Angelo Joe Posted July 30, 2010 Share Posted July 30, 2010 Please post ONLY "real time" Live Feed observations here !If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use Parenthesis (*brackets*) around the text.Please post pictures and video in the following forum! you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted.Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
claz1285 Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 918 BBT "Hayden, please go to the Diary Room." He broke several pool sticks while swinging one like a baseball bat, after losing a pool game to Enzo. Yes, this is the excitement we have tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 10:00 BBTAt the hammock the brigade is talking pool tournament as Brit comes over with a tiny bit of the cue Hayden destroyed earlier...and says she can get "at least 20 bucks" for it on Ebay..Brit just flipped off the hammock when Enzo showed her the moth..{very funny}10:02 BBT Brit comes back laughing "so embarassing...that's embarrassing...I fell backwards" as she laughs..."you took a spill" Matt Brit says "they're big in California" talking about the moth saying it could be a they giggle about her acrobatics...10:04 BBT Lane and Enzo are playing pool with the remaining cues that survived Hayden's swing from discussion...Feeds FOTH ...BBAD Pool game no talking....At the hammock Brit Enzo talking...about the BB acceptance process....about "the call"...Matt says he got his during his "friend's reception" and FOTH...10:07 BBT Enzo wants "double evictions for the rest of the fucking season" as Matt and Brit agree...They wonder what will happen as whether JC will talk to HOH as Enzo says they will probably want to talk to brendon as Matt says she asks "how does it feel" he's going home next week...10:10 BBT The pool game continues as Kathy watches from the couch...The excitement continues..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 10:13 BBT Hayden loses to Lane as they head indoors as they tell Brendon who's in the kitchen..Lane heads outside and hayden to Taj..Ragan on outdoor chair "i wannna go to bed earlier" as he sits with Brit...they guess the time...they discuss "pickles.." Hayden "pickles are yucky" {like him} Brit says to hayden "so rebellious of us" to do a "late night swim" as Hayden who's feeling a bit more adventerous saying he wants they to do a big "whirlpool" in the pool..Brit talks about her "backflip" out of the hammock aand says she doesn't want to "talk about it" and hopes it "doesn't make the are"..."so embarrassing"..Hayden wants to do the swim "tomorrow" but Brit says it has to happen tonight...10:18 BBt Brit sings her "hollywood hayden" jingle...Hayden stretching to run around the yard...and off he goes on his Brit offers to "keep count for you" as she advises to do more than the 19 1/2 since he's "cuttin corners"10:20 Enzo playing pool while he picks his ass....with Matt Lane watches while Brendon offers advice as Matt concedes his lack of skill prevents him from defensive play..but Enzo loses "I coulda benn 5 and 0"10:22 BBT Ragan's on the hammock looking sad his little buddy may be leaving as Enzo makes his way over talking "fast forward"...."me too" as ragan says he doesn't think there will be a double Ragan says he has a "sneaking suspicion" tomorrow will be "a turning point in the game" "filled with rewards" since they have had it "soo bad " compared to thers seasons.."mark my word" as Ragan says "both padora's boxes have been shitty" Ragan says "no margarita party" "trips" "letters" and from now own the HG will be "loaded with shit" Ragan has a good feeling the rest of the season will be "ok"....Enzo says he does also..10:26 BBT Enzo heads down and we get a shot of his balding he says he loves both matt and lane.."it sucks" as he puts on his phony sad face for Ragan.......Ragan says "i'm happy to talk" as he offers Enzo to talk about the impeding he says integrity wise.."its a wash" he campaigns for Matt..."kathy" will vote for Lane Ragan guesses when Enzo asks..Enzo thanks Ragan for his talk as he gets up to play pool..10:35 BBT Brendon talking to Kathy who's planted on the couch with Hayeden...they are talking about nothing interesting as Bren offers him his bath when he works out in the morning...and syas "you're more than welcome" as they discuss the HOH LD timeline...10:37 BBT Matt working out as Ragan lays on the hammock..."brendon is so frighten right now...I love it" as Matt says he's fucked next week..."creepy staring guy" Ragan sings {i thought he was talking about himself} but I'm not sure who it was..they talk about Brit's backflip.....Ragan says the person "who walks away the most" if its a final 4 Matt says he hopes they listen to him and "go with you" "which is what I hope they do" Matt says to Ragan... