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9/2 - Live Feed Updates

Angelo Joe

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9:42 BBT Ragan alone in the hammock outside, talking to himself and live-feed fans. Why he deserves this game. What he found out about himself. Life after living in the house. Keeping up with people after the show, being more open and crawling out of his comfort zone. Life lessons he learned. (blah blah blah - hasn't be done this before? lol)

9:47 BBT Brit + BG up in the HOH hanging out. Brit doesn't wanna talk about tomorrow with Lane, doesn't wanna get stressed. Tossing the hacky-sack around w/ Hayden. Enzo laying on the ground listening to Eminem.

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10:08 BBT Pretty much same old exciting stuff. Hayden and Brit still tossing hacky-sack. Brit doing most of the talking about her mother as family talk begins. Ragan still talking to himself/feeds outside, mostly about missing his dad and stuff. Drinking an MGD, playing "truth or fiction..", talking about comps as we we get BB "you are not allowed to talk about production." Now says at the very least, he thought he would make it to at least final four. But he learned so much about himself, and doesn't take anything for granted.

10:17 BBT BB "Houseguests, please check the SR" 8 Beers.... and restocked food.

10:33 BBT Lane and Brit outside playing pool, talking about how long they've been there.

10:48 BBT Ragan is now talking to himself alone in the Have-Not Room. Hayden outside Brit and Lane still playing pool, snacking on chips. No real chatter at all. Lane and Hayden's turn to play pool.

11:05 BBT Enzo finallly outside... Brit called to the DR. Enzo says he is getting amped. Definitely gonna be a quick tomorrow. Hayden agrees. Enzo says we have to beat her at her own game. Enzo and Haydens turn to play pool. Some pool game talk. Some pool talk (Lane says the pool feels like a hot-tub.) Some talk from Enzo about tomorrow, come out a warrior or dont come get at all... it being a quiz.

11:13 BBT Enzo goes inside. Hayden says he hopes the comp tomorrow is like the one where they stacked the pyramids. As they begin another pool game and talk about Dan and Memphis.

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11:28 - 11:45 Hayden was called to the DR for a quick session. Lane and Brit playing pool outside. Got zapped by BB four times for talking about DR sessions and being highest rated season ever... Once Hayden out of DR, Lane called in leaving Brit outside alone. Enzo showering, Enzo Ragan and Hayden get buzzed a few times with BB saying "Knock it off." Once Lane out of his quick DR, he and Hayden join Brit by the hot-tub. Ragan leaves Enzo to finish up in the WR.

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12Midnight BBT Feed 3 on Flamigos. All other feeds on HGs in HT. Talk about Steamboat.

1215AM BBT Bra-Gade sitting on couch in BY. They discussing that DR supposedly told Brit that this is biggest season on BB so far, bigger than Jeff and Jordan. Enzo eating, hard to hear. Feeds 1&2 on Brit in HoH listening to music, no sign of Ragan. Boys talking about which places they have to visit after BB. Band together, clothing lines, movies, show appearances. (big dreams)

1230AM BBT Brit still listening to CD. Boys now discussing who don't deserve money. Enzo saying that Brit will hate him when this is over. Boys talking about keeping Brit cause they can beat her. Talk about who would vote for Brit over them. Talking over each other, but same BS as usual.

1245AM BBT Brit and Lane in HoH, while Enzo yelling at chopper overhead in BY as he goes into house. Hayden in BY by himself. Brit telling Lane how she going to beat him up if he said anything bad about her. Enzo heading to WC. Lane "you been studying". Lane "they think it will be a quiz". Brit "good possibility quiz you can't study for". Talking about Rachel study habits. They are tossing a bean bag back and forth while talking. Lane "Rich said wear tennis shoes in morning". Brit "promis you won't tell boys what I say". Lane "I don't talk to them about what we say". Brit "why is everyone against me". Lane "Enzo against you, he knows he can't beat you". Enzo just sitting in WC. Lane "Hayden and me have different talks when Enzo not around". "Enzo has no freaking chance to win". Brit talking about not to under estimate Enzo, he could be another Brendon. Enzo not that dumb, he been building up. Lane "Enzo is not really that dumb". Talk about who did what and how comp might go tomorrow.

1AM BBT Enzo has joined Lane and Brit in HoH. Talking about poker game. Lane and Brit still throwing the bean bag.

115AM BBT Boys and Brit in HoH, Enzo taking smash (giving description as he grunts). Hayden listening to CD. Ragan on Feed 3 sleeping. (looks like he is in double bed in Taj Room). Brit telling Enzo to be cleaner when he gets done in Bathroom, wash hands, flush. Brit telling Enzo and Hayden that mic interfers with headset and you have to have it low unless you are only one in room. More talk about who going to be around for Finale. Enzo talking dirty and about horny.

130AM BBT Enzo and Lane in HoH room talking about what Brit said earlier. Hayden still listening to music. (they just don't have a clue). Lane talking about how he had to calm Brit down. Enzo "what the .. she talking about" "she knows if she don't win HoH she won't go to finals". Enzo down talking Brit a lot. Lane and Hayden chiming in. Brit in WC on Feed 3&4. Lane explaining how she was crying when the guys walked into HoH room. Lane to Brit "you do what you want with your crying, but you aren't bringing me down". <WBRB> (Lane telling Hayden and Enzo everything he promised Brit he would not tell them).

145AM BBT The guys are studying in HoH room. Feed 3&4 on Ragan sleeping (very restless).

2AM BBT Lane showering in HoH. Hayden in WC. Hayden studying pic board. Can hear water on Feed 1&2 with tub in HoH room on screen.

