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7/26 - Live Feed Updates


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6:56 PM BBT

Cam switch to Matt and Ragan. People should know they have to get Brendon and Rachel out. they are huge competitors. Ragan says you know what happens happens. Lane comes upstairs to HOH and says he wants to smash and announces that someone just sh&t all over the toilet downstairs. It's on the rim and the seat and everywhere. Someone's a$$ exploded. He is going to use the HOH bathroom. He tells Ragan and Matt not to listen.

Back to strategy: This is the week that Brendon and Rachel have to do whatever they have to do this week to stay in the house to get to the jury house together and to enjoy their time there. He says they will be full of sh$t under any circumstance this week. All they need to do is to get to the jury house to spend the summer together. he thinks if they make it to the jury house together it'll be ok and a little more honest but he guesses this week will be brutal, it will be ruthless. Ragan says who do you think they'll put up? Matt says they told him Kristen and Hayden. Matt says from now till the end of next week he doesn't trust a word they say because they are going to be in a weird brutal anything goes kinda of place. Ragan says "And they will be pissed if their plan doesn't go through this week right? I mean it isn't going to go through is it?" Matt says, no of course not. Ragan says so "You, me, Lane, Kristen and Hayden." What do I say when Andrew is hounding me? Matt says, "NO problem because he'll be gone." Ragan doesn't want to make a guess about Lane's vote this week but he is guessing Lane is voting to keep Kathy. Matt says to tell Lane what Kathy said. Ragan says that Brendon told her he was voting to keep Andrew in the house. Ragan can't make sense of how a strong player says straight out in a speech that he is coming after them, how they can vote to keep him in. Lane confirms he is keeping Kathy in. Lane understands the dilemma because he feels the same because he hates to tell people no. Ragan's predicament is that after the nominations he's done a lot of soul searching because Andrew has fought so hard to be here and really deserves to be here and Kathy hasn't done well in the competitions. If he was Andrew what would he think is fair? Lane says that meeting where he (Andrew) said all that stuff made Lane change his mind and that he suspects someone else told him to do it. Lane suspects Rachel and Brendon told him to do it. Matt says they should call a house meeting and have the three of them together to explain their thinking. The other two laugh. Ragan is worried that they (Brenchel) will think bad of him because of what he said earlier. Lane says not to worry about it because everyone respects Ragan for saying what is on his mind.

This HOH is going to be fun for Matt to watch. Ragan is going to pooing his pants. Lane thinks Brendon is going to put him up. Lane likes the HOH games better than the POV games. He does more of the physical thinking. Ragan is flabbergasted that everything that happened today happened. When you are up that is not the time to pull a rabbit out of the hat. Lane bets it's hard not to take being up personal because personality comes up because you've been voted up and if you change you are out. Matt says old Andrew was out today. He's going to jail when he gets home. Ragan is going to tell Andrew that it makes no sense to him to keep Andrew in the house. Rachel and Brendon knew they could convince Andrew to vote with them so that's why they want to keep him but they couldn't get Kathy to switch her vote. [Little do they know]. Matt is calling them Sneaky a-holes. Lane says Kathy told us she didn't do it. She didn't vote with them.

They head downstairs to work out. Lane asks Matt why he looks at his hair before they work out. Matt says because he's a model. He doesn't work with computers he's really a model but he didn't want to be seen as a threat. Lane says and yeah, you are a also not 30 you're 15. And a karate champion.

Matt wants Lane to get him to regret every having a small chest. Matt asks Lane to go ask for beer. Lane says yeah, that's probably best because if they aren't going to give you a remote for the TV they aren't going to give you a can for beer.

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7:20 PM BBT

Andrew making a protein shake. Ragan cooking something. Rachel walks through.

7:24 PM BBT

Kristen and Hayden talking in WC. She says "What f&ck kinda game are they trying to play?" Hayden says "unless it isn't true." Kristen says they have to keep Kathy there. And turns the hair dryer on. Back to the KT.

Ragan saying this is all bullsh&t it's just wrong. He asks where Kathy is, "Diary room?." "Maybe," says Brit. "I have no idea." "Is it freezing out there?" Asks Ragan. "Yeah, Like freezing." responds Brit. Ragan eats his heated slop-meal.

Brit asks everyone if they remember when yo-yo's were really popular and they became almost a sport? What were the really good ones? "Duncan" says Hayden. Andrew thinks that would be an awesome toy if they dropped them in the house. Ragan asking how long Andrew worked out for. Andrew's body can only handle 30 minutes right now.

