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8/26 - Live Feed Updates

Angelo Joe

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BBT 4:48 Back to J/N/K/M discussing competition. Nat hopes it's not spinning because she threw up last time. Jeff telling story about the guy who went hiking and had to cut his own arm off when he got it wedged between a rock and boulder. He broke arm and cut it off with a pocket knife to get free after 2 days of no one coming to rescue, then walked back to salvation. Kev saw this on Discovery Channel. Nat says she would have just died.

BBT 4:51 Kev talking about ship wreck stories where people get eaten by sharks. People are on a raft and drink the ocean water. Sharks bumping raft. People losing their minds, only 2 people survived. Jeff adds in that he's seen a movie made about these events, but everyone died. Wonders how they knew what happened when everyone dies. Kev likes it when everyone dies, because otherwise it's too happy.

BBT: 4:53 Nat says BB needs to vacuum bc it's dirty outside. All feeds still outside, no sign of Jordan. Russ seems to still be tanning, but all cams on couches.

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BBT 4:55 Kev jokes that everyone is going to get a chance for HOH to Jeff and that then he will know the game is Fing fixed, and it will be all about football.

BBT 4:56 Jordan emerges, she's been in DR. Starts saying she gave her goodbye message, and then Intercom says to stop talking about DR sessions. Jordan getting clothes from dryer, lockdown about to go down.

(My feed just froze, someone want to take over for a bit while I refresh?)

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BBT: 5:00J/J in HOH Jord talking about how she started to cry again in DR, J/J rehashing how mean R was today. Jordan talking about how she's gained 10lbs and he called her a fat a$$ and she never says hate, but she strongly strongly dislikes R. Jeff agreeing with her. Jeff is angry Jordan slept in SSR because it makes him look like a jerk. He wants her to keep their problems btwn them because other people are talking.

BBT 5:05 Jeff's mic fell in armpit and he is muffled. All feeds on J/J in HoH still discussing how their problems need to stay btwn the two of them.

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BBT 5:09 Jeff told Jordan she needs to think for the next 3 weeks, and he doesn't care if she doesn't think for the rest of her life, but she needs to for this next 3 weeks. He does not want their dirty laundry to be the topic of covo for the rest of the house. Jeff said Jordan is emotional today and asks why, she says she woke up in a bad mood. Jeff says its bc she slept downstairs.

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BBT 5:13 Jeff telling Jordan to not play the "dumb card". Discussing a matching game where she didn't understand. Jordan tells him she gets upset bc he gets short with her. Jeff says they are acting like they are in a high school relationship. Discussing that Jordan gets away with everything. Jeff says he needs Jordan more than ever, and they need to stick together in order to stay in the game together. Jordan says she is just blah about everything.

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BBT 5:16 Jeff trying to console Jordan, Jeff asks if she wants to make out, Jordan says she is not in the mood and they are just friends, Jeff says no they are lovers (they are being funny) Jordan says she stinks and Jeff doesn't care, Jordan says she does.

BBT 5:17 Going over HoH scenarios They want Michelle or Kevin to go home next week. Jordan really wants HoH to seal her fate. Jordan does not want to be with R, Lydia or Jessie in the jury house. She really wants R to have to vote btwn J/J at the finale.

BBT 5:19 Nat is in bed, Russ is trying to get mic on, BB keeps telling him to put it on. J/J discussing a F3 with Nat. Jeff asking Jordan to be patient with him, still mad she slept downstairs. Says he will sleep in the shower next time bc he doesn't want her sleeping downstairs and airing their business. Says she needs to stop playing the "pouty card like a f*ing 4 year old*

BBT 5:23 Jeff trying to get kissy with Jordan and Mich comes upstairs. M says K/N/R are all laughing in the RR so she came upstairs.

BBT 5:24 R in RR talking about how he had prod laughing in the DR and BRB screen cuts in while he shares.

BBT 5:27 Mich in HOH telling J/J how she thought it was weird doing a goodbye message to Lydia in DR because it was so long ago, then BRB Screen cuts in.