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 10:41 BBTRagan says he can "pull it off" but has "to work it" as he says he has and talk to the guys til 4 in the Ragan says "if they need to hear me say" Matt cuts him off to ask if he cleared with Enzo that he wasn't after him......Ragan says their convo didn't get that far...Ragan asks about Brits DR and FOTH....."was it Thursday stuff" when the feeds cut off..10:44 BBT..."god I don't trust Kathy" Ragan says saying you can't she's a;most as sneaky as "brendon" and that they are the same level...10:45 BBt Brendon jokes to hayden about goping to "anger management" for his cue busting antics earlier..Ragan saying he needs to "be careful" just in case Matt goes...We get a close up of Matt's scrawny yet flabby body as Ragan looks like he's in deep thought..."creepy" as Matt says "is he staring again" saying "he's obsessed" as they talk about they discuss slop....10:48 BBT On the couch Hayden talking his step brother from "kazakhstan" and his adoption as Brendon jokes about "borat" as kathy bets "he's cute"...10:50 BBT Brendon says "as Enzo" gets out they should head up to DR to Jedi drillHayden back to talking his Brother when kathy asked what "it cost"as Hayden says he doesn't really want to talk about his as his father whos "divorced' and doesn't talk finace with with him or his sister..but did says his dad and stepmom had to spend "6 weeks" over there......Hayden says "the majority" look "mongolian" except for him that look "very american" rather than "asian"...Bren asks about his medical condition as Hayden "he's all good" except "pneumonia"Hayden says him and his sis "are best friends" very close as Bren says him and his sis not so much "but she's getting better"...saying "she's really stubborn"....saying "my sister smart" in English..."masters" and "teaches" in Arizona and here in "gardena" Ca10:56 BBT Police helocopter flying over head getting the HGs attention...."i bet its right outside" "the lot" ..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 10:58 BBT Brendon asks about Hayden's sis's BF as Hayden says "he's great...a good guy" and the feed go to bubbles..Feeds Hayden says he protected her in High School as Brendon says no matter how munch "you butt heads" he still protected hayden agrees as he says again him and his sister are BFKathy talks about her over protective brothers who locked her door to protect her from his "wild friends" but says "i dated one of my brother's best friends" for 2 1/2 years comuting back and forth from "dallas"Enzo wins another title as Brendon says he likes when he wins since he's "the most dramatic" about the bowl..11:02 BBT they head to HOH to study..they leave at different times as Kathy "i just don't want to see us pile up there...I'll be up there in 5 minutes"Inside Enzo is making his mark on the bowl with the nail polish...Brendon and Hayden look on as Bren cleans up the kitchen and Hayden heads to the HOH with Bren next with Enzo following with the bowl.....11:04 "by far the best vacation I ever had by myself" as Bren talks about his Pandora's box..his own they discuss JH cuisine.. and Hayden says they get anything you order..11:06 BBT Lane is packing with the help of Brit...Brit heads to Kitchen as she snitches "i guess they went upstairs " when Matt asks where they are at.."a little fishy" Matt Brit agrees...Brit heads outside as Kathy asks about if DR will be all night and wants to "take my meds" and go to bed..11:08 BBT in HOH the Faux alliance starts their nightly Jedi drill session... