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If BB Survives..


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So uvp when are you going to apply ;)

i dont think they would cast me

they dont like to cast those who may have brains and not easily influence

i wont play into none of their stereotypes

eg... airhead blonde, dumb jock, angry black woman /man , gay that is so out there

but i would love to see some from mortys or jokers get cast

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i dont think they would cast me

they dont like to cast those who may have brains and not easily influence

i wont play into none of their stereotypes

eg... airhead blonde, dumb jock, angry black woman /man , gay that is so out there

but i would love to see some from mortys or jokers get cast

I like reading how you perceive the game as it is being played ;)

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1. I think it would be interesting if house guests had to sleep in pods. Those just big enough for a person to fit in. Then during the day they can be locked so house guest can't spend all day sleeping. Yes they can sleep on couches, chairs, the floor.. but they would not have the option of the bench. And if someone is being really bad about waking up... lock them in it for a period of time.

2. When they have practice for HOH/POV, I think they should put out 3 or 4 options. They have to guess at which ones to practice more. Might get more teamwork.

3. NO MORE PARTNERS. no previous friends, no dating game, no clicks.... it never works out and is usually boring, plus it is only temporary.

4. Daily challenges to get food/luxury items. Imagine if they had to complete a puzzle in order to eat, play pool, ect.

5. What if they house guests had to "go to school" They would have lessons on various topics and then the HOH/POV would involve information/skills learned in school. It would make for alot more interesting and more important new conversation.

6. Isolation room for misbehavior/ instead of have/have not. Taking away warm water or comfortable sleeping does not really effect the game much. Not being able to talk to people... big game changer.

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Revamp the whole damn game, including production. And give us some older players, not just one or two, but even numbered. I'm watching children playing nasty. Tho I must admit the show lived up to it's name this year. So HIGH SCHOOL!

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This might be a bit off topic, but - there are ants all over the house because the players are pigs. But, BB has these cockamamie contests (outside) involving food. And I don't think they can clean it up that good, and surprise ants everywhere.

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i do think that BB needs to be seriously revamped...

lately the contestants have been scum.. i know that lying is part of the game, but the last few seasons, weve had contestants reading the rule book to see what they can get away with...

and the DR needs to be a video feed as well... this season and last season has shown that dishonest actions have been done by production to tweak gameplay by the contestants....

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without villains there would be no bb

without villians there would be no janelles, jeff etc.....

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:animated_wave:LenRay Wouldn't a quiz on current events, etc...be much more fun.

Only problem they don't know anything about current events, being lockup so long. Just thought of Gnat not knowing who Jeremy Pivan was, lol.

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something needs to be done about this bd crap

in season bb5 &6 hg used it to get out a strong players and not every single week

the game now is every damn week the plan is to bd someone out of the game

every damn week

even this week jordan was clueless enough to think the plan would be to bd jeff

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I just thought that comp of filling up that bowl with hot chocolate was soooooo stupid. Probably a chimpanzee would have beat all the HGs out anyway. That would be fun, really. Then the "guest" chimpanzee would be HOH and pick out nominees randomly...now that I would watch....

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