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Big Brother 12 - Twist Revealed "The Saboteur"


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i am happy they wont tell us which hg is the saboteur right away

i like having fun trying to figure out who it is

i am leaning towards it being a female too but it seem everyone is as well

so maybe they will go opposite and make it a male again

the paranoia in the house is going to be extreme :animated_rotfl:

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Guest 6Borders

besides we all know if the twist is a bomb we still enjoy griping about AG!!! That is part of the Big Brother experience!!!

Well, I actually stopped watching it...or more correctly, could have cared less if I missed an episode...sure hope they do come up with a real twist

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Since they're going to have viewer participation where they let us pass on ideas for the mole to accomplish I hope they aren't stupid enough to go with silly things like the mole hugging a muscle-bound dude for fifteen seconds! rofl That would be a dead giveaway for any real fan of BB.

We need to start thinking of some great ideas we can pass on to TPTB at the CBS website so when they say they're open to receive them we'll be ready. animated_bouncy.gif


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Seems the HGs will be told of the saboteur:

Upon moving into the house on premiere night, Houseguests will discover that one of them is not really there to win the game, but rather to sabotage their fellow players. While the saboteur's identity will remain a secret to the Houseguests, America will learn his/her identity on Thursday, July 15, during the first LIVE show.

The longer the saboteur is able to maintain their anonymity while carrying out their fan-inspired sabotage, the more financially rewarding it will be for them.

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Seems the HGs will be told of the saboteur:

Upon moving into the house on premiere night, Houseguests will discover that one of them is not really there to win the game, but rather to sabotage their fellow players. While the saboteur's identity will remain a secret to the Houseguests, America will learn his/her identity on Thursday, July 15, during the first LIVE show.

The longer the saboteur is able to maintain their anonymity while carrying out their fan-inspired sabotage, the more financially rewarding it will be for them.

link to full article

This is confusing. They said the saboteur is not there to win the game, yet the farther the saboteur gets, the more $ they get. So they DO want to win.

If they're not there to win, then I'm thinking TPTB will give them insider info.

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Ok, I have mixed feelings on the Mole. For the most part, I think it's a great idea, if they do it correctly. I like that the houseguests will know cause it'll spark paranoia, which will make it more interesting for US. But, it would have been better if they let at least a week go by before telling the houseguests, because then there would be that factor of them having their guard down for the past week, and THEN being paranoid, lol.

My only other concern is exactly what Moxie already said. When we had this with America's Player, all they did was give us stupid pranks and stunts to vote on, that had nothing to do with the game. They were soo corny.

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If they're going to tell the house guests about the Mole from the beginning, this person is going to need to be very good at this job. If the producers don't assign anything to them for the first week or two they may have a chance to get in a good position in the game. If they have to come out of the gate running, it may not work out very well.

I would love to see them have a house full of people who are very familiar with the game. Pulling Joe Smoe off the street and sticking them in that house when they've never seen a single episode of BB has always been frustrating for me. I want to see real fans playing the game!! dance2.gif

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I'm usually an optimistic person... but, I guess I've come to the following conclusion; I don't think this is anything much more that Allison and/or TPTB coming out of the closet with what we've all known has been going on for years.

Every season there seems to be a controversy/scandal/twist/manipulation... etc. And, we all go bezerk with how the show is rigged. I think "the saboteur" is simply being open with us up front so BB doesn't have to deal with our ranting and raving later down the road. :D

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yes, i know moxie... but, this will stop the game show regulators from coming down on her year after year from all of our complaints. She can just show them see... "We announced up front we were going to manipulate the show however we want." ... sumptin' like that. ;)


That's why we won't be told the 1st week who it is... she doesn't know either. :giggle:

She's going to wait see how the dynamics are going in the house. Then she'll pick someone that she thinks can help who Allison wants to win BB this year.

How's that for starting a conspiracy before it even starts... :D

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yes, i know moxie... but, this will stop the game show regulators from coming down on her year after year from all of our complaints. She can just show them see... "We announced up front we were going to manipulate the show however we want." ... sumptin' like that. ;)


That's why we won't be told the 1st week who it is... she doesn't know either. :giggle:

She's going to wait see how the dynamics are going in the house. Then she'll pick someone that she thinks can help who Allison wants to win BB this year.

How's that for starting a conspiracy before it even starts... :D

Pretty good! :D :D :D

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yes, i know moxie... but, this will stop the game show regulators from coming down on her year after year from all of our complaints. She can just show them see... "We announced up front we were going to manipulate the show however we want." ... sumptin' like that. wink.gif


That's why we won't be told the 1st week who it is... she doesn't know either. giggle.gif

She's going to wait see how the dynamics are going in the house. Then she'll pick someone that she thinks can help who Allison wants to win BB this year.

How's that for starting a conspiracy before it even starts... biggrin.gif

Honey, I like the way you think! TPTB are going to give themselves as much breathing room as possible and still make it all look authentic! LOL I love it! They've coming out of the gate behind due to already losing one of the HG prior to the beginning of the show. They have to make sure they cover all their angles so we end up with a good season.

Frankly, I always expect them to do as much manipulating of reality shows as possible. They're too chicken to just let things take their natural course, whatever that could be. It's always about the ratings and to heck with having a show with integrity. I guess if you want that you have to tune into PBS. tongue.gif

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The houseguests might not pick up on the mole idea based on Big Brother's quickness to turn aside accusation's of having plants in the house. The hg's will probably start to suspect that the mole is another America's Player though.

My first impressions of Kristen were that she reminded me a lot of Kathryn from the Mole Season 1. I hope she's not though.

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the mole would have to be the first HOH of this season in order not to go home first.

So it would be manipulated. I guess as most people have said, they are going to manipulate it one way or another :rolleyes4: That's a shame. Too bad they can't just let it play out.

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