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Brendon - Week 5 Nominee


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I wouldn't put it past him to stay in. I mean we're talking about a "scientist" here who has clearly shown he doesn't have much in the brains or courage department.

Many people can have a mathematical or scientific brain, but no what they call "people" smarts. And I don't really know when he's been called to have much courage in the Big Brother House. So I'm not sure how you reach your conclusions.

Waxing philosophical for a moment. Does it take more courage to stay when you know you're playing a game you can't win. Or more courage to leave? Knowing that it means going back on your word (the contact you signed). It's really kind of hard to answer that.

There is short term courage, and long term courage. Both have consequences and their own unique rewards.

But I go back to what I said before. It's show-mance pillow talk. Nothing more. When you've been locked in a house with no real distractions with people you dislike for days on end, as much as you might dislike the cage you're in -- most hamsters start to feel reluctant to leave it (and not just for the money).

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Guest 6Borders

Pathetic is a promotion. This is just downright embarassing!!!! I'm gonna have to cowgirl-up and go back and watch last night's BBAD to make sure I didn't dream this meltdown!!!

Brendon is going to need some serious therapy. I heard that BB provides some after the show but if they don't I'll pay for his first session (hey Kyo, ya got a patient!)

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Brendon is psychotic. I feel sorry for the woman he eventually winds up with (unless it really turns out to be Rachel ;).) He's so needy, clingy and controlling....he'll smother her with attention and she'll never have any freedom, space, privacy. He has no guy friends (doesn't know how to) and he'll be jealous of any girlfriends his gf/spouse has. Seriously...he's the type of guy that stalks and/or :death: in a jealous rage.

I'd love to see him get evicted...he's my least favorite in the house...he's crazy psycho. Rachel is just crazy.

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Guest 6Borders

I'm re-watching BBAD just to see if Brendon's interview with self was a bad as I remembered it...omg it was worse!

He and Rach brought all this on themselves.

I gotta agree with Lane...he's right, people are pissed off who wanted to be on BB and they give it to this loser.

(nice casting Alison)

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Yeah cause people enjoy watching Lane, get real, he's one of the worst cast members ever. EDITED Brendon has tried to always keep the bad mouthing behind peoples back to a minimum while telling Rachel not to do so. He has ALWAYS tried to keep Rachel from fighting with others. You all don't like him because your utter hate for Rachel and non stop bashing of her which turns into Brendon bashing. Brendon has tried multiple times to be friends with these people and nobody gives him the time of day or if they do they are lying to him. I'm sure all of you BB pros know what it feels like to be in a house with people talking bad about your intelligence and looks everyday all day. He has genuine feelings for a person no matter your dislike towards her, when you see someone you care about EDITED you stick up for them, DOESN'T MATTER WHO'S WRONG OR RIGHT, you just DO IT! That's what a GOOD PERSON does. You see someone you care about crying and getting upset I guess you just sit there and walk away because you are are more stand up person than Brendon.

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Guest 6Borders

What kind of person just gets called a name and then corrects you on how it's pronounced?????

This guy is a big baby...pours the whole bottle of wine for him and Rach and then tries to make off with the corkscrew because they were being mean to him!!!

And now he's telling Rachel "I hope they keep me..." (did she miss that??) OMG Brendon, please do us ALL a favor and leave with Rachel!!!

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What kind of person just gets called a name and then corrects you on how it's pronounced?????

This guy is a big baby...pours the whole bottle of wine for him and Rach and then tries to make off with the corkscrew because they were being mean to him!!!

And now he's telling Rachel "I hope they keep me..." (did she miss that??) OMG Brendon, please do us ALL a favor and leave with Rachel!!!

I don't blame him about drinking the wine. Kathy asked him if he wanted some, he said yes and to please leave a bottle inside so he wouldn't have to go outside amongst them. When she opened the door, Britney told her to bring it all out and she did. Brendon walked straight outside and got the bottle of white wine and brought it back in. The corkscrew thing was childish.

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So he's supposed to be called a Neanderthal and say nothing? So you don't like his attempt at defense? And now that he is starting to get mad and wants to stay you find that wrong and dumb and he should quit. I think I got that right. I've seen far worse than someone taking a bottle opener when somebody gets mad at someone.

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So he's supposed to be called a Neanderthal and say nothing? So you don't like his attempt at defense? And now that he is starting to get mad and wants to stay you find that wrong and dumb and he should quit. I think I got that right. I've seen far worse than someone taking a bottle opener when somebody gets mad at someone.

No he should have stayed out of it, or at least found out what was said before he went to go pick a fight. The whole purpose of going over to Ragan was to start a fight. Before he walked over there he told the guys he had to take care of something. He started calling Ragan an A-hole and said F-u. That is why Ragan called him a Neanderthal. Instead of having a conversation with Ragan, he was acting like a bad ass trying to defend his hooker's honor. He came out looking like a complete fool in my eyes.

What's wrong and dumb is that he spent the entire game up Rach-hell's skirt, and didn't bother to start to play the game until he was up on the block. Now that he is on the block with a girl he's known for a month, he's throwing away his chance at the whole reason for being in the house. He's a dope.

