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What twist woud you like to see?


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Well this years twists seem like they're duds. Rather than discussing the twists -we have- on the table. What twist would you -like- to see, in this season or a future season.

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They need a new house. Like a lodge deep in the woods, with a 15 foot fence around the perimeter. The "fake" quality of everything in the house is getting stale. The astroturf in the backyard, etc. Heck, I'd be happy if they gave them a ping pong table instead of just that stupid pool table every season.

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Great idea. A "real" backyard complete with misquotes, spiders and snakes. Put the house in a higher altitude where it is colder and make them chop wood to stay warm. Want water, go to the well. Want milk, milk a cow. Want chicken for dinner, learn how to kill and clean one. Want pork chops and bacon, you get the idea. :animated_scratchchin:

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They need a new house. Like a lodge deep in the woods, with a 15 foot fence around the perimeter. The "fake" quality of everything in the house is getting stale. The astroturf in the backyard, etc. Heck, I'd be happy if they gave them a ping pong table instead of just that stupid pool table every season.

The pool table and chess set has got to go the rest of this season is going to be pool tournaments and I'd rather not watch BBAD then be bored to death.

I would like to see a person win the chance to see if the people they are trusting are not back stabbing them. Like a secret power where they can watch 1 to ? hg's previous conversations with the others. Could you see if Rachel saw Britney's conversation with the others when she told everything Rachel and Brendon said up in the hoh. That could have been some major drama then again Britney can't take what she dishes out. They could also get called to the dr and watch it live as it's happening. It may not be a twist but I would love to see it at least once.

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They need a new house. Like a lodge deep in the woods, with a 15 foot fence around the perimeter. The "fake" quality of everything in the house is getting stale. The astroturf in the backyard, etc. Heck, I'd be happy if they gave them a ping pong table instead of just that stupid pool table every season.

LMAO! I don't know. Just something about what you said made me picture a horror movie (the woods thing), and I was laughing out loud while reading it. I like the idea of them being in the woods... away from civilization...

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Changes I'd love to see initiated:

1. In order to earn the privlege of hot tub, pool table, dart board or whatever you have to complete a series of challenges or go on a treasure hunt or well something.

2. Along the same lines as the first, I remember there being previous food comps where in order to get certain foods you had to complete tasks, It'd be cool to see something like that back in effect. And as far as libations, instead of just giving it to the HG's they have to earn it. I'm thinking varying levels of booze or drinks.

3. Have one really great room and two okay rooms and then one that will really make the HG's compete to NOT be in it. I'm thinking one that is all hard or uncomfortable surfaces, odd noises at random times during the night. Not something someone like Kathy would okay with being in.

4. During Indoor or Outdoor lockdowns have something to keep the HG entertained and live feed watchers from feeling bored.

5. For future reference, any twist that involves saboteur's should not be considered... unless there is someone like Ragan or Britney there for comic relief.

6. No more cutesy couples like Brenchel. If there seems to be a cutesy couple developing place the more dominate of the two into solitary until a replacement HG can be found. Please save the watchers from gag inducement.

7. I'd like to see a different setting for the House. You could do a desert version, you are near some desert area's are you not? And then another year can be a survivalist version in someplace like Alaska or Michigan. Yes I realize this would require travelling but the watchers will most certainly be okay with this because it will provide some sort of change and uniqueness.

8. The people request that any more awesome comments made in Diary Room be presented as a special viewing for the HoH to keep the spicy variety up. Also because there can never be enough Britney.

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Great idea. A "real" backyard complete with misquotes, spiders and snakes. Put the house in a higher altitude where it is colder and make them chop wood to stay warm. Want water, go to the well. Want milk, milk a cow. Want chicken for dinner, learn how to kill and clean one. Want pork chops and bacon, you get the idea. :animated_scratchchin:

Uhhh....didn't they take sharp knives away for a reason? :shocking:

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I actually don't think taking away their "toys" will make the feeds more entertaining, but less. The reason why they sleep so much is because there is nothing for them to do, but talk to people they dislike, play pool, work out, or sleep. Sleeping becomes a viable option. Call it a cause and effect of the big brother rules to take away, all tv, cell phones, internet, movies, music, etc. This is why. There aren't even any books in the house for them to read when they're bored.

Moving this thread back more on topic.

I do like the idea of there being a new location -- to make it more of a twist, instead of just feedback for a new season -- I think it would be kinda cool if mid season, in the dark of night they were all rounded up (out of sleep) with blindfolds put on, loaded in a van and driven to a remote location (also wired for cams and mics.

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Guest 6Borders

They definitely need more things to do, and Grodner needs to rethink her stupid twists.

Some of us in "Sab Suggestions" collectively came up with the idea of hiding scrabble tiles all over the house and they would have to find them and put together the message. Instead of Sab/something bad, it should be things like a luxury for the house.

