ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 10:20 AM BBT Still sleeping. 11:10 AM BBT Status remains unchanged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SueZqueZ Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 11:22am BBT Cam 1 shows Jordo in GR Cam 2 shows Russ in SSR Cam 3 & 4 shows Jeff and someone curled up under a blanket with pink socks (probably Michele) All above are sleeping....what Nat and Kev doing probably same.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 12:07 PM BBT Jordan up and heading out to BY. Putting on her lotion - looks like another tanning session to start the day. Other cams on Jeff up in HOH - brushing his teeth. 12:12 PM BBT Jordan heads into the pool for daily tanning session. Jeff feeding the fish. Michelle wakes up in HOH room - heads to BR - is now removing layers of 'sleep' clothing. She had on a housecoat (blue) over her purple hoodie, over her yellow t-shirt with a red sweatshirt over a white loose t-shirt. She had gray stretch pants over her black pair. (is it THAT cold in the HOH?) She starts right into game talk. She's a little worried about Russell and Kevin. Jeff says here's what they told me... Jeff says last time this happened Russell told him to go talk to Jessie about what his vote will be. Russell's plan is usually to get you to think someone else is trying to vote you out to get you all worried. Trust me, Kevin is not voting that way. Russell did the exact same thing to me. Does he say this "Did you talk to Kevin?" He says this because its BS cause he doesn't want to bring you two together because there is no bringing you together. Michelle asks Jeff if he trusts Jordan 100%? Jeff says yes. Michelle asks if her and Jordan were both up and he won POV who would he use it on? Her or Jordan, be honest. He says stop it Michelle, that scenario isn't here. Don't put me between a rock and a hard place Michelle. She says I know the answer but whatever. Jeff says, "You don't know the answer so don't even go there. You'll get the answer when we get to that situation. That's when I'll answer." Ok she says. Russell meanwhile is outside on the exercise machine and Jeff's garden has been brought back. Jeff's making coffee now - heads into the SSR to look for Jordan, walks through the RR and says hey to Kevin. 12:27 PM BBT Jeff called to DR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 12:32 PM BBT All feeds on Russell working out on machine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 12:41 PM BBT Jeff eating his cereal now, Michelle grabs her shake. They go back over Russell's attempt to make Michelle worried about votes. Jeff seems really upset that Russell admitted he would stab Jeff in the back to win, to get ahead. Says he doesn't understand why anyone talks to him. Michelle says, "If we listened to him, we'd all be sure that it was our plan to get you out of the house next week." Jeff says he F'ed anyways if he does make it to the finale two. He knocked out the two biggest guys in the house (Jessie and Russell) and they will control that house. Michelle jokes that he can go on a romantic trip with Jessie - try to woo him into voting for him. Jeff says that if it would work he'd try it. They laugh. Cams back on Russell working out and Jeff sitting overlooking the pool back to Russell. Russell says "How long are you going to be a F-up for. You work so many jobs, you talk a good game but never follow through. Know how I know someone's scared of me? They shake when they look at me." Jeff says I was classy the other day. Russell says the epitome of class, yeah. Good thing you put Technotronics on the board, put an s on it in case there were more than one. Jeff says you already used that one. Russell says you've been afraid of me since day one. You just decided to make a big scene in front of people, a big scene, for a big tough guy. Says if you say you're going to pull out a gun you better use it f'n dumb ass, f'n dip sh&t, you're nothing but a f'n tool. No wonder America gave it to you, they felt sorry for you. Let's give it to the guy who's getting reamed by everyone. That5's how you look on TV like a f'n pussy. America felt bad for you that's why. You know why the phones rang and the doors unlocked? Not for you, not because of you because they were worried about me. (I guess during the last fight security was on hand with the doors unlocked and the HG could hear the studio phones ringing off the hook). Jordan gets out of the pool and starts screaming at Russell. See yells, I swear to god if I wasn't in this house I would f'ng hit you! I would! I would! You're just so pissed off because you're going home tomorrow!". Russell says," Just stay calm Jeff, I'll fight this for you Jeff" (imitating Jordan). She's yelling at him still. He yells at her keep fighting for him. Keep fighting for him! She screams, "I will f'ng fight for him!! I'm not scared of you!!!" She runs right up to Russell and chest bumps him. (he did looked slightly surprised but he backed away from her very quickly). Jeff says, "Jordan get back - why you wanna make me get up. Jordan please." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 12:53 PM Michelle outside on the patio watching. Russell screaming, "I can't wait to get out of here to beat your ass!" Tells Jeff to follow through with stuff. Follow through with your threats, follow through with my family... Jeff says, I'll follow through alright, I'll follow through with winning it all 500 thousand people." Russell making barking noise at Jordan. "Keep curling your hair sweetie, you know you ain't gonna do nothing. Arf! Arf! Arf!" Jeff says, "My battle with you is done dude. You're going home." Russell says, "My battle with you ain't done, it's done when we get out of here. You watch out dude." Jeff says, "I can look at myself in the mirror. What about you dude? Is that what you've been hanging on to for two days? That's pathetic dude." Russell calls him out "You say you're going to go after me and my family dude?" Jeff says, "That was a joke dude." Russell starts clapping and says. "Funniest joke ever dude. F man, funny. You don't know my family and you DON'T talk shit about them!" Jeff says Russell is carrying around 'anger bags'. Russell picks up on it and starts taunting, "Anger bags? Is that like stones dude?" Jeff says, "I don't want to be friends with you and no one else does either. Who wants to be friends with a Dude like you? You and all your made up friends. No one is afraid of you dude. Why should we be afraid?" Russell says, You aren't going to do anything and we all know it." Jeff says, "No I"m not. I'm not going to do anything. I delivered a knock out punch when I sent you to the jury house tomorrow. If you try something in the jury house you'll lose all your money." Russ says, "You think they don't hear you, that's why you say you aren't afraid - all these cameras." Jeff says, "This is a great move dude. Just accept it. I've got Kevin on my side. Everyone is on my side. That's good moves dude." Russell says that Kevin is on his side now. Says Chima had it right, two peas in a pod. One things Gucchi is a catch phrase, the other things technotronics is a word. It can only go up from here. Jeff says yep, It can. You are going to look so classy out of here dude? Jeff asks if Russell wants to have sex with him? Wants to f him? Do you have a crush on me is that it? Because I'll show you a little ass on the way out the door. Russ coming back with him being a real man now. That's a knock out punch right there. Jeff doesn't get it - does Russ have a hard-on for him because something is going on, no one else is pulling this shit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 1:04 PM Everyone is now on the patio. Russell says the only classy thing you have is the little fat thing next to you. (Jordan is sitting next to him) Jordan speaks up "Shut UP Russell you are just a f'ing douchebag! She's a woman!" Russell is saying, "Go ahead fight his battles". Jeff asking her stop again, says he wants you to do this. He says to Russell, "You should remember this is a game man, you should have accept it as a game move." Russell bring back up the family threat. Jeff says it was a joke and "I said it to 3 other people." Russell says it wasn't a joke. Jeff says, "I apologize. I apologize, it was awful (meaning as a joke?)." Russell says you never apologized. Jeff says, "I am right now now!" Russell says, "It wasn't a joke. That shit is sick dude." Russell attacking Jordan as a fight dog again and bringing up Kevin being in his pocket. Now Jeff trying to talk more. Russ just keeps yelling "STFU! STFU!" They start counting how many people Jeff has screwed over. He holds up 3 fingers counting and Jeff tells him to those three fingers up his a$$. Russ says, "Everyone better believe this, don't be afraid of Jeff because he's going to put you up anyways, no matter how nice you are. Kevin - he's going to put you up dude, he already did." Jordan explains that the plan was known by Kevin because the plan was to backdoor him. She says, "You have a final two deal with Michelle!" Russell trying to explain the math. It's final 4 then 2 jeesh. Jeff tells Jordan to "STFU already. Honestly, enoughs enough. Be quiet this isn't even your problem." He's been trying to get her to stop yelling at Russell. Russell says, "I'm going to laugh at all of you when he puts you all up. You're stupid and you don't even know it.: Jeff says final 2 final 4 is semantics. Russell does a pretty good job of (yelling) explaining how it' numbers." Jeff goes in. Russell yells at all of them. You're a bunch of sheep, all afraid to say something. NO one says shit. He's still going to put you up. It means shit. He's still going to put you up - why doesn't anyone say anything?" Russ goes back to working out. Mich says Jeff can't put me up next week he can't play. Jeff in BR. Russ still carrying on - he's just going to laugh and put you up again and if you don't think that you're an idiot. (And round and round) Cam 1 Russ with weights Cam 2 Jord twisting hair Cam 3/4 Jeff cooling down in BR. Nat saying she was asleep when Jordan came in to get her. Mich was in the kitchen. [sorry wasn't able to capture everyone's expressions and reactions - was listening to report the words. Kev looked aghast, Jordan was possibly crying from rage, Nat looked smug and Mich just stared down] Can hear nat and kev saying they've been expecting this for days and that she needs to shave her legs (they are cracking me up). Jeff now back outside to use machine. Russell heads inside and we have FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 1:30 PM BBT Post trauma in the kitchen.... Jordan crying on a stool saying she's mad cause she really wants to hit him so hard. She knows she'd get in trouble. Even though it wouldn't do much. She'd fell better. Kevinsays America is going to turn on Russell now because seh's been so nice and that's twice he's gone after a girl. Russ is talking to him with desperate talk. He realizes its over. Tells Jordan to avoid him. Jordan says he started it. I was tanning in the pool and Jeff was smoking a cigarette. I heard Russell start and I got out of the pool and told Jeff not to say anything and went in a saw you in DR and Nat in room and came back out to make sure nothing happened. Kevin helping