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Matt - Week 3 (HoH)


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Name: Matt Hoffman

Age: 32

Current Residence: Elgin, Ill.

Occupation: Web designer

He's a disgusting excuse for a human being and it sucks that he won HoH.

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We'll see how it all works out but, by the time he went to bed this morning he's putting Andrew and Kathy on the block. Telling the brigade he wants to backdoor Brendon. Telling Andrew he wants Kathy out. Telling Ragan he wants to make a deal with Brendon and Rachel; he won't put them on the block so that Kathy goes home but, if PoV is used then he will put one of them up. And, he'll let the house decide who goes home.

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I just think that if he does not get rid of Brenda and Rachel this week his HOH will have been a failure. His biggest threat is not Kathy, Andrew or Britney right now. TTaking out Brenda will destroy Rachel and her game play. She would be devastated about not being able to be with her beau. Matt is not thinking it through IMHO.

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When Matt was in the DR talking about telling Andrew about Stacey's "illness" - Funniest quote of the season: "I think I am little smarter than him. He is a shoe salesman for Christ's sake. It is not like he is a doctor or anything."

That is representative of Matt's whole game play... he does not give anyone else in the house any credit for intelligence. He is getting cocky and is going to start weaving more and more lies and get called out AGAIN! He will end up shunned the same as Ronnie. As dumb as some of these people come across... this is the smartest group BB has seen.

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So far, I'm really happy that he won HOH. I knew he was going to go for it. He had nothing to lose. He already told everyone who his targets were and he has the votes. The only thing I didn't like was his bragging after he won. Saying that he told them he would win HOH when he felt like it, that he was going to do it this week and he'll do it again. I would think that is not wise, because his alliance will get rid of him first when it comes down to it, if they can. He has a big target on his back in his own alliance. I think Enzo still did not like the way it was played out, because he kept mentioning to Lane that he did not want Monet to go. That it didn't make sense not to get rid of Andrew and keep Brit and Monet to do some of their dirty work. But then again, we all thought it was dangerous for him to volunteer to be a pawn. If he didn't have such a strong alliance, he wouldn't have been able to pull that off. He took a risk and it paid off. So, congrats to him. I'm so glad he has Radon sweating and crying. It kills me that Rachel was complaining about why she and Brendon are targets after how she treated people when she was HOH.

If he doesn't get rid of one of Radon, his HOH will have been a waste.

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I don't see why everyone hates Matt. Is it b/c of the lie about his wife? HGs lie all the time.

I'm glad he's HOH. Switches things up a bit. He should go after Rachel and Brendon. Not sure why he'd want to kick out Kathy now, when Rachel and Brendon are obviously more of a threat.

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I was thrilled when I read he won HOH. Now I'm a little scared that he's not going to use his HOH the way I want him and that would be to put up Rachel and Brendon.

I'm believing in the people here who say they think he's lying and that he will put them up. That's all I have right now and I'm holding on to that for as long as I can.

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Matt putting up Andrew, Rachel and Brendon is NOT a good idea and here's why.

No matter what, at least two of them are staying this week. They have a good shot at playing HoH next week and they WILL, 100%, put him up. No one knows about the Brigade yet so he'll be the sacrificial lamb. He'd be doing the dirty work for the Brigade with the target 100% on his back. At least when alliances are out in the open the target isn't always 100% on the HoHs back but in this case it would be.

On the other hand, if he puts up Kathy and Britney, he literally angers no one in the house. He stays another week because the chances of Britney or Kathy (whoever stays) getting HoH the following week is next to nil.

He's gotta go with the odds or I think he goes up next week.

Also, something he doesn't know...if Andrew goes up and knows he's probably going home he could reveal he's a podiatrist and tell everyone he's lying about his wife. I doubt even his own Brigade would stick by him at that point.

It's too early for Matt to make a power play. Put up Kathy and Britney, then coast by next week when you're off almost everyone's radar, or put up Andrew, Rachel and Brendon, then watch as the other two come after you full steam the following week with everything in their arsenal.

I know what I'd do. I'd want to go farther in the game, not appease my alliance-mates (or posters who don't like certain house guests)

I don't see why everyone hates Matt. Is it b/c of the lie about his wife? HGs lie all the time.

