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8/22 - Live Feed Updates

Angelo Joe

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12:17 BBT

Feeds came back for a second and back to bubbles..

12:20 Feeds return with Enzo complaining about his penguin getup..as Matt says "i'm not unpacking...I'm done with this shit" as Enzo says you wanna leave but want to stay "can it get worse than this" he aks...

Now Enzo wonder if "he gets to keep this" as Matt says "its yours ..you earned it" as Matt says "i would have done any shit" and says "i went for every punishment except the charity"

12:23 BBT Outdoors ragan still sitting with Brendon and Britney talking.."y'all just gonna stay out here" as Brit says "we'll see" and have a "makeshift bed" as they may just "stay out here" as ragan says "its comfortable" and Brit says "its not that bad"

12:25 BBT Matt and Enzo stiil at the table complaining...Enzo gets up towash his dishes..as Matt asks Lane is working out and Enzo whispers to Lane "i still think Matty wone the Hawaiian trip" and they both laugh..

Enzo says as he goes outside "I'm going to shave my head" {get the tweezers} as he says that's what mood he's in so he might as well do it..

12:27 BBT Enzo going on about his costume like no other bb contestant besides him has had to endure the same humiliation..and FOTH..

12:28 BBT FOTH...

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Feeds back with Enzo in hot tub. Ragan is trying on Enzo's penguin costume. Britney says he looks ridiculous. Britney complaining that Enzo never wears the penguin feet.

Matt and Lane are playing pool.


12:42am BBT:

Hayden walked over to see if Brendon smelled. After he walks away Britney comments on how it seems nonone wants them to be alone and talk.


12:31 BBT

Lane and Matt's workout has become a pool game as they are playing pool

Enzo allows ragan to put on his penguin suit as Brit asks Enzo "you don't wear the feet" as Enzo says "they don't work no more" as Brit ask "you broke em"

Wow Brendon had "Mary Poppins" on vinyl as ragan excitedly says "i did too"

Brendon and Brit discuss "Mary Poppins" their favorite scenes...Brendon "one of my favorite all time...growing up" as they says "its back"....

12:34 BBT Brendon wonders why they never came out with "mary Poppins 2" as Brit wished they could watch a movie in the BY with a giant screen....

12:35 BBT Lane and Matt playing pool..Enzo in HT to do anything to not wear the penguin outfit....Hayden still in DR..as he walks out asking if he can play next...

12:37 BBT They are talking about the chum and the smell as Hayden says "ill talk to you later" and Matt ask "about the DR?"... as Hayden says "they brought up.." and foth

12:39 BBT FOTH..

Feeds return to them playing..pool Hayden and Matt with Lane watching from the side..

12:40 BBT Brit saying "no one said its easy" about HOH and Brendon says even when you make a decision you second guess anyways...

Brit "all i gotta do now is move forward"..Bren agrees...Brendon says he's "gonna be" after his next "chum bath" in the shower.."the outside shower" brit asks as Brendon says he's already done it..

bren says he thought he was gonna sleep in HOH bed but Brit says tomorrow they will both going to bed early as they discuss "blog" pictures" and HOH perks...

12:43 BBT Bren Brit talking about HOH.....


12:46 BBT

Brit talking about her family..full and step siblings....as Brit talks having fun with sister fought with older borther

12:47 BBT DING DING DING DING chum times

"dip number 4..chum buddies for life" as someone shouts as he gets in as Brit chuckles "it doesn't get old"

Brendon jumps out into the shower..

brendon "what are we gonna be like on hour twenmty" as Brit saus "i now righty" as she tells him to gets his "ears" from the chum..

Brendom immediately heads to HT as Enzo asks "its really cole the water..chum shit" as he dives in.....Enzo "its every hour"..as Ragan says "i can't believe you have twenty more to go" as Ragan notices "chum under your left eye"

someone asks what's going on?

Brit: "your bald..." points to Enzo "he's a penguin" as Brendon does Arnold Schwarzenegger as Raganm says it was the worst....talk about him being Govenor..Ragan explains how the "got rid of him" "gray Davis" {he was recalled} as Ragan says any California Govenor is "destined to fail" because of the "legislature" as Ragan tries to explain...

Brendon talks about "horrible education" "shitty roads" and Ragan talks "propostion 8" {it was found unconstitional but he doesn't know since he's been in BB house} as Ragan says its still law and talks about the process of it being overturned..

12:58 BBT "that would be the day gay marriage would be legal in arkansas" saying it would be the last states to pass it.. as Ragan says "it would have a good shot" to be overturned by the High Court..and thus making it leagal throughout the country

12:59 BBT HT gay marriage convo continues..and "states rights"


1:00 BBT

Ragan wonders if they got booze saying he wants to get "good drunk" tonight as Lane goes to check

Hayden has joined the HT club..Lane says he forgot to ask for booze...and Matt is in DR..so no booze...