215AM BBT Hayden and Enzo in Palm Room whispering. Feed 1&2 on HoH Bathroom.

230AM BBT Everyone in bed, lights on in kitchen. Shows Feed 2 Lane listening to music. Feed 3&4 Enzo and Hayden in bed.

245AM BBT Everyone asleep

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9:30BBT wake up call. Enzo trying to figure out what to wear tonight, going over memory wall with Lane, Britney and Ragan still in bed.

BB: Britney please change your batteries. Britney into her mic: Please play decent music. BB: No.

Lane: Milk says sell by Sept 15. We will be out of here by then.

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9:45 a.m. BBT

Seem to have had Wake Up call.

Enzo at photo wall yaking about each HG.

Says Rach is 48... look at all those wrinkles.

Hayden milling around kitchen.... Lane trying to

dig something out of the sink drain with tongs.

Having a hard time getting whatever it is.

Ragan starts moving. Asks if they'd play JUST ONE

song for him.

Brit complains about the music. Gets out of bed to

visit the WC then climbs back in bed.

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BB: Did you know Sweden is slightly larger the California? Hay, Enzo and Britney at table, start talking sizes of states.

They go on to talk about Sweden, Norway and that the World Cup was so long ago that no boby will care anymore.

Ragan still in bed, Lane joins the table.

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Talk moves on to Rappers, Emmem, Tupac. Music in general. Britney doesnt like old music. General chat (plan on a quiet day in BB land)


Britney listening to music while Enzo, Lane and Hayedn make fun of her for not liking things older then she is. Music, pizza, MJ.

10:35ish BBT WBRB

HOH LD called. napping commences.



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11:58BBT still HOH LD, still sleeping.


Ragan scratches arm and head, touches wall beside him.

Britney rolls over then rubs the spy screen remote over the head of the bed.


HOH LD over. Lane moves his things out of HOH. Hayden and Enzo help him carry it downstairs.

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Flashback Sept 2 at 12:22 pm BBT...Hayden trims his bangs. says dont want to lose half mill cuz he couldnt see.

Britney vacuums, Enzo bashes on her for it.

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1256PM BBT News flash... Enzo has stopped eating you can now hear what others are saying (sorry Monty :)) Still cleaning up kitchen. Ragan is packing his stuff.

Talk about how they banging around in back yard. F 1&2 on Kitchen. F3&4 Ragan in Taj room. <WBRB>

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1207PM BBT Enzo in WC complaining about the fact that his dick has gotten smaller since being in the house and looks like a mushroom. Lane "oh man" Hayden commenting from kitchen that he can hear Enzo complaining. Ragan making himself lunch. Brit sitting at table drinking orange juice out of bowl. Enzo "white trash party soon". Laughing. Enzo leaves WC in towel, walking thru kitchen, in Palm room looking for some clothes to put on, back to WC with (hopefully) clean underwear in hand. Comments being made by Lane and Ragan about sale by dates on stuff in fridge. Lane making himself a chicken sandwich. Hayden "you said you looking for hamburger chicken?" Lane "no foreign shit, I am American".

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1:20ish BBT

Being an electric razor man, Hayden gives up on BB giving him his razor and uses the hair trimmers on his face.

Britney comes in as he is finishing and starts doing make up. Hayden cleans sink and she thanks him, says she had it clean yesterday.

Hayden asks to use her tweezers, she says they are in her drawer and he goes to look, she finds them in her makeup bag. Hayden plucks between his eyebrows.

Britney finishes make up, starts to curl hair. Ragan packing, Enzo and Lane in bed.

1:50ish BBT

Britney is putting things away in Jumanji and finds Ragans math candy in the cabinet between the beds. Lane, Hayden and her say it looks weird, wonder what the sweet tarts mean. Britney says think of how long the explanation would be for explaining all that. she says it looks like an obsticle course. They leave it alone and she goes to lay down in Taj.

Ragan in Cabana doing his thing. Lane, Hayden and Enzo in bed no talking.


3:03BBT...still TRIVIA


Havent forgotten you...its still TRIVIA.

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3:33BBT Feeds Back

Hayden and Britney in kitchen making coffee and food. Lane and Enzo in Jumanji. Enzo: You think I can win?

Lane: Did you come here to win?

Enzo: Yes. Just nervious.

3:36 BBT TRIVIA again after Britney tells Lane...Kris said you were weak.

Feeds back. Brit says some thing about Ragan talking. then something about Rich in production and WBRB


Feeds in and out as Britney talks about production some more. General chat, nothing going on. Lane discribing Decatur TX. Britney says her town is tiny, Decatur is bigger.


Feeds back again.

Britney: Did you hear that?

Someone: No

Britney: She said make sure to have your....WBRB


HG are primping. Ragan has on dress shirt and slacks. Enzo freaking out doing crazy crap. ....TRIVIA

(last post of the night...someone else take over after the show)

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6:35 - Hayden called to DR ... before he went telling HG he asked for Pepper for his cd. When he goes HG say ewww (lol) then talk about how they were surprised bb didnt play Hole for Ragan today. Brit says Ragan was too picky ... he'd say "Play Maddonna" and they'd play Maddona and he'd say "oh I dont like that one" then he'd say play Hole and they'd play hole and he'd say he hated that one.

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6:30PM BBT: Enzo: "I thought we'd be out there for hours. I'm not even sore I lost, it was just a fun challenge, fair for everyone." Lane: "I'm just glad I didn't have the sit in that sleigh all night lookin' whack."

6:35PM BBT: The HGs talk about this being Hayden's third time being HoH. He won the first HoH in the wiener challenge, and was HoH for an hour during the double eviction. They're hoping BB will give them a deck of cards.

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