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 11:10 BBT Outdoors Kathy has her feet in the HT as they talk how cold it is in the HN room as Brit says "i have to sleep with my shoes on"....Brit asks Kathy "did Hayden and Enzo go upstairs" and Kathy says "I think so"...silence...11:13 BBT In Jamanji Lane is Matt says BB took most of his clothes but says once BB gives em back "no way" he'll have enough room in his suitcase to take em home...Lane saying he has so much clothes...Matt ask th eother fatty how to get rid of all his "back fat' and "love handles" as Lane says "running" and cardio as Matt asks what Matt is called to Matt says "packing sucks" as Ragan comes in and plops on the bed.....11:16 BBT IN HOH Hayden wants Bren to "understand" that Lane will "put you up" because he put lane up..and Bren wonders if Lane knows "britney is a snake" Bren thinks he has a "crush" on Brit and Hayden says no "i don't thinks so" as Enzo "i think he'd fuck her if she wasn't engaged"...Enzo says "you wouldn't chip that up" about Brit as Brendon says no....talking about their "trainwrecks" Enzo says "not like" the "trainwrecks" he's been with as talks about his youthful adventures..11:20 BBT the Faux allince how cute Brit is..or isn't in Bren's Bren talks how when he was young he would "overlook" brits faults but not now....11:21 BBT Lane packing as Brit comes Brit and Ragan discuss where all their clothes are just in case of a double eviction..Lane talking about their BB bags Lane asks if "everyone" going to DR...11;23 BBT Kathy heads to HOH to says Brit was miffed they were in Enzo and Bren seem offended..."you don't want anyone to hang out with me" Bren Enzo looks disgusted.."just don't put me on the block" as Bren talking about not caring who the saboteur is as ...Enzo says it smells like a "nut sack factory" as Kathy says "its probably your hands" sinc ethey are always on his "nutsack"11:26 BBT They talk about people getting offended because they talk in HOH as Brendon says he wants Brit to go and says they need to start studying so that Brit doesn't win...Jedi drilling starts... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 11:28 BBT In bathroom Ragan is cutting his nose hairs with a pair of scissors {hopefully he cuts his nose off} while Matt is taking his cold shower...11:29 BBT In HOH seems Hayden has his shit together...while Kathy and Enzo really not paying attention but ocassionally Kathy will grab a fact here and Kathy recites..the saboteur's messages..and of course she can't remember and starts messing up as she gets through it with everyone helping...11:31 BBT Ragan and Matt shaving as Ragan talk about Rachel....."jury votes" 11:33 BBT Bren is giving Kathy special attention as Hayden called to DR as Enzo answers some direct questions to Brendon keeps the facts coming to the two dummies...11:35 Matt and Ragan continue with their shaving...saying "are you excited I'm minutes away to being back to a twink again" as Ragan sings obnoxiously "I'm so excited"11:37 BBT Jedi drilling in HOH continues as it seems Kathy is probaly ahead of Enzo in facts...{too bad she'll be evicted before she can use her new found BB facts intelligence} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 11:39 BBTMatt enetrs the bedroom announcing "my boyish good looks " are back to Lane and Lane continues his packing...into "my suitcase is badass" as Brit and Lane says Matt got "gypped" with his $1 payday for realing the sabotuer who got 9,999 dollars..Brit and Lane talking saying there could be a double elimination as Lane asks what "body parts" he worked out...Lane talks its "flattering" when BB ask his how it feels to be "the strongest" and FOTH..11:43 BBT Hayden is back upstairs sipping coke zero as Brendon asks what answers will give for the amount of "pounds" as Kathy says "what if they asks " the number of Brendon says "120" keep that fact in the back of her head as he continues his one on one drilling with Kathy..11:45 BBT In Jamanji they are talking their halloween party that they are not inviting rachel as Matt talks about his "favorite fucking holiday"Ragan is craving "taco bell" as brit called to Ragan saying "this experience is so Effin wierd" as Matt asks how safe does he feels as he jokes an aswer as Matt lies "i'm nervous" Ragan 'why is Brendon even part of the conversation' as Matt says "its not good" as he says "its a fine line they're crossing"...Matt code talking "no BG for the AA" as Brit returns from DR only to start talking about it and FOTH...11:49 BBT IN HOH Jedi Drilling continues...Matt asks about Brits leg shaving shower or bath.....Brit says "i'm abth taker big time" as they talk what's cleaner shower of bath...Lane ask if Brit "pees" in the bath..and she jokes she does to "heat" things up....11:52 BBT Lane talking about his shower with Brit says "the logistics" to finish up in the shower...when ragan says Kathy must be upstairs.. as Matt says "they are all scheming up there" Matt complains ..being "miserable" being on the block..11:54 BBAD is all about the Jedi drilling in HOH .... