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Thursday Live Show 8/5

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Although I think tonight's episode will be boring, and that most HGs will be throwing the HOH comp tonight, I hope that somehow Hayden wins. It'd be nice to see him put Brendon and Rachel up on the block together.. Again.

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Hayden winning it would be perfect! Watching R&B's faces when they both get put up after "thinking" they're safe would be PRICELESS :animated_rotfl:

As long as one of them walks out the door next week it'll make for a perfect week and all worth it :clap:

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This season is turning out to be "Britney's Journey" because she is the only one that is giving them entertaining things to show.

I am fine with that.

I don't think she will play hard for HoH. Much better to have someone else put up Brenden and Rachel.

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Although I think tonight's episode will be boring, and that most HGs will be throwing the HOH comp tonight, I hope that somehow Hayden wins. It'd be nice to see him put Brendon and Rachel up on the block together.. Again.

Ugh. I also think most will be throwing the HOH comp. It's really sad. They all want R&B out, but no1 wants to actually do it.

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Britney has won a couple of PoV competitions, maybe she'll try to win the HoH tonight. I'd like to see Ragan win HoH also. I don't want someone to win who has already won before.

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I would like to see one of the Brigade or Brit win just to see if they would go through with nominating R & B. Watching those 2 on the block all week together might make for some good TV. Would get to see how strong their "love" really is for each other.

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it should be an interesting week depending on who wins hoh

either you have brigade broken up to a degree or rachel n brendon broken up

it is going to be a lot of throwing under the bus this week one way or another

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Although I think tonight's episode will be boring, and that most HGs will be throwing the HOH comp tonight, I hope that somehow Hayden wins. It'd be nice to see him put Brendon and Rachel up on the block together.. Again.

I don't see Matt or Hayden hopping down too soon tonight. Especially after Britney filled Matt in on Brenda gunning for him next week. I want anyone but Brenda to win. But I'm really hoping Brit or Hayden wins tonight, both seeking revenge. Oh the drama! :animated_bouncy:

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I want Brendon to win and upset the house again and have everyone nervous waiting to see the noms. With all the stuff Britney told the other side last night would they really throw it or want to win it to put up B&R.

Is there someone in the house with a set of b@lls or did they fall off from having their hands down their pants all the time.

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I would like to see Lane win just to see if he would have the HG beg from the bottom floor as he stood over them from the balcony. That would just be to funny to see Rach and Brenda groveling as he held court.

I too think that if Rachel and Brenda are nominated the romance will be over. The pay for play ho will throw him under the bus in a vegas minute.

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Is there someone in the house with a set of b@lls or did they fall off from having their hands down their pants all the time.

They are all balless... :lookaround::animated_rotfl:

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i was hoping it wouldnt be another endurance :animated_bouncy:

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it should be an interesting week depending on who wins hoh

either you have brigade broken up to a degree or rachel n brendon broken up

it is going to be a lot of throwing under the bus this week one way or another

OR, someone will be really lame and waste their week getting rid of Kathy, ya know??

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showtime :party_smilie:

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i guess due to pandoras box and crap

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