have high executive people orinated positions in life, but when the time clock clicks and it is quitting hour, they turn into the most horrid species you would ever want to be around. That being said, I would like to see Enzo get something out of the game, but not the '#1' spot :) Okay I am old and senile, what do I know about BB :)

Me too exactly, it would be nice if he got second and Hayden won since he needs the money. :animated_bouncy:

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