Lane, Hayden, Matt in the BY saying "Nobody messes with the brigade. You dare put one of us up?" Lane just wanted to say something then and there. Lane really truly does not believe Brendon will win this week. Hayden saying do you believe it. Brendon just heard a speech from Andrew saying he was going to vote him out of the house and a few hours later Brendon was telling people he's voting to keep Andrew in? That just doesn't make sense. To Hayden it's obvious that if they aren't in alliance then Brendon and Andrew are lifelong friends. It's one of the two. Matt says Ragan is going to call Brendon out on it. And not to worry, even if Brendon says it's confidential he'll tell Matt all about it.

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7:34 PM BBT

The Brigade is outside trying to figure out how to use the weight machine. Lane is trying to be ingenuitcal. Matt says. "Let me try, I've broken enough of Big Brother's Sh&t." Lane asking if it's a sure thing. Matt says yes Ragan is going to call him out. He's going to call a house meeting. Lane says, "Idiots" Matt says stupid plan. Either stupid for coming up with this plan or stupid for wanting to keep him in the house. Hayden doing lifts with the barbells. Matt says, "Look at the bar bend. Wouldn't it suck if it cracked in half." Hayden puts the bar down.

Lane showing Matt some barbell exercises 5 reps for each exercise. Hammers now.

Hayden asks Matt if he's talked to Brendon lately about him going after Matt next week. Matt says a little bit ago. He thanked Matt for not putting him up. Matt recounts how he had told him that they would have to work to win POV for replacement noms. Matt doesn't know if he believes him though.They are in a point of desperation. There is nothing they can say I would believe right now. Yeah, I may very well be a target but there's nothing i can do about it. Matt says whoever wins HoH they are going to make insane crazy deals with that person. Lane says, "We'll give you $400,000 of the $500,000). Lane says if he wins he's going to call them out right before he gets his key. You two - no. He says he'll ask them if they were going to put him up and when they say no he'll say Liars - get.

Back to arm reps.

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7:41 PM BBT

Kathy and Kristen talking in WC as they do their hair. Kristen tells Kathy to go talk to Matt. They stop whispering and Kathy asks Kristen if she's going to the club tonight. Kristen says yes, the boom boom room. Kathy says she's going to pick up for sure. Kristen is wearing long grey socks, yellow shorts and a peach top. The socks come up mid-thigh. Kathy says she bets they are going to call Kristen to the DR. Kristen doing her hair and angry at it catching in the brush.

Andrew in Hot Tub, Kathy on patio couch. Silence.

7:48 PM BBT

Ragan and Brit sitting in BR talking about importance and HOH this week. Ragan says it's on like Donkey Kong. Brit asks Ragan if he has a sense of how things are going in the house. Ragan says before the POV it was sort of Kath's way but after POV it's definitely good for Kathy. Britney says don't you think it's ironic that doing the very thing you would think would ensure you stayed is making everyone lean another direction? Brit says it doesn't make any sense that Brendon said he was voting to keep Andrew. Brit says there's more to that story. Ragan says definitely, I'm not going to push it, it's none of my business but whatever. Britney says it's suspicious. Thursday will definitely be interesting though. They are saying how intense it would have been if this HOH was endurance. Britney says she's not trying to be spiteful or rude right now but have you noticed how Brendon is a great competitor and wins stuff but whenever he doesn't win there was something not fair. How the last HOH was geared to wards smaller people with small feet. He won POV twice. BB is not out to get him with these challenges. Ragan has heard this a few times now.

7:53 PM BBT

Bakc to Kathy and Kristen in the WC. Kathy not sure what time it is. She hasn't eaten neither has Kristen.

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8:00 PM BBT

Brit saying something that one of the camera men told her. He said don't be the first one out. This one went first and no one remembers her. You want to be the fourth person out. They get a do not talk about production warning. Ragan remembers when they voted someone out right away on Survivor and how awful that would be. Brit would be livid. Ragan reminds himself when he gets the blues or hits that psychological wall that he has to appreciate the moment because it's such a rare gift. He says if you sat down and tried to figure out how many people have applied to the show and how many actually make it. He still doesn't believe he's here. Britney says,"It's true because we don't get to see the episodes or read the blog."