her settle down. Jordan in tears says I was so angry at him and I wanted to hit him and I was just so angry so I bumped him. I bumped him and as I walked away he called me fat ass or something. He called me stupid. She calls him a meat head and says he must look like the biggest a-hole on tv and she hopes no girl dates him. Shes going on and on. She stares outside at Russell. Says, "I wish I could make him mad enough to hit me." Kevin says don't do anything dumb. She says now she knows how Chima felt. Says her family will be ready to kill him, murder him. Kevin says he's done nothing positive in this game. Now he's on team Kevin but he's said all kinds of bad things about me before. On the patio.... Michelle and Natalie talking about making breakfast. Natalie says he's not the type that's going to give up, he's going to keep trying. (Russ is out there working out still) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 1:44 PM BBT Russ and Nat in SSR. He's saying don't let her get you. She's so smart trying to get you to go off on me. Don't fall for it. They head back out. Nat goes into the kitchen and Jordan asks what Russell asked her. He told her not to believe anything told her, don't believe her lies. Nat says I"m pretty sure she is trying to do that stuff, he's taking the pain for both of you. etc etc etc. Covering up her real conversation. Nat and Kev deflect by asking what people want for breakfast. Mich heads outside where Russ is doing ab crunches. Nat said Russell just said don't think I'm talking bad about you or throwing you under the bus. She asks if Jordan was crying. She says yes. Says she was so mad when she bumped him she wanted to punch him in the face but she had a moment and realized she was going to lose her money. Kev and Nat remind her that it's not worth it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 2:00 PM BBT Jordan being teased by Nat a Kev about her showmance. Say she got the hottest guy in the house. And she's the prettiest girl in the house. She say's it's not even a showmance, they only kissed twice. Russell eating breakfast outside. He's leaning back and chewing the inside of his lip. His breathing a bit heavy still but looks much calmer. Michelle and Jeff in pool. Michelle looks like she's going to fall through the inner tube she appears to be asleep in. Jeff floating on the raft Jordan uses for tanning. Natalie telling Jordan that he (Russell) was keeping quiet to see if he wanted to stay. Once he realized he wasn't staying he had to let it all out there. That's all. He has no votes so he has no reason to stay quiet. She tells Jordan (again) not to hit him, that if he stays because she did.... Jord repeats that if she knew she wasn't going to get in trouble she would have hit him and he would have been the only person she ever hit in her life. Kev says "Really? You never hit anyone in your own family?" Nat asking if he's ever been in a fight in his life. Kev says, "No, only with my brother. But with my brother we would never go above the neck. Always punches in the chest and stuff." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 2:11 PM Russ and Nat now in the RR. He had walked through the kitchen and asked 'Scrappy' Natalie, where the steaks are. He asked Kevin, Natalie if they wanted one he's defrosting. He then asks Jordan if she would like one. She gets up and walks outside. They are now rehashing what happened. Russ can't wait to see what happens when it comes down to the triangle, he thinks Jeff will turn on Michelle. Natalie and Russell taling about the importance of staying true to your alliance. Natalie says in week 2 everyone wanted Russell out. There are 2 reasons why he never got kicked out that week, it was Jessie and Nat and luckily Jessie had a lot of influence with Ronnie. Russell saying Jessie was his main man and he wasn't able to vote against him. They are discussing who voted/played what. Russell saying Michelle is a f'ing snake that one. "YOu know when you heard me talking about getting Jeff out? It was all her. That was week 4 - you know that?" Nat does a great job of hiding her surprise (her face said, seriously? YOU believe the lie?" and he goes on to say how Michelle tells 'them' f'ing everything. Nat tells him they call her the mole. He says, "They call her the mole? Seriously?" Natalie says you can use that as your jury question "What was Michelle's role in your alliance? What was her nickname?" Russ questioning why he felt weird when Michelle talked to him last night. She came in and said< "It's over." and acted all weird. He says, "You told them everything didn't you? and then she smiled. That smile. You know it. She comes off as a little shy girl. Araggh the smile!" BB calls Russell in SR to change his microphone with one in the storage room. Jeff (who is in the pool) quips "And change your f'n personality while you're in there." Nat heads outside and asks Jeff how he is. Says Russ is mad cause he's going home. He got got. They reminisce how Jessie was classier. Natalie says Russell told her on the patio that he wasn't saying anything for the past couple of days on the couch is that he wanted to get votes. Jeff says he could get banned from the house. He got banned from the house for saying something but he (Russell) can talk to a woman like that and no one does anything? Seriously, how is it that... I'd be saying get the F away from me." Russell in the kitchen talking to cameras says "This is a sick sick game, this is a sick f'n game man. Whew." He's preparing steaks for grilling. