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Brendon - Week 5 Nominee


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Ireally do not understand how people can condone what the other players are doing and then say Brenchal has the problem because they are upset. Personally, I wish there was a way both could stay. Ragan can not handle this game he thinks he is at a spa and just wants to relax, play games, and everyone just get along.

Brendan hang in there and I hope you win HOH. Bet they will be kissing your booty then.

Finally, someone who is not on the bashing bandwagon on Bren and Rach. I really like Ragan before, but now this Sab has gone to his head...he needs to go hes a floater.

I did not agree with everything RAch and Bren said,,,,but I have not seen any of them who are perfect in there...and I will be wondering if CBS how they are going to edit Brit because she is definitely get on my nerves....bashing and bashing when others get off the subject for awhile, she bashes and bashes and then boo hoos when she was on the block...so yeah all of the bashers on bren and rach but everyone who has been on the block has acted the same.

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They think it's real love, but it's total infatuation. Especially once they each get a load of the others' real life outside the house.

I don't think he has a clue what her real life is like in Vegas. She's been telling him all along, but I don't think he's comprehending it. I don't see them staying together once the show is over.

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I know for a fact that people can and do fall in love and can have a future together after knowing someone a short time I have 33 years to prove it, however I think his feelings might be real I do not think hers are. If you watch her body language,the way she always rolls her eyes and won't look him in the eyes when she says stuff. Or she is still in teen mode and has no idea how not to play games or someone told her she can only get her way by pouting

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welcome :animated_wave:

don't worry about being gentle...most of us aren't !

And, I agree with pretty much everything you said in your post...

ImIn, thank you for the nice welcome :)

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Finally, someone who is not on the bashing bandwagon on Bren and Rach. I really like Ragan before, but now this Sab has gone to his head...he needs to go hes a floater.

I did not agree with everything RAch and Bren said,,,,but I have not seen any of them who are perfect in there...and I will be wondering if CBS how they are going to edit Brit because she is definitely get on my nerves....bashing and bashing when others get off the subject for awhile, she bashes and bashes and then boo hoos when she was on the block...so yeah all of the bashers on bren and rach but everyone who has been on the block has acted the same.

Floaters do not do as well as he does in the competitions.

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I know for a fact that people can and do fall in love and can have a future together after knowing someone a short time I have 33 years to prove it, however I think his feelings might be real I do not think hers are. If you watch her body language,the way she always rolls her eyes and won't look him in the eyes when she says stuff. Or she is still in teen mode and has no idea how not to play games or someone told her she can only get her way by pouting

I definitely agree! She's very emotionally immature, but there are plenty of emotionally immature people happily married. My biggest warning or reminder, actually, is that this is a bloomin TV SHOW. She's absolutely aware that she is on camera 24x7. She's ACTING. What part of their "true love" is true or untrue? It may be all true, but you better spend some real life finding it out. Same goes to her for him, although I'm sure he's still a control freak out of the house. My prediction? DOOMED :argue:

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it would be hilarious if he ends up winning hoh after rachel gets boot

"this is for you rachel" :animated_bouncy:

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Sorry for not reading this thread in advance, BUT..... THIS GUY IS THE DUMBEST PLAYER IN BB HISTORY.

He wants to get evicted so that his beloved Rachel can win?....LOL He does understand the goal of BB is to make it the end?

He might bumble his way to the end if he keeps this up. Who knows, maybe TRYING to loose might turn out to be a winning strategy.... smile.gif

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I met my husband 19 years ago and we've been together since the first day we met.. married 18yrs... took time to get to know each other and happy to say we still act like we just met..... BUT he is my second husband after I had a Brendon in my life,( ran like hell ), and knew what signs to look for forever after that... I don't know Brendon personally but he set my radar off the first time I saw him keep her from walking away from a disagreement they were having .

So if I were single having gone through what I have, he would not be someone I would consider good husband material. jmoanimated_scratchchin.gifcookoo.gif

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I met my husband 19 years ago and we've been together since the first day we met.. married 18yrs... took time to get to know each other and happy to say we still act like we just met..... BUT he is my second husband after I had a Brendon in my life,( ran like hell ), and knew what signs to look for forever after that... I don't know Brendon personally but he set my radar off the first time I saw him keep her from walking away from a disagreement they were having .

So if I were single having gone through what I have, he would not be someone I would consider good husband material. jmoanimated_scratchchin.gifcookoo.gif

So was your 1st husband a big push over? Brendon can't even begin to handle Rachel and her hourly mood swings. Instead of ignoring her sky-is-falling, the-world-hates-me-me-me-me, tantrums, he feeds directly into them like poring gas on the fire. He is totally clueless about how to be successful in functional relationship.

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