I'm glad he's HOH. Switches things up a bit. He should go after Rachel and Brendon. Not sure why he'd want to kick out Kathy now, when Rachel and Brendon are obviously more of a threat.

All lies are not the same.

Lying that I'm not in an alliance is totally different from tempting fate and lying that someone I love has a serious illness. People who do things like that, or swear on their kids lives, are douche bags.

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I don't hate Matt at all...I rather like him, mostly on a personal level though. I do think he's over-playing the game at this point...it's still really early. He's got a lot of lies and manipulations going on with various people throughout the house and at some point those people are gonna talk and put it all together. He's just playing too many people right now. As long as he keeps the Brigade guys support, he'll be safe. Right now though, he's taking all the risks and their hands are completely clean. When sh*t hits the fan I doubt we'll see any of the Brigade back him up...they're gonna be all "I don't know him."

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i thought for sure his noms would be rachel n brendon

but with a hg returning if he did put up brendon n rachel and one left

the one that left would probably returned anyway with the twist of a returning hg :animated_rotfl:

they are getting a pretty good tv edit

so it would be a wasted week anyway if one did come back

the only thing i am a bit uneasy with his plan is the possibility of a repeat of bb8 where two strongest hg got off the hook and made the end together granted they were father n daughter

i can definitely see possibility of brendon n rachel making end together

the longer they are kept in the game the harder it will be to get them out

each week i can see each hoh saying i dont want to take them out and have the other after me

let the next guy take them out

boom its final 2 with brendon n rachel :animated_bouncy:

its going to be interesting to see how this week plays out

none of this would have matter if they got rachel out week 1

which they should have done

getting rachel out was best game move imo

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Unless he seriously tries to break up Brachel, he will remain a spineless douche.

In BB, lies of the "sick wife" magnitude ALWAYS come out (whether it via HGs actually comparing notes or DR sessions leaking info), and his acting is no different. Now that he's wearing the HOH crown, his ego is growing by the second. Between him and Rachel, I'm not sure their heads can fit in the same room.

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UVP is right on about the mistakes of week 1. The bottom line is these idiot house guests created the Rachel and Brendon fiasco because they let their emotions vote out Annie instead of their brains voting out Rachel.

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All lies are not the same.

Lying that I'm not in an alliance is totally different from tempting fate and lying that someone I love has a serious illness. People who do things like that, or swear on their kids lives, are douche bags.

THANK YOU!!!! Could not agree more, he's slime, and I can't wait til they send him home to be with his "sick" wife

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When Matt was in the DR talking about telling Andrew about Stacey's "illness" - Funniest quote of the season: "I think I am little smarter than him. He is a shoe salesman for Christ's sake. It is not like he is a doctor or anything."

That is representative of Matt's whole game play... he does not give anyone else in the house any credit for intelligence. He is getting cocky and is going to start weaving more and more lies and get called out AGAIN! He will end up shunned the same as Ronnie. As dumb as some of these people come across... this is the smartest group BB has seen.

And he's supposed to be a member of MENSA. :rolleyes:

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I see Matt as a 32-year-old man afflicted with Peter Pan Syndrome. I find him squirrely and don't like him. That said, I don't care if anybody else likes him or not. That is how it works here. In addition, my not liking him doesn't deter me from recognizing that he is playing the game well. I doubt that Matt will be the one to put Brendon or Rachel on the block. These people seem intent to rid the house of disposable people first. I'm not sure why they do that, after having seen how not breaking up allies can be a terrible mistake, but it happens and happens; again and again.

Hullo, Iris.

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Watching nor for like 7 years and suddenly it hits me...there is something I don't know (well...ALOT of sutff :-p )

Let's say he puts up Rachel and Kathy (totally made up scenario)

So he puts up Rachel and Kathy. Brendan wins PoV and pulls Rachel. The PoV used can't be put up right?


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correct...pov winner/user cannot be put up.

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I think Matt wants to honor the deal he struck with Ragan though. Ragan is a close ally of Matt's and so I'm sure he wants it to stay that way. I think the deal was that he could backdoor Brendon but not put either B&R up initially.

It is taking a big chance to not put B&R up...but getting Andrew out is huge too. Andrew, the triathlete, is a strong competitor and he's very smart as well...not to mention that Matt is Andrew's #1 target. If I were Matt...I'd want Andrew out more than B&R...maybe...not sure who wants him out more.

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