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Big Brother 12 - Twist Revealed "The Saboteur"


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My mom and I have been talking, and after looking at and hearing all the interviews, we were wondering if Monet is the mole, as she is an actress (been on Y & R), comes from a privledged background (hench doesn't need the money)....who knows the game hasn't even started and the speculation has already started, but isn't that the best part before we actually get to start watching....No matter what my excitment level is increasing by the second...LOl

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I'm guessing we're the 14th houseguest... Big Brother never said that they would be living in the house, but Chenbot did emphasize audience participation this year. I hope I'm wrong though.

you know I was thinking that also when I read "the Saboteur is not there to win the game" as in not physically in the house to play and win the game, but the part about keeping the identity a secret and making money for how long they remain in the house changed my thought.

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After watching the cbs.com interviews, I can't tell who the mole is. I'm hoping it's not one of the super fans who say they've been watching BB forever and have always wanted to be on. Or maybe one of them is lying, which sucks.

It makes more sense to get someone who hasn't seen BB (like Hayden) to be there just to add mischief and not trying to win. It'd suck if they asked a super fan to give up the chance of winning.

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This was posted over on bigbrothergossip - they said CBS is taking suggestions on what tasks the mole should perform.


CBS posted the following image on their Big Brother Saboteur's page.

The items are as follows:

1.Duct Tape

2.Super Glue



5.Food Coloring


7.Rubber Bands


9.Glow in the Dark Ink

10.Beeping Electronic device

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Guest 6Borders

Well....here's my BB rewind:

The 1st and last legit season was BB1. The feeds were free and the houseguests were real. Then Alison & Arnold took over, the feeds were a money maker, we had Will and Boogie and a few more decent seasons, and also the reason Lisa (BB3) could be on the show, even tho she dated Josh (BB1) because it was "different producers" (like that is not a direct insite to the game).

When Alison kicked Arnold to the curb, things started to totally be about the money (in Alison's pocket mostly) and not about the game (remember Danielle (Dull Stars) going into solitary thinking it was still about the game and Will and Boogie were laughing at her because to them it was "about stuff"..which I guess is "game"). I remember being blacked out on the feeds for hours for the "big twist" and it was the Diamond Veto...big deal right up with other big twist on BB!

Remember the twins, A and Nat? They had to make it (if I recall) 5 weeks...like BB was not going to let that happen even tho Nat sat right there with another HG and said "...A and I..." among other twin-speak slips of the twin tongues

Fast forward to Janelle (BB's big money maker). She LOST an HOH by getting a question WRONG and was going to be voted out that week (according to the house).....BB could not afford that so they screwed with Howie's buzzer and had an HOH do-over, which Janelle won (surprise, surprise). My thought was that the only HG's who should have been able to do-over were the ones with correct answers, but that was not to producer-be because they needed Jani!

Bottom line. and this is just my opinion, the game is rigged, it's always been rigged and this season will be no different, saboteur or not. Since Dull Stars I have hardly watched the show but I have enjoyed chat and that was the only reason for getting the feeds most seasons, until I knew I could support Morty by getting them.

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I can never figure out why people watch shows they obviously hate...... either kick back and enjoy it for what it is, rigging included.... or just don't watch, but to watch and complain about it has never made sense to me

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Fast forward to Janelle (BB's big money maker). She LOST an HOH by getting a question WRONG and was going to be voted out that week (according to the house).....BB could not afford that so they screwed with Howie's buzzer and had an HOH do-over, which Janelle won (surprise, surprise). My thought was that the only HG's who should have been able to do-over were the ones with correct answers, but that was not to producer-be because they needed Jani!

Not to feed into this, but I thought commenting on this statement would be fine. That HOH game was having problems from the beginning. If you go back and watch that episode, along with the one that follows, you'll see and hear other HGs complaining that their buzzer wouldn't work. Mike Boogie said in the DR that his buzzer didn't work for the question that Janelle got eliminated from, but since he was happy with her getting out of the competition, he didn't say anything. Unlike Howie, who was vocal the whole time. Even James commented that his buzzer wouldn't work.

So it might seem that BB is rigged, but sometimes there's proof that sh*t happens and it isn't 'rigged'.

But glad to see ya here at Morty's and that you paid for the feeds thru him! animated_wave.gif

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Rigged or not, I'm looking forward to BB starting. (I just try to 'think' it's not rigged. smilielol.gif )

It's like the saboteur thing, I'm not crazy about the idea.... so right now in my mind, it doesn't exist LOL, once the game starts I'll have to deal with it

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This is how I look at it. There are a lot of things on TV which are "rigged" or fake but the main thing that matters is if YOU enjoy watching it. It all boils down to the entertainment factor. I love my soap opera and I know it's fake but that doesn't mean I'll quit watching it because I enjoy it too much! I find it very entertaining as I do Big Brother. Producers are going to do what they want to do no matter how much we complain about their actions. It's still provided to us for entertainment purposes (and making money, lol). Just because the show is labeled "reality television" doesn't mean you should take that literally! lol Just kick back and enjoy it and don't worry about the logistics.

Heaven knows there are enough things going on in our personal realities to worry over something out of our control on a TV program. wink.gif It's time for Big Brother!!!!! Wooohooo!!!! Bring on the saboteur! ph34r.gif

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I have no idea why I watch so many "reality" shows other than that I enjoy them. Many years ago I liked situation comedies but now I don't watch any of them. Same with soap operas. So- I don't care if BB is rigged and as long as its not too too obvious I'll watch every episode.

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What I am reading says that they get $50k if they make it to the 5 week mark. Then they may or may not be given the opportunity to play for the $500k.

Whoa, this is news to me! So they might have the chance to win now?

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Guest 6Borders

It's going to be interesting to see how BB pulls if off. They would almost have to protect the saboteur and make sure he/she is not voted out or it destroys their "big twist" to the game.

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Whoa, this is news to me! So they might have the chance to win now?

Yes...it seems they may have a chance to compete for grand prize according to Julie...as she says at the tail end of this interview "we'll see how it goes..."

Julie KCTV5 interview

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Sems fair to let them play as their own after a certain point. But I don't like the fact that 'they'll see how it goes.' BB should have made a concrete discussion as to what's supposed to happen this season, so there's no mid-season 'charity' twist to save America's favorite HG. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the game switched up last season, but it was obvious that the coup de tat was not planned and only brought in to save Jeff and rid the house of Jessie.

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