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  • 2 weeks later...

(OMG, I'm excited to be back!!)

9pm bbt

All HGs seem to be outside. BB has given them wine and beer to prepare them for tonight. All seem in a good mood and know they just went live on the feeds. Andrew ran around the yard with his hand in a peace sign.

Annie and Rachel on outside couch. Annie whispered something to her if she (Rachel) would take herself off. Annie is pissed because Enzo(??) just did something with her towel/legs, which might have exposed her privates seconds before the the feeds went live. Rachel goes in to change into a bathing suit. Kathy joins Annie, who's still upset.

Enzo says he misses his wife and Andrew misses his daughter. Many HGs in the hot tub.

Annie tells Kathy that Andrew needs to go (but he's safe this week b/c of HOH competition.) Annie keeps calling Hayden BB9 Braden.

Annie says she loves Brendon, but if they have the opportunity to get him out, they should. They think if Andrew wins POV, he'd take Brendon.

CONFIRMED: Rachel and Brendon nominated.

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915 BBT - Annie & Kathy talking about how disgusting Enzo is. Apparently Enzo stuck his hand up Annie's dress or something.

919 BBT - Annie & Kathy talking about Andrew and how he flirts with the girls. Rachael says, "that's flirting". Both of them laugh about it.

921 BBT - Annie yelling to someone, to show a weiner.

921 BBT - The rest of the HGs are sitting in a circle. not sure what they are doing. Enzo just walked into the house.

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Annie, and Kathy talking about how Andrew is not well liked. Now talking about how someone ( a female) is going to regret what she has done. It bothered and shocked Kathy. sorry but not sure WHO they are talking about.. but they are saying "she" and "her"

It was Andrew that put his head under Annie's blanket, RIGHT as BBAD came on his head was under and she was screaming.

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Annie and Kathy are whispering on the outside couch. Annie is comparing the guys in the house. She thinks if Andrew, Brendon and Matt join forces they can run the house. She thinks they should talk to Hayden about it.

Brendon told Annie he would not campaign against Rachel. (Rachel, Brendon on block). Annie thinks that's stupid. Why wouldn't he fight to stay in the house?

Kathy says it's all moving so fast she can't keep up. Annie agrees. Annie said at first she didn't think Hayden liked her but she was wrong. He's a very sweet guy.

Annie seems to be over analyzing the people in the house. This person can do this, that person can do that it's impossible to guess what's going to happen. She says right now she's not even worried about the Saboteur, she's just worried about the game and who's going to do what.

Annie says Andrew has isolated himself in the house so right now she isn't worried about him.

Matt just walked out of the house with a protein shake in his hand (maybe a have not?).

Kathy says they're all family, they're going through this experience together and there's no need to be rude to one another (something happened in house but they aren't providing names but they're saying somebody was out of line, don't know who).

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Kathy saying she is starving ( maybe have not with Rachel) Kathy also has HUGE bruises on her arm.

9:25 BBT Lane, Enzo, and Matt in the kitchen talking about wanting to get Regan out. Ragan walks in ans they all of the sudden change to talking about Sabatuer.

Kathy and and Annie now saying that Annie was talking to a guy (again not sure who) ( on day 2) and he was telling her his plan about how he was goign to masturbate. they are now saying he talks about it every day.. all day. Monet comes up and now they are complaining about the lack of alcohol, apparently not enough for everyone.

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Bridget explaining how we can hear what goes on with the microphones/cameras in the bathroom.

One of the guys says "People are watching us right now, wonder what they are seeing." A few disjointed, awkward conversations going on. Talking about pop and trying to make a game out of it.

One of the guys says, "Someone show a tit."

They are now going to play the "Use your first street name and first pet name to come up with your stripper/porn name." Discussing the best nicknames they've ever had in life. The girls say "Captain Kosher" is the best name for Andrew.

9:26 PM BBT Ragan talking about Dirty Dancing and other movies with Enzo and Lane in the kitchen.

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923 BBT - LANE, ENZO, MATT, and RAGAN are talking about the Saboteur person.

925 BBT - they are talking about movies, LANE is trying to describe this movie with a rollercoaster with matt damon but, can't remember the name of the movie. RAGAN is trying to help figure out the movie.