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Guest 6Borders

Go back and revisit the segment. Brendon came over just because he couldn't find Rachel, started attacking Ragan, said FU and called him an F'ing Douchbag. He was spoiling for a fight from my observation. Ragan responded with the neanderthal comment and the best comeback Brendon could muster was to correct the pronouncation. Taking the wine opener and making the comment to Kathy (I didn't catch it exactly word for word) that they didn't deserve to have it or some crybaby response.

Next go back and revisit my post. When did I say it was "wrong"? Brendon has been campaigning up a storm and begging to be voted out and now he says "I hope they keep me...". I was making the observation that I wondered if Rachel caught that because she clearly does care if she stays.

So he's supposed to be called a Neanderthal and say nothing? So you don't like his attempt at defense? And now that he is starting to get mad and wants to stay you find that wrong and dumb and he should quit. I think I got that right. I've seen far worse than someone taking a bottle opener when somebody gets mad at someone.

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Brendon has tried to always keep the bad mouthing behind peoples back to a minimum while telling Rachel not to do so.

Say what, Brendon, when not all up Rachels arse is most def talking smack behind peoples back A LOT.

You all don't like him because your utter hate for Rachel and non stop bashing of her which turns into Brendon bashing.

What are we suppose to bash him for? His non existant game playing? His riding Rachel coattails when she was in power? His constant complaining that the constests are meant for little people and not him? His kissing technigue? His whining and crying skills. He has been up Rachel's butt since the game started, and every move she has made he has followed, so yes it's natural that is she gets bashed, he will get bashed as well!

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Maybe Big Brother will buy Brenda a new dress to wear in the jury house. I'm so sick of her and Rachel. They are just as bad as any other house guest, with their 2 faced talk, scheming and the like. There is no diference between any of them, and it's all a part of the game. Big Brother is 98% head games, and in all of the house guests defense, living there, it is nearly impossible to remove yourself from that. Only a few are able to do this, Matt being one. As bad as his lie is about his wife's non-existant disease, I think he is playing the best game right now because he realizes the most that it's all about getting into people's heads, and he lets the other's do it for him.

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Yeah cause people enjoy watching Lane, get real, he's one of the worst cast members ever. EDITED Brendon has tried to always keep the bad mouthing behind peoples back to a minimum while telling Rachel not to do so. He has ALWAYS tried to keep Rachel from fighting with others. You all don't like him because your utter hate for Rachel and non stop bashing of her which turns into Brendon bashing. Brendon has tried multiple times to be friends with these people and nobody gives him the time of day or if they do they are lying to him. I'm sure all of you BB pros know what it feels like to be in a house with people talking bad about your intelligence and looks everyday all day. He has genuine feelings for a person no matter your dislike towards her, when you see someone you care about EDITED you stick up for them, DOESN'T MATTER WHO'S WRONG OR RIGHT, you just DO IT! That's what a GOOD PERSON does. You see someone you care about crying and getting upset I guess you just sit there and walk away because you are are more stand up person than Brendon.

Are you kidding me??If I was in the BB house and they were bashing me .etc, I would play the game and give as good as I get, Brenda is a whimp, this is BB, noone has to befriend anyone, noone has to be nice to anyone, the idea is to not get evicted, both Brenda and Rack-hell have done absolutely everything within their power to get kicked to the curb. Brenda should not be throwing himself on the sacrificial fire for Rack-hell, not in this game, he shouldn't even be there if this is how he was going to try and win 500 grand, Rack-hell talks like she knows how to play this game, but has continuously run off at the mouth, done everything she could have done to make ppl not want to be around her. Not sayin that the rest of this bunch is all that, the whole season stinks to me, but the idea that in the BB house ppl should conduct themselves in a way that has nothing to do with back stabbing, lying and trash talkin is ludicrious,lololrolleyes4.gif

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LOL, last night was one of the best BBAD ever. I was embarrassed for Brendon. It's obvious he doesn't even know how to go off on people. They couldn't keep a straight face. :animated_rotfl: It's not Neanderthal, it's Ne-an-der-TAL. :animated_rotfl:

That was hilarious. I'm still laughing about it. Who the hell was he talking to in the living room sitting outside the DR like a little puppy waiting on Rachel? He said he hoped he didn't look like a lunatic. No Brendon, you didn't. You looked like a f***ing idiot.

To fall on the sword for someone like Rachel, is just insane to me. Especially since you entered that house for one purpose and that is to win the money. Not to play house and "fall in love". I don't think there's ever been someone in the BB house as stupid as Brendon. Marcellas has something to celebrate today. He's no longer the stupidest HG on record.

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Twitney has said some stupid things too, but no one calls her out for it that's the difference.

I don't think it's a bad thing when someone doesn't "know how to go off on people." With Brendon the guy is a sap so he probably doesn't like confrontation and that's evident in his arguments with Rachel. He says things and then backs off. I would have liked to think this was all a phony act with him but I think it's just him for real and in the end if his love for Rachel is true it's somewhat tragic IMO.

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I think Brendon is a genuinely nice guy and doesn't have the right temperament to be in the BB house, his game it terrible and he is too naive. That being said I think all the hg are bad this year although I do get a kick out of Lane and Enzo.

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Poor Brendon is going to have a time of it explaining to others and himself how he got so tangled in Rachel's spider web. How surprised he will be next week when he's voted out and discovers that she has already found someone new to fall in 'love' with.

Book smart maybe, but no street smarts for this poor naive, wimpy guy.

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