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Guest ranster627

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maggie wants to tell kaysar tht it doesnt matter who she puts up...it DOES NOT MATTER. you're going home.

ivette telling sov 6

ivette says that james said april was scheming against the lemmings when she was talking to kaysar


jen..go fuck yourself

...please go to the diary room.

ivette told the group that james said that maggie said they [james and maggie] have an understanding. ivette asked james what he did for a living... james wouldnt tell her because she will tell maggie.

Ivette relaying their whole convo (?????? anyone catch the second james/ ivette convo????)

april flips " are you fucking kidding me, kaysars gone, why would i be scheming! with him"

Ivette: H was with R...and I confronted Howie..

Jen: i was there it was halirious

Ivette: is teling the lemmings that howie said that theres 14 people and he doesnt consider anyone weak. i want to know how weak you think i am [to howie] lots of people refer to me as weak soo.. let them kill each other.

M: wait a sec, im still on...

I: whatever maggie i dont care.

I: i've exed him [james]

A: yall watched us right...janie was sleeping in the GR.. so we talked on the bed... april tells them i said, why in the world would you make a proposition like that..well, because that was my only option he said, i said, do you really think..dont you think maggie is smart enough not to do something..he said yeah yeah i know, i know there was a 99% chance she would take it, do all your people know you had to take it..he said yeah..and they support him and everything.. he said maggie was the strongest player.

this convo is almost word for word, but april making herself sound meaner, and kaysar weaker.

ivette please put on your mic.

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maggie wants to call out kaysar

ivette wants maggie to call out rachel and howie because rachel hasnt claimed a side, and april says rachel kept comming in and out of the bedroom when a & h were talking

R & S talking/whispering.

maggie to the dr

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maggie wants to call out kaysar

ivette wants maggie to call out rachel and howie because rachel hasnt claimed a side, and april says rachel kept comming in and out of the bedroom when a & k were talking

R & S talking/whispering.

maggie to the dr

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Maggie confronting rachel privately about kaysar speaking for the whole group.

rachel said he did what he did, and she has nothing to say about it.

maggie pushes. rachel doesnt give up any info except to say she has nothing to say.

that was the end of that pretty quick.

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Janelle and James hopes they lose the movie competition, except she wants Sarah and Rachel to win it. they dont wanna be in the house with 'them'

Janelle wonders who they will put on the block..me or howie.

Jam said it doesnt matter...but probably howie.

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Jam said the good players are the ones who dont win contests but hang out..go under the radar...

janelle saying it sucks...and how fucked they are next week. janelle hopes james or her get it.

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Jam saying mggies evil..

k says jenny wont look a thim

jam said jenny maginfied what k said.

k said people are stupid.

k said they better lose ((movie comp??))

jam: the earlier you go home, the more friends you have. even at the wrap party people will tlak to ash because she didnt have time to screw anyone over.

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Jam tells K the he [jam] has no problem getting rid of ivette after maggie.

jam doesnt think he and k are strong players...jam askd k if they really are strong..they just win some contets, we are stpuid strategically but we call attention to ourselfs.

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R tells Jam/H/Janie/K about her and maggies "talk" she tells them the conversation, without embellishing the story.

Rachel is annoyed it seems.

jani: either way, that bitch is gone next week

jam: we need hoh

jani: if its phyiscal or mental and they win i will kill myself with a butter knife.

h says this week is his week

jam says he wants janie to get hoh.

jam: does jen laugh like a man.

janie: she doesnt luagh like herself.

h: why you think shes a man?

janie: theres 2 gays and a trannie on the show.

they make fun of jennys laugh

janie: im sick of their loud noise..sreeching...

k: its like people who pretend t have fun..they are constantly acting.

jam: we didnt do shit today

janie: how long did i sleep for

h: a couple hours.

k: can i sleep thru the luxury comp?

jam: we dont have to watch do we???

Janie: i want to watch..see who is dumber.

Howie: ok maggie stepped up and won...maybe one of her other frineds its time for them to step up.. maybe it is jenny..

jam: we need to get rid of maggie first.

janie: jennys very intelligent...

jam & howie agree

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sov 6 in GR.

R asks Jam why I is always talking to him.

James says that ivette told her that he cant trust his group.and that sarah might not use the veto on him

r asks what they say to sarah..sarah says nothing.

sarah tries to lock the door and cant.

jam: this game should be..eviction should take place different times.

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R says someone is right outside the room...

they know they are being spied on sometimes..so howie pretends to get something

james said he would LOVE to catch someone at the door and they would REEM them

james reiterates he wants to catch someone out..he wants to kick someone into the back stairwell like he could in the real world.

lemmings in kitchen, sov 6 in GR.

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tension between april and ivette. saying they are anoying.

A: I accept you for who you are even if you're annoying...i mean one day i think you like men the next day you're a carpet muncher

1 min later

A: we cant get mad at each other, we are who we are, and we're a group. we have to stick together

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