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Well, now that Michells is going there is no reason to watch anymore so for only the third time in BB history I'm done watching before the end of the season (I stopped watching BB6 when Janelle went home because the NH was lame, I stopped watching BB8 when it was just Dick and Danielle).

This is actually the earliest I've stopped watching.

Wow we both agree that BB6, BB8 and BB11 all had horrible endings. The only good thing about watching the finale will be seeing Natalie's face when she loses to Kevin. :)

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Poor Michelle. Was really rooting for her. I cannot see any way she can pull this out. It is funny when we all think someone is toast--no more postin on their topic. Last post was 7pm last night. Moved her way down on the posts. Just thought I would jump in and bring her to today at least.

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Len I'm thinking that just might BITE him in the ASS at a gnat/kevin/jordan F3! But I could be wrong... but if everyone is right about gnat being the vilest human being on the face of the earth,kevin is in trouble if either gnat or jordan win the final comp in F3! Gnat is going to F2 with jordan NOT kevin if she has the decision in her hands!!!!

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Gnat and Kevin are both planning to talk Jordan into dropping from the endurance comp by promising her F2...Michele would never fall for that.

Yup Len, I heard Batman and Robin talking about that too. Don't think Jo will consider it tho.

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Okay I have to ask arrow which was DUMBER the DUNCE DUO or the NOT DYNAMIC DUO to this point??just sayin!! ;)

really good point gsn, love it!!!!!!!

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We're not dissing Kev/Nat for being dumb. We are talking unnecessary meanness. When you are guaranteed F2 as they both are they should just sit there, stare into space and enjoy life. Kevin if he wins might handle the money better (unless his boy toy has other ideas) but Nat will probably run through it at Vegas unless her dad steps in.

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yes, backfeild emotion and off side and holding, prolly throw in unnecessary roughness along with those. Shatalie will gamble her away prolly.

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I really hope Kevin takes Michelle down and Jordan out... and it's Michelle and Kevin in the final they were my pick before the game started and hope they pull it out.

Michelle and Kev are the only 2 out of the 4 who have multiple wins in anything

Not only the wins, but M/K F2 would be the best scenario for a close jury vote, IMO

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unfortunately I don't think he will either, thinking Jordon will drop out and at some point he will take her (Jordon, instead of Nat)??, but if it does not work out that way, he is screwed, as I think both Jordon and Natalie will send him packin to be f2 together. Hard to say, I wish he would save Michelle now and jack up Natalies game, it sure would make her scramble, course she would make his life a living hell before the fight for final 2

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The only way a kevin/jordan F2 happens is if Kevin WINS the final comp and it is kevin making the decision who he takes!!!

And if he goes that far who is to say he doesn't honor the deal and take gnat to F2, I don't think he would but who knows???

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