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8/1 - Live Feed Updates

Angelo Joe

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Been WBRB for about 10-15 minutes.

1:21BBT feeds back and they seem to be on Outdoor LD.


1:17 BBT feeds have been on WBRB for the past 15 minutes....just before they went to bubbles, we hear rachel saying "OK" then she comes out of DR and ran to kitchen. [just thought it was kinda weird]

1:20 feeds back....looks like they may be on outdoor LD

1:20 hayden has been sprung from solitary!


1:45 bbt: brit, rachel, regan, brendon debating about whether or not testing (act, sat, lsat, mcat)is an accurate/fair way to determine who gets into schools. brendon first says that he is anti testing, but then when questioned by the rest, says testing isn't fair to those who can't afford to pay for a prep course. he says that he didn't do well on the lsat but he would be really good at law [ugh, seriously?] brit, rachel, and regan doing a good job of breaking down brendon's [nonexistent] logic.

1:55 bbt: outdoor LD over. rachel is explaining that she is slightly dsylexic (sp?) and got special testing. she and brendon are continuing the testing debate....brendon talking in circles at rachel. everone else has run away.


3:05 PM BBT

We're back. Two feeds on Ragan laying in bed staring at nothing.

Britney, Kristen and Lane chatting poolside.

Brit telling us how ignorance is bliss sometimes, she knows it's ignorant but can't she wait two more years to have to eat healthy and work out?


3>09 PM BBT

Lane listening to Brit plan a website for them to sell stuff on after BB. He'll have a cologne called Nut Musk. And a workout program called "Better than Lane".

Matt asks what they were fighting about earlier (Brenchel) and Brit says who knows. She was upset again. Those two, they'll go for relationship counseling and write a couple of books.

3:13 PM BBT

Matt asking Britney if she is on "The Knot" a wedding website. No everyone on there had really expensive weddings. She deactivated FB and will set it back up. Kristen wants her profile picture to be her in this outfit. Brit tells Matt that someone probably already tagged it on You Tube or somewhere because he asked if they could do that with the live feeds.


3:16 PM BBT

Brit is telling them to start counting stuff around the house. This is the time they start those competitions.

Matt says he's confused because there's not a lot of distinguishing things to take. He heard them laughing it up in the movie room a little while ago. Says Ferrell is pretty funny and thinks it\s not fair production crew gets to watch the movie since they work for CBS and all.

Apparently Rachel is a baby and got all upset about the cannon practices. Brit does her impression of Rachel using the cannon and it's pretty funny. Brendon has to do a lot of damage control when she plays games. Brit was saying Brendon's lines and it sort of upset him.

Do we know that Ragan did something to be nice or did he do it intentionally?


Britney was up in the HOH room with the red extensions in talking about Brendon and imitating Rachel and she had no idea that Rachel was about to walk in. When she did and caught Brit in mid act, there was no way to cover that one up.

Last night Matt was running through the house humping Lane's leg in a suit and a wig.


3:30 PM BBT

Britney lets us know know that the movie watchers will be out around 5. which wins the feed viewers the cahnce to watch a movie of their own... FOTH.

3:34 PM BBT

During the fight the other day Lane thought Kristen was going to punch Rachel. People started coming out of the walls. And today, 3 days later Rachel is talking about cute Kristen is in her unitard. Kristen could see everyone walking around, getting a good view and getting out of the way. Britney was waiting for the door to burst open.

Lane asking what the mirrors in the comp for for. Seems he's one of the few that noticed them.



3:42 PM BBT

Brit loved watching Jayce and Evil Dick. They may have been douche's but they were entertaining. She doesn't like showmances. Jeff and Jordan were different.

Brendon and Rachel's earlier fight today was about standardized testing. She is still upset about it.

Quirkydude (the YouTube account holder) gets a shout out from the HG's for posting all of the episodes on YouTube.


3:52 PM BBT

Matt saying how this conversation just made television.

He and Enzo were up till after 4 am.

Britney telling Kristen to make a deal with Bren/Rach her and Hay to get Kathy out this week. She knows that will be hard for Kristen but it's really the best move. It will get Rachel's focus off Kristen.

Matt and Lane talking about their strategy. Ragan maybe says Lane? He loves him he's a cool guy. BUT Enzo is the one who wants him out. Ragan hates Brendon. Rips on him all the time.

