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6:56 BBT

Ragan says if his mom or sister are watching, he loves them. Andrew says if any of his family is watching, he loves them. Matt says if any of his family is watching, they should find something better to do. He laughs and says of course, he loves them, too.

7:01 BBT

No change.

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706 pm BBT: the rain, wind and moving of the boards has been going on for a couple of mins. it all stops and matt yells "my mike got wet! I gotta change it!"

boards now moving again...

(looks like the slip grip on andrews board is coming off)

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7:27 BBT

Andrew is down!

Everyone goes inside so Ragan and Matt can make a deal.

7:28 BBT

Matt says he will put Kathy up and doesn't plan on putting Andrew up, especially after Andrew voted for Matt to stay.

Ragan and Matt agree that Kathy is 1/3 of Brendon and Rachel. Matt says he'd put Brendon up with Kathy, but try to push kathy to leave. Ragan doesn't really like Brendon or Rachel going up.

Matt is trying to explain his thoughts, but Ragan is really upset about Rachel going up. Ragan doesn't want to look bad with Rachel, but doesn't care about Brendon.

Ragan asks about bring R/B outside to deal, but it doesn't happen.

Ragan says if Kathy goes up next to B/R, B/R would still go home.

They're now counting votes to get Kathy out with Andrew on the block with her.

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7:32 BBT

Ragan apologizes to Kathy's family for him and Matt wanting her gone. (Why go for the weak link instead of Rachel or Brendon??)

Ragan says he wants to give HOH to Matt, but doesn't want it to be obvious that Ragan jumped down. Matt says Ragan doesn't need to jump b/c Matt will be up there all night.

Matt says he's not making any POV deals and if anyone comes down, then Rachel or Brendon goes up.

Ragan is all smiles that they're still in the game. Ragan asks for 15-20 more minutes on the board, as to not look too obvious.

7:37 BBT


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7:49 BBT

Feeds back. Boys are still on the boards. Most HGs outside watching them.

7:59 BBT

Ragan makes another funny comment. Jokes that none of his friends can read or write, so he'd get a picture letter. (Ragan is just so precious.)

8:06 BBT

Been FOTH for a while now.

(brb if anyone is out there.)

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8:39 BBT

Feeds back. Matt has the HOH key around his neck.

Rachel already pleading to Matt in the cabana room. She's telling him how she's not playing the game just to make Brendon happy (uhhh, that's not what she said earlier today..)

Seems she's backtracking her decision on putting Matt up, then calling him out at the house meeting.

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8:47 BBT

Matt tells Rachel that Ragan didn't drop on purpose and it pisses him off if people think he did. Rachel doens't think Ragan dropped on purpose. matt says he has no alliances and doesn't want one right now. He says he's not a floater, as they follow the power and he went against the power last week.

8:49 BBT

Matt says he'll tell Rachel what he's thinking of doing, but she better not say anything to anyone but Brendon. He's hesitate to say. He says if he doesn't put Rachel and Brendon up, then the whole house will hate him, and he doesn't want that.

He says he's thinking of putting up Andrew and Kathy, with getting Kathy out. He's freaking out, telling Rachel not to tell anyone. Rachel says she doesn't want to talk to anyone, b/c they all lied to her last week. He says it was b/c she was HOH and she starts to cry. She says she watched people she trusted jump off the surf boards.

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8:57 BBT

Matt explains why Rachel and Brendon are such an obvious pair. He mentions making a deal with them. He says if he can get Rachel and Brendon to the Jusy House, that's two votes he'd have to win for his wife.

Rachel says they can takl later, but Matt will have Ragan play for him next week, and Rachel and Brendon, too, if they don't go up this week.

9:04 BBT

Matt says he has no deals with anyone, including Rachel and Brendon. He says his slate is clean and he knows everyone will be up in the HOH room all night trying to make deals with him. Rachel says that if anyone says something about her, to ask her directly about it. She gives him HOH advice.

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