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 12:00 BBTThe study session Enzo seems to be passed out on the bed only to make an answer every so often...12:02 BBT Downstairs in the Taj Brit asks the time and answers her question herself and says "i'm actually tired" .."fruit loops and pancakes" is what Brit is going to eat when she's off slop...Matt filing his nails and the sound is coming in loud and clear...along with Lane's heavy breathing..Matt wants to go to bed but "part of me wants to relish this night..I don't no what to do"Lane "i'm going to work out....its only 12:00" as he tells Matt what he plans to work Matt asks why he wants to work out his neck and Lane says "traps" as Matt has no clue what that ragan says "the trapezius" as Matt aks about cardio for fat burning..Ragan saying its definitely a quiz...since no LD..Matt says they are studying..and Lane asks why as Matt says "because he calls them up to study" as Matt upset why Hayden doesn't avoid the den of bullshit as Matt hopes Lane or Hayden would put Bren up....."I can't imagine" they wouldn't put him up as Matt says he's concerned about "the veto' and no ones is picking up he's talking like he's stayinmg as Brit "they're definitely tossing HOH" as Lane talks about the pleasure of Brendon going up...and matt says "bust our balls" to win Brit "it pisses me off" ..because they know "you and I are the target" to ragan...12:10 BBT...Lane back to wondering if they would throw the veto as they say they won't as Brit wonders "why are they up there so much"...Brit talks about her deal with Brendon.."monet" Brit answers when matt asks what "chick" Nick would like in the house..12:13 BBT Brit says Nick "hates Katherine Heigl" and Matt agrees because "she looks so cunty" and FOTH...12:15 BBT feeds back with comp talk...Matt saying "veto veto veto that's what we gotta worry about" as he goes to exchange his mic..12:16 BBT Upstairs the faux alliance studying continues...unaware of the suspicions of them going on downstairs... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 12:18 BBT In Jamanji Matt says all of Brendon's studying "is for naught" and says it won't help him ..."let em study" as Brit and Ragan says the hosue facts aren't HOH Ragan says "enzo came down...then Kathy"..Kathy goes to Taj...talking about her crying ragan the expert says "just depressed" Brit says Kathy acts "annoyed" when she tries to console her...and says "i'm tired of trying to be nice to more"...12:22 BBT Brendon and Hayden alone in HOH studying still..Hayden telling Bren he was trying to cheer up a depressed they talk about the new saboteur Bren still thinks it was Lane since he has access to the Taj...they discuss the note planting and agree that the sab isn't bren says he doesn't trust "britney for shit" Brendon says no one would vote for her to win as both agree thay want her in the final two but taking her to final two because she would "backstab" anyone to get there...12:28 BBT Bret talking Matt is leaving saying Ragan will attach to Brit...Hayden "after tomorrow its a 1-7 chance" as Bren says "it will be a battle" to get to final two as he tells Hayden he has it easier...Brendon says no one will vote Kathy out..even if she's on the Brendon tells hayden to work on Brendon says he sees Ragan and Britney trying really hard for HOH...12:30 BBT Enzo will do better than people give him credit for..Hayden says..and may win HOH Bren says "a lot of people" will fight to see her gone....Bren says once Ragan and Brit gone no shit talking or back stabbing...Back to who's the they discuss AV and says it couldn't be Hayden says every night the lights are off but last night with the note the lights were Hayden says even if she is the Sab "she's on our side" and won't affect the vote...Bren says he seems America voting enetertaining as Hayden says maybe America voted for someone they love to Bren keeps says because America votes for people they love its "lane"...12:35 BBt Bren says final 4 with him Enzo Hayden and Lane would be cool even if he's the saboteur..Hayden yawns and says he needs to go to bed as Brendon