1:03 BBT they are talking fishing as Brit says she has "a pink fishing pole" as Brit says she fishes a lot..saying "i've caught decent fish" as Brit asks if she's ever caught a "gar" as Lane shouts "you talking about an "aligator Gar"

1:05 BBT Ragan says "hawaiian vacation and hawaiian feast today" as Ragan says he just thought of it..as they discuss "the feast" and wonder if Brit got to asks...

Brit bashing Jesse about saying meeting him was "once in a lifetime"..calling himself "a world class bodybuiler" and to "sieze" the opportunity...as Brit says "it was really bad"....Brit says "what is the first word in workout" and Brit says "workout is one word" and told Jesse he needed to an "altoid"....Brit says Jesse "is not vey tall" and brought up "what a nice guy" Jeff was..Brit says she told him they had the cast member who hold the bench press record..

1:10 Brit says "he was so gross" as Hayden said he would have liked to do the Jesse thing.."escape routes outta this room" was what Brit wanted to work on when Jesse asked..

Ragan asks if Matt "was the last person" to be called to DR..Hayden asks about Ragan's DR he said he went in voluntary "to complain" and FOTH..

1:12 complaing the speakers are really loud..

Ragan wants "cards or something"


1:15 BBT

Brendon asks Brit if she wants to "lay down" after the next chum run...as Bren asks if she need to use the bathroon or eat as Brit says she should "pee before your next chum bath" befor she tries to sleep

They are talking about the "belly fat" girls "missing teeth and stretch marks yo" at the Luau..they all laugh..

1:17 BBT Mostly everyone outside in HT talking

Hayden asks if Live feeds say the luau as Brit says no they probably "got fish"

Ragan now wishes he ate "some of that food"

1:19 BBT More Jesse bashing..from brit..saying at first she said "it was gonna be really funny" but he was just a "straight up doucher" and "how bad" Jesse "got on her nerves" and was "mean"

{i'm out see ya tomorrow}


All HG's sleeping

About 50 mins. ago Brit went with Bren (no other choice) to do the Chum Bath thing.

Dip - dip - shower (I guess you could say he was Triple Dipping)

Bren tries to dry off before they head back to their backyard bed.

All bundled under the covers - and back to sleep.


7:35 BBT Cam 1 and 2 are on Britney and Brendon on the outside lounger trying to get some sleep.

Cam 3 is on Lane sleeping in the palm room and Cam 4 is on Ragan and Matt also sleeping in the palm room.


7:47 am BBT

Chum dip time.... Dip, rinse, dip, dry, bed.... Brit is being a very good sport and being quite helpful...


7:45 am BBT ding ding ding another chum bath for Brendon. They have it down pat now. Not sure how many this is maybe 10 or 11....(I give props to both of them being handcuffed together and the chum baths-mmm. ) Brendon rinses off and the gets into the hot tub, Britney tells him to go under the water so he can rinse his ears. I think brendon says this sucks balls and Britney says yeah. Brendon dries off and they go back to bed on the lounger...


8:45 am BBT Ding ding ding..chum time again. Brit tells Brendon he still has some chum in his ear, Brendon washes it out. Brit wonders what time it is..like 8? Little chit chat but hard to hear, no mic on Brendon and he is making noise in the HT. Britney has to pee then she says they can go back to sleep. Brendon has to stand right against the WC door. WBRB Britney washes hands and Brendon brushes his teeth. Brendon asks if she needs food and Britney says no I'm good. Britney and Brendon head outside and are putting the awnings down. WBRB. Britney and Brendon head inside to the DR, Britney says it feels good in to the DR hallway. Now all 4 cams on the palm room..All still asleep.


9:10 am BBT I heard Britney and Brendon come out of the DR and then go outside but all 4 feeds on palm room. Ragan, Matt and Lane still sleeping and someone is snoring a little..


10:30 Am BBT Britnet and Brendon in kitchen. Britney eating fruit loops and Brendon cooking slop. Lane is also up in the kitchen, the 3 of them are talking about all you can eat meat restaurants where they bring the meat out on a sword and carve it at the table. Enoz up goes in SR changes mic and back to bed in the HN room. Lane is back in bed. Britney and Brendon standing at the stove waiting for the slop to cook. They are trying to figure out who got the POV prizes. Britney says eating made her sleepy. Brendon hates that slop takes so long to heat up. Britney said the protein shakes don't fill her up, Brendon agrees. Brendon says he makes a bunch of the slop pastina and puts it in a baggy the heats it up when he is hungry with the bean dip. He says the broccili helps too but he is so gasey. Brintney says she could not eat a 1/4 of the slop Brendon made. Brendon says when they are not hand cuffed they have to clean the house it's disgusting, Britney agrees. Brendon says what is Britney had to be hand cuffed to Nick. Britney would like that and it would be fun. Brendon said one of his high school teashers told him really good advise that laughter is important in a relationship. Britney said Nick is hilarious and does not take himself seriously.