Kristen talking to Matt in BR. She doesn't know if he's heard but Brendon is voting to keep Andrew in. She wants it out on the table for Matt has HOH. Kristen tells him that she told Kathy she'd talk to him because Kathy doesn't know how far he can trust him because he put her up. Kristen says so what do I go tell her, why did you do what you did? Matt says he wanted Andrew out. He really wanted Brendon gone but he knew he might win POV and he wanted to break them up. He admits he botched the job. In hindsight he shouldn't have done what he did. Kristen asking about the Brendon comment again. Matt tells her that everyone thinks this is BS. Kristen says that she was leaning more towards keeping Andrew before but this? Now shes' not. She thinks it will be better to get Andrew out and say "Whoops, plan didn't go well." Kristen says it's there time now. Kristen says she can't just be in the background anymore and she has to start saying how she feels. Matt says that's good. The house is in a mentality now. People have the mentality that "I totally want to win but it's okay if I don't because so and so will win." And then Brendon and Rachel will win. Kristen says she doesn't pray for games and stuff she thinks that's terrible people down on their knees praying for football games, but she really is praying that they get out this week. Matt says again that he totally doesn't want them in the jury house together. Kristen says she's go getter and now is time. She's got to stand up now. She would have originally stuck her neck out for him. She really likes him. So does Matt. They say it all would have been different if he had just stayed quiet and flew under the radar. It's sad for him to be going home because Brendon and Rachel played head games with him. Kristen thinks it would be wrong if he stayed this week now. Andrew tells Matt he is convinced he has 4 people to vote for him. Kristen says one was probably me. She is going to have to be honest with Matt and tell him that she'll probably tell Andrew her vote is still with him. She says it sucks because she's throwing him under the bus and she promised herself she'd never do that in this game but the way everything worked out, she has to. Is Matt sure that everyone else is feeling the same? Matt - unsolicited 5 people have come up and told me how bullsh&t this thing with Andrew is and how he is in cahoots with Brendon and Rachel. Kristen asks, "You don't think anyone else is in on it with them do you?" Matt says, "Like who?" Kristen says that you never know in this game, people see them as strong competitors it wouldn't be a bad idea. Matt and Kristen feel bad for Andrew because he's believing whatever sh&t they told him and he thinks it's fine. It sucks. Kristen says if she has to work harder to say people, she will but she doesn't want to have to do anything more than that because that is not her style. Kristen counseled Kathy to stay quiet because stuff gets so twisted in a day in this house. Kristen ponders what would happen if they won HOH? (Brendon and Rachel) Matt thinks he'd be up. Matt saying how when he got HOH Rachel pulled him right into cabana room crying and pleading not to be up. He shares with Kristen his not nominated but have to win POV plan. Rachel came to Kristen today saying how scared she was because she has no idea what will happen. Rachel asked Kristen if she won HOH would she put Brendon and Rachel up. Kristen said up until today she hadn't been gunning for them until today. He is keeping her and Hayden in the loop because they are now officially on the shit list.


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8:16 PM BBT

Brendon making some slop chips for Ragan. Kristen going to have her second bowl of pasta. They say it's really good. Then Matt says, "Not that good, sorry Brendon." Brendon says it's all good he can make it. Just has to wait till next week to win his HOH then it's all good.

Ragan asking why Kristen's shorts are so long. She says why is that nerdy? He is making fun of her socks. He then says she's stinky and she asks if he can smell her from there.

Kathy sleeping/resting in bathroom on couch.

8:27 PM BBT

Kristen hopes she gets Red Bull in her HOH room. We get WBRB {maybe they aren't a sponsor!]. Hayden on elliptical. She goes over to talk to him. She tells him that she talked to Matt about how she felt. She felt like she just watched a complete act and apparently how everyone feels that way. She had a good long talk with him. Hayden says she's going to have to talk to Enzo too. She is recounting her conversation with Matt to Hayden. Hayden gets a put your microphone on warning. He is wearing leopard print shorts to work out in. Kristen saw Brendon and Rachel and asked Brendon how he was doing and Rachel was laying there with her head in his lap and he said. "I'm doing good, just keeping my energy up to win HOH" Kristen was thinking F you. Just F you. Hayden asks Kristen about her socks and shorts. She says it's just something she does when she is cold but wants to wear short shorts. They bicker about who will be HOH next week. Hayden asks if when she's HOH will he be banned from the room? She says just limited. Kristen just confirming that Hayden never told Andrew anything different. He says no we're all still on the same page.

[Night all - see you tomorrow evening!]

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