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Kevin - HoH


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unless he tires out he will be new hoh

he is up by a tonnnnnnnn

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if he wins hoh i think he put up michelle and jeff

jordan is the least likely to win pov outside of natalie

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I think he'll put Michele/Jordan up with the plan of BD Jeff if he can.

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i still dont get that move

pure idiots

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He may win HOH but that does not mean J or J or M will go home, not by a lonnnnggg week and a pov

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The likelihood of Jordan winning POV is small. Its there, but small. Michelle and Jeff are fiercer competitors. They aren't going to want to leave it to chance that Jordan would beat anybody. Its the only smart move for nominations from Kevin.

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You are saying goodby to J, J too soon, there is alot gonna have to happen to get one of them out, I predict that Jreff is gonna win whatever he needs to keep him , Jordan in the game, you watch, it ain't over yet, althought I will be happy as hell to see the look on their faces when they do get put up and realize they wer played, oh yeah, cause Jeff was stupid the way he acted this week

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