927 BBT - ENZO is talking about super gluing his key in the slot so that no one can take the key out.

928 BBT - ENZO is asking why BRITNEY doesn't like to drink, if she is afraid of something. BB asks BRITNEY to please put on your mic as she walks outside.

929 BBT - getting RAGAN out talk comes back when RAGAN leaves. BRITNEY comes back in the kitchen. LANE talks about getting BRITNEY in trouble with her fiance. (LANE wants to bang BRITNEY). BRITNEY joins the conversation with the guys. they're talking about who it could be. They're talking about BRENDON being in the diary room for two hours. Talk moves to Monet.

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9:31BBT Lane, Matt, Enzo, and Britney all talking in the kitchen, wanting to get Braden out. Talking about Rachel pulling Monet's name to play POV, and she was mad because they wanted to backdoor Monet out. Kitchen crew really wants Brendon out. Enzo saying he's going to play hard in POV to keep it the same. Enzo wants to respect The HOH's decision. Kitchen crew ( Enzo, Matt, Lane, and Britney swear that Andrew is the Sabatuer, Britney saying he is SO obvious that he is. They call him Sabatuer instead of Andrew. they want Andrew out week two.

9:37BBT Brit, Enzo, Matt and Lane in kitchen talking about two people in the hammock last night. They feel there was some hanky panky going on.

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Britney, Enzo, Lane and Matt talking in kitchen. They keep calling Andrew the Saboteur. They say Andrew and Brendon have a deal and Andrew will save Brendon is he wins POV. Enzo says if he wins POV, he's keep the noms the same since he respects Hayden as the first HOH.

They think if Rachel wins POV, she would save Brendon and not herself.

They want Andrew out next week and says the next HOH has a huge by week since everyone wants Andrew out.

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933 BBT - ENZO says that he wants to respect the decision of the HOH (which is HAYDEN). ENZO doesn't want to screw with the nominations this week.

well i wish that i could stay up later, but i have work in the morning. have a good night everyone!

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9:30pm bbt

Matt, Enzo and Lane are talking in the kitchen about Andrew. Lane said Andrew was going around telling people he and Enzo have formed an alliance. Matt said he's been a snake all along and needs to be eliminated.

Ragan enters the kitchen and they change the topic to movies. Lane is trying to remember the name of a movie where a couple is riding a roller coaster. Ragan remembers it was a movie with Mark Wahlberg, That's Fear. Just general chit chat about movies, nothing related to BB.

The guys are giving Britney a hard time about not drinking alcohol. She says she doesn't see a point to only being able to drink one or two beers. She leaves and goes back outside.

Enzo says if Brendon wins POV they should put Ragan on the block. Lane and Matt agree with him.

Britney comes back in and Lane starts flirting with her. He said he hopes her fianc

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9:40 BBT

At the hottub, Brendon is talking about religion with Andrew, Rachel and Kristen.

9:50 BBT

Britney called to DR. Andrew comes in with laundry. They resume talking about Andrew once he leaves the kitchen.

10:00 BBT

Monet and Kathy outside talking. Monet is worried the plan is to backdoor her (which Annie mentioned earlier could be an option) and says she'll fight for POV tomorrow.

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BBT 9:41pm

Enzo,Britney,Lane and Matt talking about sticking to the plan of evicting Brendon 1st and Andrew 2nd. From there they say they'll figure it out.

Now joking about POV and words spelled last season like technotronics.

Enzo keeps talking about getting pov wants to play etc...(a bit too much)

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from all the talk in the kitchen & bathroom it is my understanding that at some point Andrew put his head up Annie's skirt and was very close to her lady business. she is very upset. but is afraid to say anything because of the game.

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10:05 BBT

Monet and Kathy agree that Britney and Rachel are high maintanced. Kathy says she's not in the house to be famous, she just wants to be Kathy. They talk about how some people have changed their outfits many times in the house and putting on makeup for when the feeds went live.

Annie walks to the hottub and Kathy comments that she didn't put her bathing suit on. Monet whispers to Kathy that Annie is a bitch. They laugh.

10:10 BBT

Monet goes inside to use the bathroom. Lane and Hayden talking college football in the kitchen, with others listening to them. Britney and Rachel can't believe it's already 10PM.

Monet rejoins Kathy. Kathy starts smoking. Annie is called to the DR. Monet says that Annie is going around to everyone, telling them what they want to hear and Kathy says Annie will have a nervous breakdown if she doens't calm down soon.

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