BBT 5:29 Back and Jeff talking about what he is going to make for dinner. Discussing Cheese and Ravioli, and how Jeff ate lots of Mich's HoH food, so he is saving some of his for Mich.

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BBT 5:31 Jordan and Michelle talking about how they feel like they look gross in the DR and Mich said one time prod said she could say some extra things bc she looked nice that day. Jordan wishes she wore her hair different for the last DR session.

BBT 5:32 Jeff and Michelle talking about drinking his last bottle of wine.

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BBT 5:33 J/M discussing how K/N don't stand in and tell R to stop calling people Racist, but Jeff gets ostracized for telling Braden to stop. Mich thinks Nat is a hypocrite and nothing she says is true.

BBT 5:35 Mich says she would be mad, but not surprised if Kevin voted to keep R and blame it on Mich, and Mich said she would go off on him if he did.

BBT 5:37 R in RR with N/K talking about how he asked how much security was ready for the Jeff/R blow up, and says they were ready, R laughs acting proud. R talking about making steak and potatoes for dinner. N/K say they are going to prepare to go home if they don't win HOH.

BBT 5:39 R says he only eats tuna and salad when he is at home. Says this week on slop he thinks he lost 5lbs because he can tell he looks small and not as muscular. Nat says slop would be good for his diet at home. Russ agrees. Kevin does not like slop. Russ says he started to crave slop and may have it for breakfast tomorrow. Nat says it's good for you.

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BBT 5:42 Michelle in HoH with J/J still, talking about how much she does not trust Nat. Jordan hopes Russ makes a jerk of himself on live TV on his way out. Jeff says R thinks he is playing the villain role, but he is really playing the d*bag role. Jeff wants BB to seclude R in a hotel for the next 3 weeks as punishment. Jordan says R told her before that he likes "thicker" girls. Michelle says R is the guy who likes to F other guys gf's.

BBT 5:45 Jordan reveals she told him to get help in her goodbye message because he has serious problems. Jeff says if he was Russ he would think of ways to kill himself. Jeff wants to youtube him to see videos on him getting bashed. Jordan is telling Courtney, the girl Russ says is waiting outside the house for him, to run! Jeff says Russ thinks ppl in the DR tell him he is the best competitor in the house ever.

BBT 5:47 Jeff got up and is getting ready to shower. Mich and Jordan still discussing Russ. Jordan worried Russ might do something to her stuff in the SSR. Michelle says he can't do anything. BRB Screen

BBT 5:50 Michelle and Jordan discussing why BB picked Russ, and now talking about what stood out about each person to get them picked to be on the show. They are now discussing how many times they have cried in the house.

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BBT 5:52 N/K/R still in RR, Russ keeps clapping (as if applauding himself) talking about how great he is at intimidating. N/K discussing winning. R trying to make sure N/K are going to get rid of Jeff. Nat wants to get Jessie vengeance. Russ asked what about him, Nat says yeah the whole house. Russ telling Nat Jeff knows what he wants to do and is keeping it all to himself. N/K are laying down, R is restless and punching his hand. Nat says you can hate people but if they are cute, they are cute (talking about Jeff).

BBT 5:56 Russ didn't tell his parents he was coming on the show, only told his sister. Nat had asked if his parents were watching live feeds, he says they have better things to do than watch him lay in the sun all day.

BBT 5:57 Nat says she has a dark side, but she doesn't let it out. Nat says she and Chima are the same. Nat says she loses control when she gets too heated.

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BBT 6:07 R/N in RR all is quiet. R is on Kevins bed (not sure where K is?) J/J/M in HOH planning on staying up there for a while. Jordan is taking a bath. R is now in kit antsy to cook. R went to BR to wash his hands, Kev is in shower.

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6:11 BBT

K/R in BR.

R asking K if he has his mind made up for tomorrow night K replies "yes" they continue to converse but its all mumbles

BBT 6:15

R pulls his suitcase from SR and places it in the SSR, R is back in RR Sulking some more.

J Rummaging Fridge for food. and is starting to cook dinner. from what it appears.

