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Guest mymancam

I, B, A, M, JE

Outside practicing HoH comp.

R,H,S,K,JAN, JAMES talking about the HoH game tomorrow.

James asks when Cappy and Jenny became good friends?

Kaysar: Who cares? Regardless, there is a plan

Rach is just listening, taking it all in.

More on the HOH comp tomorrow, how big it is, etc.

*first time posting, sorry I cannot keep up with these feeds!* lol

Howie: They're intimidated by us.

James: I think we should put Jennie and Maggie up. Jennie could be the surprise person to stab us in the back.

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Kaysar, James, Janelle, Sarah, Rachel and Howie talking in the hoh room.

They are saying the should put Maggie and Jen up if one of them wins HoH.

They are also discussing how they should play the HoH game.

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Guest mymancam

Janelle: (about Jennifer) She has been trying out for BB for 5 years. She is like a BB fanatic

Howie: Football players play well for years, get to the superbowl and loose. SO?

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Guest mymancam

Eric, April, Ivette, Jennifer, Beau and Maggie out in BY talking about the other team.

A: Sorry guys, that mother f#@cker is annoying the sh!t outta me. (Howie)

E: It was funny the first few days, bit now it is annoying, like a boil on my a$$.

Jennifer: I like how Sarah is wearing Janelles clothes now.

Eric: Is she? Is she?

more talk on the HoH game

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Discussing how the HOh game may work. They are saying its about focus and that BB will probably lock them in the house to clean all day and wont have the time to practice and will probably change the game anyway.

James is wondering about Cappy and Jen. When they became so close.

Howie. If we win this tomorrow. They will never recover for the rest of the season. They are also saying that they are all playing as individuals. (Little do they know)

Howie: They are intimidated by us. Rachel tells howie to shhh. They can hear us.

Jen and Maggie up. April unstable. James.

Also saying that they will probably choke. They will be so nervous when playing.

Kaysar says, Don

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Guest mymancam

E to I: stop getting frusterated, stop moving your wrist

A: God, I hope we really win tomorrow

Ivette is throwing the ball like she is bowling

E: Easy...just realx (to I)

Maggie: Nice, nice! You hit your own ball (to Ivette)

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Sov 6 up in the HOH room trying to come up with a strategy for tomorrow's competition.

The other 6 are out on the backyard still practicing.

Eric: (eric throws the ball and goes in the circle) f*n money everytime. motherf*r

Ivette: They're dorks. They can never do anything that's not physical.

(Ivette says something about pudding)

Eric: I don't want the f*n pudding. I want to see you win HOH when I walk out that f*n door, that's what I want. I want to see James and Kaysar go up just so they can stick it up their arrogant asses. They think they've got this f*n game figured out.


Eric: He walked around here like he was the f*n shit.

Ivette: Who?

Eric: Kaysar

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Guest wolf530

April and Jennifer in the bathroom.

April is caking her face with some kind of white creme like some damn geisha girl. Both talking about how they go between the groups.

Jennifer says: I am still going to be friends w/everyone after this, even if they bash me in the diary room... it's only after they trash talk me after the game, that's when I get rid of them. ... (walking out of the bathroom) I'm going to use the timer this time...

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Guest wolf530

April's still walking around with her creme on, outside now. Jennifer has a timer.

April: Are you banking?

Maggie: We're just talking about how it's DEFINITELY better be on the board anywhere than off.

Eric: Definitely. (someone rolls) That's money.

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Guest wolf530

Maggie: What's the mask (April's creme) made of?

Eric: Cum.

April: Some tropical something.

Ivette: Cappie!

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Guest shekki

The Alliance of 6 start to leave HOH but James stays behind to talk to Kaysar.

James says that he's worried about one of the team members who isn't playing as a team

Kayser says : Who?

James: Rachel, she's playing both sides still and is too worried about being friends with the other group.

Kayser: Does this really bother you?

James: Yeah, If the rest of us are out their putting our necks on the line and she isn't..

Kayser: Can we just talk about this after tommorow?

James: Ok.

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Guest WhitePhoenix

Okay 10:21 BBT

Everyone still practicing.

Eric said something to the effect of "I am willing to sit here and watch you all night"

Kayser "aggression will get you no where"

Awkward silence for a moment and then they continue to ignore his intimidation tactic and continue practicing

Janelle took HOH's key from Kayser.

10:22 BBT

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Guest WhitePhoenix

10:24 BBT

Maggie, Ivette, Bo, Jen all in kitchen talking.

M: Maybe I'll get sympathy money like that ratty homeless guy on Survivor

I: (shouting) I wont kiss anyones ass for 500K. I dont care who hears me.

I to Jen: As soon as Howie came out he was whispering to Kayser.

B: I am going to go outside and watch and give them the demon face.


Sov6 Ignoring all lemmings dirty tactics (as planned in HOH earlier) and practicing/taking turns in the BY on feed 1.

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Guest WhitePhoenix

Eric: They were knocking off their balls (which is their strategy)

April: Kayser thinks because of his name and how they are treating him that he is all that

Eric: As soon as they are gonna come out and practice I am gonna sit right here and watch them. Go ahead big brother if you want to lock us down but I am gonna sit and wait until they come out of there and then sit right here ...

Maggie: They do have the numbers. They can line up the balls and create like an obstacle course

April: But sarah is dumb as sh!t

Maggie: You are not kidding

All of Sov6 back in the house. April, Maggie, Eric (?), and Beau practicing outside in the BY

BBT 10:36

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Guest WhitePhoenix

Eric telling Ivette and Jen in WC.

e: Howie went like "Am I done?" and Kayser goes yep you are done and they went in. He is like *makes a whipoosh / whip sound* (insinuating Kay's got them whipped)

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Guest WhitePhoenix

I to Eric/Jen: Rachel is a mess

goes into the WC/toilet with all of them

I tells them she asked Rachel if 500k is worth it? And Rachel told her absolutely.

...Now they are out again and Jen is clipping Crappy's nose hair euuuu

10:43 BBT

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Guest WhitePhoenix

F1 + F2 : Maggie/Bo practicing in the BY

F3 + F4 : Howie, James playing coasters. Kay, April, Jen, Sarah watching

I washing off her mask "I look scary"

BBT 10:48

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Guest WhitePhoenix

Jen laying on Kayser. Kayser brushed jen's hair for a moment.

April: Your mother wont mind?

Kay: What am I supposed to do she is lying on me. *jen doesnt budge but Kay stops brushing jen's hair*

James/Howie still playing coasters

BBT 10:51

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