Matt wishes Kristen should have stuck around but it doesn't work for the Brigade. Matt is okay if Hayden is HOH and he has to go up. Lane says Hayden has some plans he's going to do right now with Kristen.

Britney says it's bad, bad, bad strategy to have no girls against a guy. Rachel is completely disposable. Kathy has to be out.

Lane says their personalities are just perfect for the matching in this game. No one guesses that their sarcasm is real.

Kristen is in this predicament because of Andrew. Brit says Andy would have stayed in the house if he hadn't gone psycho.


4:07 PM BBT

Brit continues to sell her plan to Kris. Looks like Kris is buying.

Lane clues in a bit about Brit. "You gotta watch it. She's won a few POVs and stuff now."

Brit telling Kris that there is only so long you can hide in the game and that ends around this time. Brit is going to talk to Hayden later about this plan. She knows how nervous Kris is because she was there too.

Hayden waking up from his nap.

Kristen is upset because she's up against Hayden and not someone she wants to campaign against. Brit feels bad that she won the POV because Hayden could have won it and saved himself.

Brit wants to win HOH

Matt heard Will Farell talking earlier and is pretty sure it was pre-recorded. Lane says yeah they wouldn't have said names because they don't know who won.


4:40 PM BBT

Kathy confessing to Brit that she fears if Kris comes down, she will go up. Brit says she can't risk anyone she has been close to going home. Sounds like she's saying she won't use the POV. Says it will be hard for Kathy because It was hard for Brit when Monet was going home. But once Monet was gone, it got better.


4:46 PM BBT

Britney panicks because her Granny is at home sick. And if she passed away while Britney is here she would want to leave so her parents probably won't tell her.

Rachel's Granny is at home with an in home nurse.

Lane is saying to Matt that Brit is saying she won't use the POV but he is telling her to use the dang thing. If he has anything to do with Hayden being out Kristen will never vote for her. Matt is saying how when you are in that position you have to be able to say no. Kathy is there talking to Brit right now and he hopes she doesn't do anything. Who cares about the vote in the jury. "They" aren't going to put Kathy up.

Lane saying how Rachel won't want Brit to use it either. Do you think that's why she went in there, to break it up? Rachel went in there to stop any potting. Matt is afraid that Brit, if she wins HOH will be one of the ones Rachel and Brendon "Get" to. "We'll give you each of our votes on the jury and 5,000 dollars."

Lane says Kristen says shit about everyone. Matt has the best DR ever. They called him in and asked if he called Brendon "Needledick" and Matt says no I don't think so. Then the DR tells him if he hears anyone using that term to tell them not to because they can't use any of those conversations on the show. Matt is convinced that's the only reason they called him in. WBRB (DR talk)


4:48 PM BBT

Rachel and Brendon in DR talking about how Brit is their friend. Lane telling Matt that Brit thinks he was aligned with Rach and Bren because he didn't put them up.

Lane says when Matt gets out of there he'll look like a guy that went to prison. All jacked up and tattooed. They laugh. And then go back to how nobody should call somebody else "needledick".


5:08 PM BBT

Brendon asking if Rachel thinks Britney is scared to be in alliance with them? He says they might be able to form an alliance with her and Matt - a foursome. He says Enzo is fighting. And he doesn't want to put them up. He says both Enzo and Brit are fighting huge and they would benefit from being in an alliance with them. The heat would always be on Bren/Rach and the others get to be safe while they all work together.

If they win the HOH this week the first thing they do is bring Enzo up and offer him an alliance. Matt is playing both sides and he'll never stop. Hayden knows it, even if he is on the other side. Brendon says three people won't put them up according to Rachel's theory: Hayden, Matt and Kathy.

Outside: Ragan saying the Brendon, Hayden and Rachel are upstairs in the HOH room. Matt says he hopes no one does anything stupid.


5:15 PM BBT

Brit gets us a FOTH for singing Kid Rock's new song.

Hayden asking Lane if he's good this week. Lane says oh yeah yeah you are in the jury, you are safe this week. Telling how Lane and Enzo talked earlier and if they it comes down to Matt and Hayden on the block they'd work it out. The only thing they all need is for Brendon not to get HOH next week.


Lane grilling Ragan on what derogatory terms there are for gay men. He lists: fairy, fruit, homo, queer, the F-word. All hurtful words for the community.