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BBT 6:10 R asked K if he was 100% on how he was voting tomorrow night. (Couldn't hear K's reply)

BBT 6:12 R is already packed and just rolled his suitcase out of the storage room and back into the SSR. R is not cooking, just drinking water and has returned to RR. Jeff is in the kit getting ready to cook.

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BBT 6:25 K/Jeff in Kit, K asks Jeff if his family are big cooks, Jeff says kind of. Jeff cut his finger cutting garlic and told K it stung.

BBT 6:29 Mich and Jordan in HOH M tells Jordan that N told her if she won HOH next week, Mich and "a big competitor" are going on the block. Mich thinks N is being too cocky assuming she is in the F4.

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BBT 6:50 Everyone in same areas. Jordan asks Jeff where he shops, he says he gets his jeans from The Buckle, Jordan has never heard of The Buckle. Now M/J/J/K discussing where they get their clothes. (Old Navy is discussed a bunch)

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BBT 6:59 Cams on same places, M/J/J/K discussing good places to get deals. Jordan says most shes ever spent was $125 on one pair of jeans, M says most shes spent was $300 on her wedding dress. K asks if Burlington Coat Factory only sells coats, Jeff says they have deals on all kinds of clothes.

BBT 7:02 Jeff gets so excited when he gets good deals. Still discussing bargains, etc. Russ seems to be asleep in SSR. (He was laughing to himself earlier) Jeff gets mad when people ask for his phone number when he is checking out.

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BBT 7:07 Subject has changed to cereal. Jeff/K/M talking about how they still eat kiddie cereal. K says his friend is a nutritionist and says you aren't supposed to eat cereal with sugar bc it makes you crave salty things later in the day.

BBT 7:09 Jeff gets up to take plate to sink and says "I am going to go watch TV" (LOL!)

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7:25 PM BBT: Quiet in the house. Russell is cooking in the kitchen, Natalie and Kevin are sleeping in the RR, Jordan went into the SS room and is now back on the bathroom couch, Jeff went upstairs to get a mirror to help him finish trimming his hair and he's using it in the downstairs bathroom.

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7:37 PM BBT

Jeff sweeping up after his hair trim. Natalie tells Jeff she can tell when she's slept good because there's drool everywhere. Says she's fallen asleep on her BF's stomach and when he woke up he was like 'ewwww' drool everywhere.

Russell in SSR apparently sleeping, someone under a blue blanket in SSR.

Natalie says she can hear vacuums outside and we get momentary FOTH.

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7:52 PM BBT

Kevin and Natalie in RR whispering can't hear them.

Jeff asks Jordan is she wants some of his soft cookie. It's soooo good. Just a little piece? She's just brushed her teeth.

Jordan comments that the HOH bed was 10 times more comfortable than the one downstairs. He asks her why she slept down there then. She says she was mad at him. And she was trying to give him some space. He tells her to have fun sleeping down there tonight and smiles at her.

Jeff trying to get her to play Black Jack, she's not interested being in a bleh mood. He tells it's okay she doesn't have to memorize the pictures. Natalie comes in and Jordan says they should play Black Jack together. Natalie says she hopes tomorrow competition is endurance without and water. She hates water.

Natalie saying how Kevin and Michelle were talking last night and Michelle was totally trying to feel Kevin out to see how he was voting. Today as she was coming out of the DR she told him it was over. There are no votes. Once he found that out he wanted to go out with a bang. Russell woke Michelle up at 4 in the morning and said Kevin is totally on my side as long as you are on side. Jeff says that is exactly what Michelle told him this morning, he sends people to other people to do the talking. Round and Round and FOTH....

Jordan says he's going to wear his black blazer tomorrow with his hat cocked to the side. Russell was telling Kevin earlier today he thinks he'll wear his $1,000 suit made by some designer that Kevin never heard of. Jordan is asking if it was him that said his family owns oil somewhere - she thinks it may have been Chima who said her family owned oil in Africa. Jeff can't wait for F head to say his little speech and get out. He said to Kevin that there is one thing in the house that no one could mess with with him and Chima and that's their speeches. Natalie says "Dude, you didn't even like Chima, now you're acting like she's your best friend".

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