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Lane - Week 2


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Every time I listen to Lane he is always saying some one is after him or doesn't like him. Right now it's Ragan I didn't hear Ragan say he would put up Lane or did I miss it. I think Lane is paranoid.

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Saw this update on jokers,

"Lane wants to cuddle, Monet declined. Lane said "I'll cuddle with myself." Lane "You lost my vote""

animated_rotfl.gif I like his sense of humor.

But you forgot to include Monet's reply to Lame, "Oh well, I lost your vote then".

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I'm just going to come out and say it...I LIKE him and I am not going to apologize for it. I think he has a very sick and warped sense of humor that can be a little over the top but most of the time I find him funny. The "spotlighting" story leaves out a few details. They are out there to kill coyotes. Coyotes kill farm animals and they kill coyotes to control their population and to protect their animals. I do not condone this but growing up in Oklahoma I understand why they do it. I have read many post calling him a sexist pig...I could be off on this but I don't believe he is. In his manner of joking I think he is mocking people who are sexist. Remember that most sexist men are actually insecure. I don't find him to be insecure at all.

Again...I can be way off on him but for now I like him. Until he does something I believe is not a joke I will continue to like him. As for him being my favorite...I have not picked a favorite yet.

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Saw this update on jokers,

"Lane wants to cuddle, Monet declined. Lane said "I'll cuddle with myself." Lane "You lost my vote""

animated_rotfl.gif I like his sense of humor.

That is actually funny! I don't mind him. Just really indifferent to him right now.

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He said the good ole boys get together in the pick-up loaded with their guns and a case of beer. They drive around in the dark and then flip on the headlights. If there are any eyes reflecting that sudden light they all open fire on it.

I have heard of this before. I know in most states there are pretty severe penalties if caught. Don't know about Texas. I think (but not sure) they have less gun restrictions than most other states. I'm sure some of the Texas folks here would have some insight.

No, we don't have less restrictions on gun laws or shooting innocent people. They are pretty much the same as the rest of the country.

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I didn't say anything about shooting people. And gun laws do vary from state to state.

Oh I wasn't being condescending, even though after reading it, it sounded that way. But, I meant innocent people because that type of behavior (spotlighting) could easily get some innocent person shot and killed. So, yeah there are strict laws regarding that. That's what I meant. And, I meant that our gun laws are not any more or less restrictive than any other state in the union. Texas does allow for concealed weapons, but you have to have a permit and it's under the strictest of conditions. Otherwise, yeah shooting a gun without a hunting permit and doing it in such an irresponsible manner is against the law.

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I bet Lane played kickball, chewed Hubba-Bubba bubble gum, and was the grade-school class clown, wiggling his way through boyhood.

He'd now like a stripper pole in the Taj Mahal.

Just to clarify: I do enjoy Lane.

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I like Lane. I think he's pretty funny. He's not someone I would date/marry, or allow my daughters to date or marry, but for entertainment purposes, I like him. I like watching him and Brit together. That have that sister/brother picking with each other relationship, that is pretty funny to watch.

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