keeps going on about Lane as the saboteur..Bren says no one will vote for Lane at the end since he's won nothing....12:37 Bren says he sees hayden "beating Lane" if he's in the final two...Enzo showering...Kathy talking to Lane in kitchen..Matt joins them in Matt asks if Kathy is better as she says she feels "something" "a feeling" something isn't right at Matt says "a premonition" as says whatever it was "i felt it" {wow she felt her upcoming eviction}12:40 BBT Matt and Lane in kitchen as Lane says he wished tomorrow who just get over with....Matt saying Brendon "wasting all this time studying" because he'll never win HOH since Matt says "if I'm in JH I want to see him walk in a black eye" as they both call Brendon "scum"12:42 They go to bathroom to talk to Enzo saying him and Lane "are wallowing" as Matt asks if he's taking shit "not giving" as Matt asks if he learned anything new that they don't Matt says "if all goes well" Bren will never play another HOH... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 12:46 BBTIn HOH Brendon talking about enjoying the house with "no drama" Hayden saying "coke zero" has no sugar..saying "its not bad"12:47 BBT FOTH....Brendon says if he makes it through another week Lane will "get over it"Brendon says "matt gets cocky" and says Kathy is "important" because she's a solid vote..they talk Brit wins hayden says him and Brendon will go Hayden lies he will "work on Lane" for a vote..12:51 BBT Brendon going on how wonderful the place will be Britney gone....Brendon saying "if we win HOH" he goes brit bashing....12:53 BBT brigade minus Hayden in the bathroom getting ready for bed..Hayden trying to leave HOH as Brendon keeps going on...talking baout Hayden has 8-10 seconds to answer and to run things "through his head" with a "before or after".....12:56 BBT Hayden saying if he doesn't know he still has a 50/50 chance to get it Bren says to pattern answers if he stand s next to Brit or Ragan..the keep discussing HOH.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 12:58 BBT Hayden exits the HOH and heads to bathroom and heads to bathroom and laughs about being stuck in HOH...Kathy is sitting alone outside smoking..the brigade in bathroom discussing hayden's hair..Brendon pops in for a the brigade talk Enzo shaves his Matt says he's 50% italian..1:02 BBT Brendon and Kathy talking in the kitchen and whn Bren asks who are they trying to let you talk to FOTH..Feeds back with brendon heading upstairs saying goodnight..Lane Kathy Enzo and hayden who's "waiting for the hot water" in the bathroom as Enzo says he feels good after shaving as Lane says "you used all the hot water up"..Lane says "thursday's finall here" Hayde says he thinking about not Kathy wants Hayden to "sit outside for a minute" and they head outside..but tries and unsucessfully pulls off Enzo's towel..1:07 Hayden says "i didn't do it on purpose" about th epool Kathy is worried Lane would put her up...and Hayden says he'll put up Brendon and Ragan...thinking Matt's going..."100% sure" Brendon will go up...Kathy says she doesn't know the "shit" like Kathy says "i know Ragan and Britney" will put me up.....Kathy "britney hates me" and hayden asks "why" and she says "i don't know" as he changes the subject to Kathy says "matt never asked me" for a vote and its the first time no one hasn' t asked her...11:11 BBT Hayden on his "1 in 7" chance as she says she leave "in a week or two" ans Brit told her "probably" she'll put her Hayden "no matter what happens I'm glad I met you" as Kathy says "you're in a world of trouble" if brendon stays as hayden says if he doesn't put Brendon up he will lose jury Kathy says "you have my vote" and brendon and Rachel's vote..Hayden wonders who he could put up against Britney and finally says "i gotta put up Ragan " with he hopes no double eviction so he has time to think what he will do..and again asks "you think I should put up Brendon" as Kathy says the "reprecussions" might be bad since he loses two jury house and Brendon can win Hayden says he'll put up Britney and Bren and have control who goes..1:16 BBT Kathy says Enzo will throw HOH..Hayden says he doesn't know "what to do"1:18 BBT Kathy: "i'm scared Britney is going to win" as Hayden says she's safe as long as Brendon "doesn't win" and will play his "butt off" to win.