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Problems with new board format ;-(

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I logged on yesterday to find that we had a new board format.

Unfortunately, I am having a ton of problems.

When I click to read an individual thread inside of a forum, my page freezes.

It attempts to load, but ends up freezing the page.

The only I can get out of it is to CNTRL-ALT-DEL.

This only happens with ths website ;-(

Can someone please help me?I gotta have my daily Morty's read!!

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I had the same problem. I use IE and there is a little button up by the URL strip that looks like a torn paper. Its the compatablity button. Click on that and see if that helps.

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I've been doing some tweaking, so maybe it's helped.

Please post here if you're able, and let us know whether or not you're still having trouble.

If you are using an older version of Internet Explorer, you may just be having compatibility issues, in which case you could try updating to the latest version.

(And yeah, I use Firefox pretty much exclusively.)

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Okay, things seem a little bit better now. I'll go try some other forum areas (aka the BB one ) and see how things are there for me.

Edited to add : All is working fine now! What ever tweaking you did seems to have done the trick JEDI!

I've been doing some tweaking, so maybe it's helped.

Please post here if you're able, and let us know whether or not you're still having trouble.

If you are using an older version of Internet Explorer, you may just be having compatibility issues, in which case you could try updating to the latest version.

(And yeah, I use Firefox pretty much exclusively.)

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I am so glad to hear that.

Thank you to everyone who is posting suggestions.

If anyone has other problems (or solutions) please feel free to post them here.

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It is telling the the same thing.

What does that actually do anyway?

I'm assuming it's kind of like the "like" button on facebook... if you like the post you hit the green button, if you don't you hit the red button and the post gets a rating????

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I'm sure it's here, but I can't locate the "my assistant" or 'new post' link.

I did find a link for activity over the past 24 hours but sometimes I go more than 24 hours between visits.

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I'm sure it's here, but I can't locate the "my assistant" or 'new post' link.

I did find a link for activity over the past 24 hours but sometimes I go more than 24 hours between visits.

All the settings and PMs are under the little drop down arrow to the right of your name in the upper right corner of the board.

As for the + and - it's a voting button to vote a post up. I would assume it's been disabled as we've never had that before.

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I use Google Chrome and I have no problems except I cannot click on the plus and minus thingy under the posts. It doesn't work and says I have given all I can for today.

This is a feature that we have not activated and likely never will.

my only complaint now is when I am on my ipod, can't go to the newest posts. Which kinda sucks, but I think I should manage.

The ipod stuff is being looked into as well, but we may not be able to make any changes.

I'm sure it's here, but I can't locate the "my assistant" or 'new post' link.

I did find a link for activity over the past 24 hours but sometimes I go more than 24 hours between visits.

The "My Assistant" feature is no longer available on this newer version of the board.

However, all its features are still available.

The 'My Assistant' tool provides quick links to many important areas on the board, as well as quick access to common features.

My Assistant has four seperate feature tabs:

  • Information - this tabs offers links to the overall and daily Top Ten posters, as well as your last ten posts on the board. You can also click to view the Moderation Team.
  • New Posts - will show you a link to any new posts made since your last visit, and how long ago they were posted.

  • Search - using this, you can search the forum basically the same way the standard search function works. This box will show you the number of results, and allow you to click to view them
  • Recent PMs - on this tab, you can view your 5 most recent PMs and when they were received.</li></ul>The My Assistant is also used when a new PM arrives. If you have selected to be notified when a new PM is received, the My Assistant box will appear on your screen displaying your new PM.

The first tab's links can mostly be found at the bottom of the page, right above "Board Statistics", which looks like this:

"New posts since your last visit" is now in a link on the right side of the screen, just before the header, called: View New Content

(On your first visit after the upgrade, you may have to reset your internet cookies by clicking the Mark Board As Read link at the bottom of the page.)

The Search feature is prominently on the right side of the header at the top of every page. (Advanced searching is also available.)

New PMs will cause a pop-up window upon your next pageload, unless you disable this feature in your personal settings.

You can view all your PMs via the drop-down menu by clicking on your name at the top right and then selecting "Messenger".

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Ok, maybe I'm a little slow, but I can't figure out how to get to the big brother page.

You're not slow, no worries!

Morty hasn't re-posted the Top Links yet, since he's working on some other stuff and hasn't decided the format he wants yet.

So here they are, in the meantime:

thanks Jedi, the 'View New Content' is what I was looking for.

btw, will these changes affect chat at all? I had to give up on chat during Survivor ......

The upgrade did indeed affect chat, since access was denied for a little while until we had the problem corrected.

If your problem was not with getting IN to chat, but with chat connectivity itself, then the problem is probably still there.

When the chat rooms are full, some connections have a hard time keeping up.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest 6Borders

I can access everything thru Sea Monkey except chat...no chat window comes up so I have to go thru IE for that...everything else seems to be working for me right now.

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