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I don't like Natalie at all and still feel her so called age, is a factor in people not seeing her true actions.

I'd still like her to win over Michelle or Russell because I can't stomach them.

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Natalie has already won so the producers should just start Survivor early.

By backdooring Russel Jeff and Jordan lose his vote in jury. They lose Michell's vote by taking Natalie to the final 3. They don't have Lydia, Kevin or Jesse's vote. They are handing Natalie 500k, all because they thinks he's 18 (even though BB, a nationally televised TV show, would NEVER let an underrage girl drink on screen) and can't win comps (even though she won the first HoH comp and could have gone another 12 hours).

I'm going to keep saying what I have been saying the last two weeks in the hopes that reverse psychology works and she goes home.

Natalie is going to be there until final 3 because J/J want her around. Natalie will win the Final 3 because she will take the endurance and the crapshoot last part of the final 3 HoH. She will then take Jeff to final 2. Natalie will then easily win BB 11.

Mark it down (and please let my negativity somehow cause her to go home).

I really hate Natalie. You can tell by her mannerisms, the way she talks, the way she lies, the way her eyes go up when she speaks and the way she fidgets that this is REALLY her personality out of the game.

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Natalie cannot leave the house soon enough for me. I would rather see ANYONE win but her. Actually, she is probably playing the best game of all considering that she is ridiculously poor in comps and has single-handedly convinced the dumbkopf twins (against all odds) that they are best friends. That does not make me like her and I admit that it is purely personal.

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I real life I would totally dislike her. I do not like sneeky, lying, coniving people. (no one does) But in this game this little chihuahua has pissed, shit, begged, done tricks, rolled over, and stolen all toys.....typical canine behavior....showing she has been playing one of the best games. Problem his, this is one ugly puppy!

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^^ I agree with pretty much everything you said Xal...especially the parts about Nat!

Even though I completely dislike her as a person...think she is better at the game than the Js. If the Js decide to take her to F3, and it works out that way, that Nasty will deserve to win overall. I don't think either of the Js should be rewarded for making such a stupid move. They have zero faith in the people that have their backs (RM)...and complete faith in the ones that want to stab them in the back(KN). Boneheads should not win this game! Seriously!!!

Geesh...I sure hope your reverse psychology ploy kicks in and the scenario of the Js taking N to F3 doesn't come to fruition...ugh.

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I think they overlook at lot about Gnat because they think she is 18...so they think she can be easily influenced...WRONG. Jordan is so trusting of her..and Gnat is using her. They think of her as a 'child" whom they can use to get further in the game...WRONG. Anyway, I do have to admit Gnat is playing the game even though I dislike her. But if they are dumb enough to take her to the final (if they have a chance), and turn their backs on RM, she will deserve to win the "game". I don't understand why they can't see it...we can! HA!

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Just wondered if Natalie has taken a shower this week. I know the water has been either warm or cold and she doesn't like cold water. I usually at work during morning shower time.

I was just thinking I can smell her when the wind blows in my direction

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Nat is definitely wearing less clothing these days. Does she really think she's attracting Jeff when she's snubbed him this whole game?

lol...if she starts making jeff sandwich's, then we know for sure! got to give her some credit though, she's adapted in the game & is in a good spot.

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that is funny..gnat go make jeff a sandwich! :animated_rotfl:

It does really boggle my mind that after all the things they have seen her do,and say..they have basically given her a clean slate since jessie left the house....

I mean she does keep telling j/j she has their back..but the only person that has benefited from this alliance is gnat... she hasn't really shown them that she is really a different person ,in any tangible way,like winning HOH and not putting them up...oh yeah I forgot that wouldn't prove it either, as she gleefully slides the knife in their backs!!!

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Marty,, just proves how good she is at this game...gag....

Jessie liked boys ...so she acted, dressed, and behaved like a young boy....

Jeff obviously likes girls... so she is trying to be a girlie girl for his attention.. we will see how good she really is, if she manages to pull the girl act off!!! :animated_rotfl:

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Natalie has a cute figure. She is in good shape - better than Michele or Jordan, really. Natural. Little to no makeup. Terrible hair, though. I almost fell out of my chair when she wore the Heidi Do! If Natalie can persevere and keep her game going; watch out! All it took was Jordan. Natalie saw her mark and took it.

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The brat's a poker player and has played this game like one---know your opponent, try to get them to let down their guard and when you don't have a hand, bluff. IMO, that will only take her so far in this game. She has to do more than talk a good game, she has to win comps.

She herself has said that she has lost a lot of money because she doesn't know when to "walk away". Here in vegas, that's not a sign of a smart player, that's a loser.

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I know that Gnat is just looking out for herself..hell everyone is and they should ..but theres just something about her that makes my skin crawl ..maybe it's her yappy voice..her thinking she's better than anyone..or a combination of things ..I have just never disliked someone with such a passion..God help me if she get's to the end.. :furious3:

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She has jeff doing all the dirty work and when her or kevin win hoh next week he is gone unless he wins veto. He has been played and the only way to stop it is if she wins hoh next week puts jeff up with michelle then jordan wins pov saves jeff then kevin must go up. Then and only then will jeff and jordan see she has been playing them and will get her out because she can not play hoh that week.

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