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 1:19 BBT Kathy says she need to make it "to at least the 50,000" to get what she needs done..silence......1:20 hayden says "no matter what its gonna be a tough road" saying she can do it as Kathy says the fish will die when she's out becaise "no one cares about it but you" and that's all she's good an offended kathy says she doesn'r know "anything about my life" {truth hurts}1:22 BBT In Caban room Enzo and Lane talking...with Matt as Enzo talks wanting Brendon "the fuck outta here already"they are upset hayden is talking to Kathy as Matt is annoyed Kathy can't get the brigade meeting going as Lane says "here he comes"1:23 BBT hayden comes in CR saying Brendon 'knows his shit" and he's studying something he'll never Hayden says he wants Ragan to win...They discuss who Brit will put up...saying they will "vote Kathy out" as they discuss Brigade's worthlessness how none of them have won a "POV"1:26 BBT Enzo says if they talkked to Kathy for votes as Hayden tells them Kathy told him she needs the "50Gs"..Enzo 'won of yous are going home" as hayden tells him "unless you got the power" as Enzo asks what are they doing with the votes...."are we splitting the votes" as Matt says "it sucks" making the decision..1:29 BBT Hayden says he has "respect' for both of them as he talks goodbye message and FOTH...they talk about "the crazy" experience as Matt says "anything is possible" Enzo says they have a good shot being "final three"1:31 BBT they talk the chance of winning the whole prize as Matt says "its totally fucking doable"1:32 BBT Hayden says they should do a DR Enzo says its either up to them as Matt says "or Kathy" anyway they "want to do it"Brigade meeting continues.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 1:33 BBTEnzo says "should I find out what Kathy's doing" as Matt says he doesn't trust it..Hayden "lets talk to Kathy and will tell them "tomorrow" ahead of time what they decide to do,...."matt: "cool"Hayden says "i gotta figure it out tonight" and will tell himtommorrow as long as you both agree "not to throw the brigade under the bus"1:35 BBT Hayden says he'll tell them what they'll do...1:36 BBT Matt says he wouldn't throw the Brigade "under the bus" and Lane neither says he wouldn't..and Matt says "no no" as Enzo says he wants "one of us" to mayy says "i want it to keep going to the end" as Enzo says he doesn't want to see "britney" win it..1:38 back patting...{i"m out be back tomorrow" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cathy Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 2:02am BBT:Jedi training in cabana room among the brigade. Matt asks about the study info Brendon has. They run through it and Matt corrects some of it and says it's good that the info is wrong. Also that now they know what numbers to throw out during comps. Talk turns to Kathy and how much she throws Britney under the bus. Matt says how odd that is as Britney mentions talking to Kathy because she looks lonely. All return to Brendon topic and telling both him and Britney they are pawns. Hayden and Lane discuss among themselves about Enzo having some kind of power. Kind of in a joking manner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 1:45 AM BBT All 4 feeds on The Brah gade in the cabana room jedi training and Kathy bashing. They are talking about the bizarre stuff they have been trying to figure out like the amount of rope used in the las HOH or the about of pink pins knocked down in the bowling POV...Enzo and Hayden says that Brendon and them have been trying to figure out these kind of things.Talk goes to the paint can and how much paint could fit into it and Enzo says yeah its parameter times pie times your mother...hayden says Brendon tries to figure this stuff up and can calculate a lot of stuff in his head. Enzo is glad that hayden will go up to HOH with him when Brendon wants to jedi train. Matt says its good that they know when Brendon knows. Now they are talking amount a SAB message (I think). Something about jumping jacks, howl at the moon, hand stand, shower, kiss, TP, pledge of allegance, mimic, exchange your shirt, huddle, sizzle, flex cheerleading, smile then spin...I'm not sure what this was..They say Brendon has them all out of order and he will never get them.Enzo went to get a snack.......2:00am BBT Brah-gade still going over possible HOH comp and they are all snacking, it will be hard to hear now...They