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Ragan - Week 6 PoV Winner


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Maybe, but still no power to really save them or do anything. If he thinks Matt listens to everything he says he is crazy and that week he made him promise not to put Rachel up, but was completely on board with back dooring Brendon if the opportunity arrived. I really get the feeling he wouldn't of given a crap if Matt went back on his promise anyways.

So glad that was cleared up for me :sleepy:

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So glad that was cleared up for me :sleepy:

JMHO not saying it is right or wrong, but it is how I see it. Ragan thinks he is perfect and above everyone. He thinks this whole house should be one big happy family yet he throws just as much dirt as any of them mostly at Brendon and Rachel lately.

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Hopefully clearing it up for everybody: The guy is a pontificating, loudmouthed, hand waving, two faced, ugly ass whose feet magically float above the ground as he runs from one place to the next telling everybody how it is and was.

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hello block for first time

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I totally expected Ragan to go on the block this week. After all the last saboteur was put on the block and went home so it would stand to BB reasoning that he end up there this week! rofl

Seriously though, Ragan started out trying to be friendly and nice to everyone in that house. That will only get you so far in the BB world. Since his true side started slipping out this week it will probably end up being his demise.

The thing that cracks me up about BB this year is how we supposedly have all these real smart people in there and none of them can figure out how to play this game efficiently. It's like Hayden was telling Enzo last night...all the smart people are being picked off one by one and us dummies are winning the game!! Too funny!!! animated_rotfl.gif

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Hope you go to the jury house with Rachel

Couldn't agree with you more!!!!

hope you're right about ragan winning POV. I want matt to go! Matt currently rules the brigade. we will see a dynamic shift if matt leaves for sure.

Not a chance in hell Matt goes home. Especially with the nominations now. If Ragan comes off and he goes up against Lane he will then use his Diamond POV for sure and will probably be a hero to The Brigade. If Lane comes off and Matt goes up against Ragan they have the votes to keep him, but he may use it anyways just to be safe. That would be by far the best scenario because it would leave him in quite a pickle. It would also be quite the shocker if he didn't use it thinking he had the votes and then someone from The Brigade sent him packing.

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I like how last week he bashed Rachel for crying so much. And now he is sobbing!!!! Sucks when the shoes on the other foot hey Rag!!!!!?

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Ragan - here is where you went wrong....You were America's choice because you seemed like a nice enough guy - playing somewhere in the middle between the Brigade and Brenchel. Your mistake was becoming a back stabber against Brenchel because as much as they may have annoyed us all, they played with character. They didn't talk in groups against you. They werent nasty and mean-spirited. They didnt make fun of you behind your back. Kharma's a bitch, my friend. Looks like you are getting what's due. Hope you learn from this experience because I think deep down, you are a good guy. You got sidetracked by that insecure, little, troll - Britney. Too bad. You could have won this game or at least had all of us rooting for you.

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