Brendon said the house is like a frat house now. Britney said she will clean up later when the get uncuffed. They head outside. Everyone else is still sleeping. (I can hear some kind of music in the backround outside), brendon wants to just walk around outside the house for a day so he can see what are all the noises they hear or when they get evicted they can walk behind the mirrors, Britney says she thinks they can do that at the rap party. Britney asks if LA has a rail system and brendon says it's really small and Britney says well do you hear a train or...WBRB. Feeds back and I can still hear the singing and music. WBRB Looks like other HG's are getting up now but I could not tell who.


10:45 am BBT ding sing ding chum dipping again. Britney says the chum has become a lot lower and he has to go lower in the tub. Brendon says yeah it stinks. Britney advises Brendon where the slop is still on his body. On the way over to the hot tub Britney asks Brendon what do you think Rachel will say about your hair? Brendon says she will flip but hopefully it will grow back before he sees her. Britney said it will be on the DVD that the next evicted HG takes to the Jury. They laugh about Ragan shaving his head and Brendon said he did a pretty good job. WBRB


11:00 am BBT Feeds backs. Brendon and Britney on By couch talking about they do no think Hayden or Lane would lie about the POV prizes and Lane was honest about the phone call home. They think Matt won the trip and 5k. Brendon said Matt will not want her to talk to anyone alone once they get uncuffed. Britney said he already tried twice to talk to her, he was knocking on the HOH door when she opened Pandoras box and once when she was changing in the HOH bathroom and she did not know who it was. WBRB Looks like they are now on a ID lockdown. Britney said something about a carnival so that's where the music is coming from. They go up to the hoh room. Britney is going to put on make-up and Brendon will finish his slop. Brendon is helping Britney with the pillows on the bed. She is now sitting on the bed and he is sitting on the floor. Britney is sleepy. Brendon asks about her wanting to work for the cowboys. She said she wants to work for the NFL maybe in sales or marketing, she loves football. She said she would work for any team. Just some random football talk going on..all 4 cams on HOH.


11:00am BBT:

Brit and Bren outside having breakfast. Bren says he thinks he(Matt)took at least 2 prizes. Brit agrees and adds that she believes Lane and Hayden. Brend feels it was very honest of Lane to admit he took the call when he could have lied. Seems like Brit appreciates the honesty while others are lying.


Our happy couple have now gone up to hoh. Bren still eating slop while brit puts on makeup. She


11:05 am BBT Brendon said he will watch football but really does not have a favorite team. Britney said her mom is a huge fan and likes Brett Farve. She said her dad could care less about football. Brendon likes fantasy football, Britney said Nick is alway doing fantasy sports and brackets and stuff. Brendon says it's really time consuming. Britney wanted to go to UCLA or USC, Brendon said USC is really expensive. Britney said she got a good scholarship(spelling?) and stayed in Arkansas. She also wanted to go to NYU but it's really really expensive. Brendon is now talking about where he wanted to go...just chit chat about colleges and so on....


11:10am BBT:

Brit wanted to go to UCLA or USC. Bren says USC is very expensive. She got a good scholarship that kept her in Arkansa. He has a friend who went to USC for an MSW and paid something like $50 for a 2yr program. Talk turns to student loan amounts and how even colleges that are not that good cost a lot. Brit is 16th part native American so it helped with scholarships from the school combined with academic. Majored in communications and Spanish. Bren feels that even if he doesn


11:26 am BBT

Bren and Brit in the HoH laying down. Brit in in the bed, Bren is on the floor... all cams on the HoH room...


11:30 am BBT all 4 feeds on HOH. Britney in bed and Brendon on the floor, no talking, maybe trying to catch a nap before the next ding ding ding.


11:10am BBT:

Brit wanted to go to UCLA or USC. Bren says USC is very expensive. She got a good scholarship that kept her in Arkansa. He has a friend who went to USC for an MSW and paid something like $50 for a 2yr program. Talk turns to student loan amounts and how even colleges that are not that good cost a lot. Brit is 16th part native American so it helped with scholarships from the school combined with academic. Majored in communications and Spanish. Bren feels that even if he doesn


12:19 PM BBT - Brendon wondering how Matt and Ragan would have reacted if he had picked them to be handcuffed.

Tells Britney that she is handling it a lot better than a lot of other people would. "Thanks" she says.

He picked her for the 24 hour handcuffing because he wanted her bed.

He asks her if they would have a shot to the end if it was Ragan, Britney and Brendon. She says it depends on how mad Ragan is going to get. She wants to be able to talk to Ragan by himself, but Brendon says you have to watch what you say to Ragan because it goes back to Matt. She doesn't want to make an enemy out of a friend.

12:23 PM BBT - Lane putting silverware away in the kitchen and Matt cleaning the counters with a dry paper towel. Matt wants to grill some hotdogs.


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