say Kathy told Hayden that Brit said Kathy is going home in a couple of weeks and the fish will die. They think Kathy is losing it. Enzo says she makes stuff up so the new HOH will not put her up. Talk of who to put up if they win HOH. Hayden would rather Brendon go home next week. Back to a little Kathy bashing, they can not beleive she made it all the way out to the hammock tonight, Lane says yeah thats pure air out there. Only Lane and Hayden in cabana talking about the possibility of Enzo having a power, they said he has never said no and he looks away when they ask him. Enzo and Matt return and they ask him if he has the coup de meow meow. Matt says they are gonna make Enzo crack and he will spill the beans. Enzo wants a sab note every night.Lots of chewing going on. They are now counting the days of all the comps and sab messages. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 2:15am BBT Enzo wants to get down to the final 3 with Kathy and Michelle aka Kathys alter ego. Hayden said yeah one of them will vote Enzos ass out and Hayden will vote for her. Talk goes to what each is wearing tomorrow for the live show. Jeans and bottom down shirts, Now talking about unvailing the brigade. Lne wants Ragan and Brit to win HOH if its DE so they can get out Brendon and Kathy and the brigaeds hands are clean. Lane said he made Brit cry today but it was the gremlins fault he started it but all is ok now. Enzo wants ragan to win HOH this week so they all can play the next HOH. Just going round and round. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 2:20 am BBT Hayden asks if they think the bloggers just laugh at the brigade, Matt says yeah..(hhhmmmmmm)They say if Kathy has a power she would put herself up. They say the brigade wouldn't be the brigade if they didnt F everything up but everything turns out ok.They all leave the cabana and I think they all want to go into to DR together. Lane is looking for something in his suitcase. They are not being very quiet. The brigade in the bathroon now primping before going into the DR together. They say if Ragan or Brit catch them they will say they were making fun of Kathy. If Kathy catches them they will tell her she is dreaming lol. They all go into the DR and we get WBRB Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 2:45 am BBT Still wbrb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 2:46 feeds back and the brigade is walking out of the DR, Matt said they should have done that all the time. Brendon sleeping in the HOH. Brit and Ragan I think sleeping in the HN. Matt goes to the WC. the other 3 whispering in the palm. Matt says he is going night night but sits down in the palm. Enzo says he is only tired during the day. They are talking in the palm room (they have the entire rest of the house and have to whisper in there, not to smart!) The lights dim in the rest of the house. Enzo says he was in every comp and he knows what happened and Hayden knows his shit. They are syaing it sucks one of them has to go this week. They hear something and think they are on lockdown and they may be setting up for the HOH, WBRB3:00 am BBT brigade still whispering in the palm. they are going over scenarios and trying to get the big donkey out (brendon) and they will be able to fly to the finals. Talk about Kristin and they didn't care if she went to final 5 with them. Talk about goodbye messages and WBRB. (I guess BB will not tell make annoucements over the entire house when everyone is sleeping so they keep going to WBRB when the brigade talks about DR or production) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 3:04 am BBT feeds back, I think now they are talking about when Lane or Matt leave tonight. enzo says he may cry and may hug or kiss the person, they just dont know when he gets emotional. Enzo says they have to go to Matts house first and record 2 singles. Enzo says their first song should be kill the SAB. Hayden says whoever wins should fly the others in. Now Enzo asking the other brigade members about their voices...Enzo said this sucks but it will be over in a month and then in a couple months they will miss it. Matt says yeah the Brigade is half the house. They want Brendon out next week. Enzo says yeah they gotta start fighting now. enzo said Brendon will be upset. Matt says if no DE tomorrow then he doubts there will be one. Enzo says he has been