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8/28 - Live Feed Updates

Angelo Joe

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Ragan continues Morph practice. (It's amazing the details he has picked out. If they dont have this comp he will self distruct)

**Kathy has taranula eyes, hair obsures one eye. only woman you can see bottom teeth.Rachel's head tilt be perfect match with Ragan. Too much makeup on eyes. Hayden has indian eyes, mole on cheek. Kristen smiles with eyes, chipmonk teeth. Enzo has thinning hair, mouth closed. Annie has long brown hair,squinting eyes,chipmonk/beaver teeth. Ragan squinty eyes, right eye obsured. Money big curly hair, eye balls go all the way to right,see more right side of smile. Brendon has tp hair, brown eyes, rt eye lid caves in, double frown line. *** on and on and on

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Ragan feeds fish.

Hayden brushes his teeth, puts on deodorant and goes back to bed.

Ragan asks BB to turn off the fan in the Cabana and continues doing his thing.

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Cam 3 on Enzo sleeping in Palm room

Cams 1,2 and 4 on Ragan in Cabana room, gets up and gets a blanket from red room, sits down at table and studies memory wall.

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Enzo sleeping, Ragan quiet, could be sleeping. Lane out of DR, wakes up palm room, they roll over and go back to sleep.

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12:43 PM BBT

Lane and Britney talking about POV. If the game isn't played around lunch time it's usually at night.

They are eating Fruit Roll Ups. "Do you roll them up in balls and eat them too?" asks Britney. "Yeah I do, big ones." "Well, I'm going to do smaller balls." says Britney. "Smaller balls? smaller balls? That explains everything to me." jokes Lane.

They guess there will be a host for this game.

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12:53 PM BBT

We can hear Ragan's mic (back to trivia/photo training) but not see him.

Britney and Lane talking about the people in their lives sharing stories about them and general chit chat.

1:00 PM BBT

WBRB - probably getting everyone up.

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feeds up.. just showing Ragan laying in staring... nothing else. Looks unhappy or stressed???

Enzo and Lane in the kitchen.. enzo mouthing off. Talking about someone whining. Enzo pacing like crazy ... saying "it's my time to win" ... saying "sore looser" .. Brit saying it was hilarious.

Lane in hoh munching like crazy, now laying sitting on the bed watching Enzo pace in the kitchen.

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Enzo asks if he can wear the POV. Briney says yeah if he wants.

Enzo says Ragan is a sore loser.

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sounds like it was physical.

Lane to Enzo: you broke a log.

Enzo: Ragan and I fought for it.

Lane: dude you climbed like crazy.New respect for you.

Enzo; Ragan a sore loser.

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comp was with Questions, HG CD's and grabbing certain ones, running back. Sounds like an OTEV type challenge.

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Lane saw Ragan run back, he just grabbed a CD and ran up too, he had the wrong CD but at least he beat Ragan there. Last 2 were Enzo and Ragan

Hayden, Lane, Enzo and Britney in HOH: Ragan probably wont come out of cabana.

Enzo: he is eating, at least he is eating.

Brit to DR.

Brigade say they have to win the next HOH to make F3.

(I am out, someone take over please)

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Enzo on toilet, Hay closes the door to the tub area. Lane/Hay talk about what could happen if Enzo wins HOH.

Hay: do you think we could beat Brit in F2? You trying to take Brit?Lane: No thats not what I mean. I want her gone nxt wk.

Lane: worked out good, i wont have to put her up.

Hay: yeah i will put her up. Brigade F3!!

Hay: we gotta get us to the F2. Enzo comes out of WC. just as Hay said that. Enzo didnt hear or ignored it.

biggest dough doughs in the game and we made it. we are the most trustworthy in house.

General talk about making F3.

Ragan still in Cabana saying Brit will be on block nxt wk if doesnt win HOH.

Hay/Lane going to play dominos.

Ragan going over what will happen if this one or that one wins HOH/POV in future.

Ragan: say I stay, then its Ragan/Brit against Enzo/Lane. 3 ppl playing agains one for POV.

Brit asks Hay who Lane will put up as replacement.

Hay: prob me.

Brit: this is the safest wk to be pawn.

Hay: Idont care, will be pawn.

Hay/Lane/Brit playing catch w/beanbag(?). Brit in front of stove, Lane in front of memory wall, Hay by stairs.

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Hayden reading his HOH letter.

Hi Grandma!! she watches the feeds and tell family whats happening.

Grandmpa is feeding his dog. (Grandpa has gone to all his games unless they were real far away)

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Lane says that in his Pandora Box he had to choose from 3 envelopes. The one he took had $91.17, others were like $2,500, $5,000. They wonder when their other punishements will be.

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Haydon, Lane and Britney wonder how much of what Matt told them WAS real.

Talk of going to Steamboat Springs Colorado

Britney will cook the raviolis but someone else has to do dishes.

Britney gets onto Lane for opening a new bag of chips when one is already open, she threw away so much peanut butter because it was opened & not used.

Lane says that was Monet.

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Ravioli done, Lane tells Ragan.

Enzo called to DR, going to take his Bling with him.

Britney using tongs for a fork.

Hayden: they want us to look like fools

Hayden uses either a salad spoon or a spatula, Lane uses the cooking spoon.

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Britney gets ready to take a bath. Lane goes downstairs to use that WC. He eases the door open and sees some orange. ummmm Hayden in there.

Ragan in Cabana rm says. "what a humiliating day."

Enzo out of DR, eating.

Enzo reading Haydens letter says Canadian National Rodeo is code for something. They dont have horses in Canada.

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Hayden tells Enzo he wouldnt mind doing another nom speech, say Hi to his mom again.

Enzo:It was a great feeling to be on that hill and put POV on my neck.

Britney took a shower upstairs.She puts on her mic with the camera looking down her top. She looks straight up at it and says "You need to calm down."

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