They ask why a fruit? Ragan says because a fruit is sugar and sweet, A pansy would be delicate. In England they gall gay people Poufs, Pouftas. Lane asks what Ragan thinks about the F word or the Q word. Ragan doesn't mind Queer. Most gay people identify as Queer now. So what's wrong with the F word then? Ragan says it's like the N word for black people. He uses it but only in an ironic way, to make fun of homophobia. Not to perpetuate it. Hayden has a few friends that he thinks might be gay but they haven't come out at all. He checks to make sure they aren't on Showtime right now. Their mannerisms definitely seem gay. He wants them to be able to be honest with him. Ragan says it's not you maybe its someone in your group who they do see as homophobic and coming out might be a terrible thing. It will become popcorn. Ragan says no matter how hard he tried he could never pass for heterosexual, his body reads as gay. His whole life people made fun of him. But he never had that crisis moment where people thought his whole life he was straight and coming out would change everything. Hayden says he wants his friends to come out, he wants to talk to them but he would prefer they talk to him about it so they can be honest with him. Ragan says not to push the conversation, just be there when they want to let it out.

Ragan asks if the guy is good looking because after this you could just ask what he thinks of Ragan. They laugh. (I have omitted details that might identify the person)

Lane says he's be more open about and just say it. Or ask his gay friend to go talk to women for him. Because gay guys can say things to women straight guys can't. Lane thinks Ragan must have a ton of hot girlfriends. Ragan did in Arizona because everyone is so good looking. Hayden thinks they screen on looks at that campus. Ragan thinks there very nice too. Texas and St Barts also have good looking campus. Hayden has to go get his internship done to get his degree.

Lane and Hayden now discuss moving to LA and getting an apartment here. Ragan says they would have lots of opportunities. Doing all the networking in the first year after this show is crucial to being successful. Ragan thinks both of these guys are going to be popular characters on the show.


5:55 PM BBT

Kathy, Kristen and Hayden talking in Cabana room. Just chatting. Kathy needs to clean her hair it's so greasy.

Lane and Matt getting Britney to be their groupie when they go on tour. She's going to get a tattoo of Jesus in a speedo on her arm. They are going to be all messed up on the road and she'll be in a secret relationship with Nick. If Nick can't keep it quiet though about Nick being the only one to bang her they'll have to let him go. Britney doesn't want anyone on their show to be with them though. She'll be the main lady but she has to organize the other groupies. She has to herd the groupies, make sure they are well groomed. She has to use her skills to figure out which girls go to which guy. She thinks she'd really be good at this. Matt saying that Stacey is a seasoned woman at being the wife of a musician. She can figure out girls for the other guys and all that. Britney will takes notes from her.

Britney telling Nick if he's watching he's going to have to find some dealers for heroin and cocaine. Lane tells him to sample them all to figure out what they would like.

6:04 PM BBT

As Brit, Lane and Matt continue their ridiculous Rock Band planning the others are making dinner in the KT.


Matt in the kitchen talking with others with his hands in his pants (as usual). Matt then removes his hand from his pants and puts his fingers in his mouth... can't watch the kitchen any more... ewwwww

7:05 Enzo and Brenden playing pool and Kristen and Kathy continue with the pity party.

Ragan, Matt, Lane, and Rachel sitting at the kitchen table talking. No game talk.


Hayden has Brit and asking her to use POV. Kathy of course interrupts. Brit says she wants Rach and Bren out but she doesn't think she should put that big of target on her back while they are still there. Hayden says whatever happens he won't hold it against Brit. Brit says at least they aren't gunning after her.

Hayden is saying Rach and Bren say bad stuff about Brit... like she is a floater and such. Brit says she knows they don't have her back. Brit says she can't guarantee that Kathy will go up. And Hayden says if she pulls him off that whoever they put up against Kristen would stay if it wasn't Kathy.


Hayden says he can almost guarantee that Kathy goes up. Brit says for Hayden to go up and offer them a two week deal if they will let Brit pull him off.

Brit says that she thinks Matt has a big deal with brenchel (he does not at this time)

7:20 BBT Lane has now joined Hayden and Brit and Brenchel is now in the hammock.

Ragan joined Lane, Hayden and Brit and is doing things to the monkey ... LOL

Brit and Hayden alone again and are now both throwing Matt under the bus.

Britt points out to Hayden that Matt had HOH and didn't put brenchel up.


Britt thinks they can talk brenchel into putting up Kathy

Hayden tells Brit over and over if she takes him off the block and they put Lane up he will vote Kris out.


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