trying but he could do better. Hayden said he has been trying. Enzo said they just move forward now. Now talk about how they each did in the comps. Enso said in past seasons he thought he could do the comps he saw on TV but its different when you actually are doing the comps. The meeting breaks up, Enzo asks Lane why he wasn't funny during their DR session..Lane says yeah I didnt do shit. WBRB3:15 am BBT Hayden still sitting in the palm with lane and says tomorrow is going to suck balls bro. In walks enzo with the billiards bowl and WBRB again.enso says if I break your balls I like you a lot. hayden is telling Enzo it sucked when Enzo traps Hayden with the garlic feign. Enso says Brendon asks Enzo if he wants to help him peel garlic, Enzo says WTF. Enzo says when they get restocked he is going to throw all the peppers and garlic away. Enzo makes an anology about the brady bunch movie and how mr brady would make the same building just a different color and trees and that is like brendons cooking, same spices and veggies just differnt meat (lol pretty funny). Looks like they are going to bed now. Now enzo and hayden whispering in bed in taj room. Its hard to hear them. They are talking in their code....their mics are off so hard to hear what they are saying. I think they are saying they will try to win HOH and if not they will let the chips fall. Maybe talking about Ragan will have no one since Matt is giggles going on.... Now they are saying something sucks and now talk about POV. (their code is making me mad, they came up with some new stuff). They think Matt was playing something off in front of Ragan. Hayden says it hurts that Matt is leaving. Enzo says they owe it to Matt to make it to the final 3 and he thinks it will be no problem. WBRB, (I guess BB is tired of their code talk too) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 3:30 am BBT Feeds back Enzo saying someone breaks his balls more than strokes his ego. Enso says his wife is cute and hot. Hayden says good for you bro. Enzo says after this his wife will tell Hayden that her sis has a crush on Hayden but she is too young for him, I think he said 16. Enzo can't wait to show Hayden around his town. They are now talking about they can not be afraid to win now. More code talk going on. Enzo says After they get out certan people it's anyones game bro. Enzo cant wait to hang out at a bar and watch a game with them. Hayden says yeah. Enzo hopes his wife and baby come to the finale but he is afraid of them going on a plane without him becasue he will not be there to help. Hayden said his mom and sis will come to the finally. Now talk about Haydens horses and the horses they used to have and their names. One lived to be 27, Enzo says thats cool. Hayden is excited to go to NY city. He has never been the city but has been in NY to play baseball, Enzo says he was in bublefuck and Hayden will love the city. Like 8 million people there and chicks all over. Enzo says even the dive bars in Ny city have hot chicks...Enzo says he has extra room at his house for the brigade to stay. enzo wants to go to chicago too to visit matty. Enzo thinks he was supposed to be back doored but people like him and he makes people feel sorry for him. Hayden said he does not have a job and Enzo said he will get one once he is out there. talk about Hayden breaking the pool sticks and Hayden just miss judged and didnt do it on purpose..Nothing going on, all asleep but Enzo and Hayden, just talk about the billiard bowl and getting out of there, girls and boy stuff. I'm out.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mmm Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 3:45-4:00am-ish BBT Hayden and Enzo were still up talking about guy stuff...lots of WBRB... now the stream is unavailable...Hayden and Enzo have stopped talking but I hear someone moving around, Maybe production behind the walls? Matt is moving around a lot in the HN room and so is Brendon up in the HOH, it looks like everyone else has settled down. Lane is not on the feeds. (now that i cant sleep I wish they were up, now I'm really out,no sense in watching them sleep). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
myss911 Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 7:41 am BBTAll HG's asleep... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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