Do away with the slop (ridic in my opinion) and have them earn food items. A bonus food item for x-amount earned might be a special dinner for the house.

I'm actually kind of sick of the "teams" thing. They should be a team as the house, which will force them to work together and get along even if they don't want to. I'm tired of watching ppl suffer on slop and complain about it and/or sleep all the time (not good TV Alison).

More votes for America and more small prizes:

A "good roommate award" for the week (even ppl who just watch the show and don't have feeds/BBAD can have fun with this one)

Most entertaining DR

If they are going to keep slop, have a most creative slop recipe challenge (I'm sure someone like Chile's or TGI Fridays's would be happy to put it on their menu for a week and (call me crazy, I won't be offended) I'm sure ppl would order it just to say they did it.

Most of all keep the HG's guessing. They spend an inordinate amount of time practicing for and rehashing past comps (and they are correct way too much of the time). Don't recycle comps...give them something completely new.

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In future seasons, I would like one of the rewards of HOH to be viewer information - carefully sensored however.

Such as, "there is a four person alliance in the house." or "one of your team-mates is lying to you."

Stuff like that. It has to be truthful stuff -- and it has to be provided by the viewing public. But it can't name names. This would be an incentive for people to actually -want- to win HOH instead of throwing it constantly.

It would give house guests a bit of a taste of the "thought police" that existed in the original book, where Big Brother came into being. It would make the house guests aware -- that Big Brother (and the fans) are always watching -- and to be careful what they say. Or "think" as it might just come back to haunt them.

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I'd love to have some way of discouraging slugs from throwing the comps. :animated_scratchchin:

In the Veto comps, the three randomly chosen hg's is ok, but if the Veto IS used, then only thoses who competed would be eligible to be put up as the replacement. :animated_shocking:

More frequent penalties for loosing the HOH comps, especially the endurance. First 4 or 6 out have food or drink restrictions. Some of these hg's would fight harder, longer if the knew it effected their alcohol privileges. :food-smiley-005:

Also, get rid of the slop, go back to a week of PB & J or a week of corn flakes or canned soup or saltine crackers. Anything that would be nutritious enough to sustain the hg's but boring enough to make them want to compete. :cheeseburger:

I'm so tired of the slugs who coast by the first 5 or 6 weeks and let others do the dirty work while then claim to be such great BB players. :animated_wave:

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I think that America should be the next saboteur. This is how it would work. BB would tell the HG's there is a saboteur in the house (cause this will breed mistrust), and in my twist none of the players are the saboteur, then 3 times a week the saboteur will relay meeages to the HG's that we (meaning America) votes on. We can choose to mislead or send out valid information.

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Changes I'd love to see initiated:

1. In order to earn the privlege of hot tub, pool table, dart board or whatever you have to complete a series of challenges or go on a treasure hunt or well something.

2. Along the same lines as the first, I remember there being previous food comps where in order to get certain foods you had to complete tasks, It'd be cool to see something like that back in effect. And as far as libations, instead of just giving it to the HG's they have to earn it. I'm thinking varying levels of booze or drinks.

3. Have one really great room and two okay rooms and then one that will really make the HG's compete to NOT be in it. I'm thinking one that is all hard or uncomfortable surfaces, odd noises at random times during the night. Not something someone like Kathy would okay with being in.

4. During Indoor or Outdoor lockdowns have something to keep the HG entertained and live feed watchers from feeling bored.

5. For future reference, any twist that involves saboteur's should not be considered... unless there is someone like Ragan or Britney there for comic relief.

6. No more cutesy couples like Brenchel. If there seems to be a cutesy couple developing place the more dominate of the two into solitary until a replacement HG can be found. Please save the watchers from gag inducement.

7. I'd like to see a different setting for the House. You could do a desert version, you are near some desert area's are you not? And then another year can be a survivalist version in someplace like Alaska or Michigan. Yes I realize this would require travelling but the watchers will most certainly be okay with this because it will provide some sort of change and uniqueness.

8. The people request that any more awesome comments made in Diary Room be presented as a special viewing for the HoH to keep the spicy variety up. Also because there can never be enough Britney.

:party_smilie: I love this whole conept you got going on!

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I would like to see as a twist that the person who wins the POV get to take over as HOH and make new nominations. So if 2 people are on the block and one wins they can take themselves off and also the other person and nominate 2 new people and take over the HOH room.. This would get them scrambling lol

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I would like to see as a twist that the person who wins the POV get to take over as HOH and make new nominations. So if 2 people are on the block and one wins they can take themselves off and also the other person and nominate 2 new people and take over the HOH room.. This would get them scrambling lol

That is a fabulous idea! No one would be wanting to throw that competition!

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