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 2:26 PM BBT Jeff floating in pool mad that the show is ruined. He says no matter what I do, if I react or if I don't I look like a dork. All of the attacks he sent at me today are from that kid. Damn Ronnie. (LOL) Natalie just about got caught in a lie. She said she told Russell about some minor insult and Jeff says, "What are you talking about? I told him that." She deflects expertly. Gets him talking about how mad he is. His blood is boiling. Jeff says "I didn't do anything, I played the game. " Nat, "I know that Jeff, America knows that" Jeff is mad that he ended up with everyone fighting again... Russell must be reliving it all in his head as he's chopping garlic because he just starts laughing "Heh heh ehe, Oh man...." and smiling to himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anteecc Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 2:41 bbt Jeff called to DR. Russ tells production to get the camera Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 2:41 PM BBT Jeff called to DR. walks past Russell who stares at him as he passes. As he passes without looking, Russell cracks into a smile and laughs. Jeff heads up to HOH and Russell calls out about Jeff being gay. He takes on a sports commentator voice "Ladies and gentlemen, the latest member of the gay and lesbian community, Jeff. He's out of the closet but he doesn't know it, or does he? He's gay but he doesn't like penis. He likes to sleep with men, or does he? He asks them about it ladies and gentlemen, not the proper technique for a fight. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Jeff the big tough guy. Do not use this technique for a fight, sometimes you win sometimes you get knocked out. " He's using this 40's radio announcer voice and cracking himself up. Jeff had ignored him and went upstairs without much comment. Outside Nat admits she's happy this all happened. Before this, she didn't stand a chance. With the final 4 and all. Didn't stand a chance. I am happy it went down. [What was that? An honest statement in the BB House? - Off for dinner, hope there's someone to take over?] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tekylady Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 2:50 BBT Mic laying on raft in pool. Jor, Nat & Kev bashing Russ. Russ came out and dove into pool. Mic didn't budge. Jor, Nat & Kev went inside to the kit and continued Russ bashing. Jor said she's worried Mic will put her up if she gets HoH. Now they're bashing Mic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tekylady Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 Nat asks if they have a final 3 with Mic. Jor says no, the kinda did, but all bets are off. Nat & Kev say she did have a F2 with Russ, Jor says Oh Yeah. 3:01 BBT Russ laying out, putting on lotion. K/Jo/N still Mic/Russ bashing. They're watching Russ through the window, (I guess so they can prepare to run if he comes in.) (I have to go cook. I'll post between checking food, if no one else is posting.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tekylady Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 3:41 BBT Just checking in. Nothing happening. Mic is in BR applying makeup. K/N in RR bashing Russ. Kev says he doesn't like him because he always tries to get personal in his attacks. Talking abt Russ calling Jor fat and telling her to eat more cookie dough. FoTH Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tekylady Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 3:45 BBT Time to take pictures. J/J not excited abt it. Jor says she's not in the mood. She seems to be getting into it though. Kev got one of her on the slide in SS room. Jeff hid to get a surprise shot of Mic, then realized she had gotten all dressed up. he called her hot, and wanted a pic taken with her. Jor got Russ' key and moved to the door. Kev, Jor & Mic waved bye as Jeff snapped the pic. They're loosening up now and getting into the picture taking activity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tekylady Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 Jor sings Ring of Fire, and brings FoTH. Only lasted a sec. Russ & Nat are MIA, but the other 4 have having fun with the camera. Posing, modeling. Jeff's trying to get one of them jumping, but he keeps snapping it too quick. Lots of laughter. 3:57 BBT Nat has joined the fun Russ called to DR, Jeff says, cool, we can go outside. Nat just revealed she was taking a poo when she was MIA Jor sits on pot while Kev holds his nose & Jeff snaps pic (very funny) Kev pretending to shower, now picking his nose...all for the camera. Now they're heading outside Jeff watering garden, Kev asks if he can touch his hose. Still picture taking. Nat going to weights, then says it has Russ cooties on it, so Kev pretends he's lifting weights Jeff/Kev hold the weights on each end to make it look like Nat is lifting the weights. Kev got in pic, so they did a retake. Now they're doing a fake BBQ. (Gotta go for a few. If anyone else is out there, feel free to take over) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jennabee Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 BBT4:25 Russ outside tanning, Jordan MIA, J/K/N/M in Kit/DR Jeff/Nat doing Magic Tricks with cards. All Cameras on this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jennabee Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 BBT 4:30 Jeff continues to take pictures while Kevin tries to figure out magic trick. Kevin is really frustrated by the tricks. Nat says "A good magician never reveals their secrets". Jeff is now showing Kevin how the trick is done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dade Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 (During camera time outside, Michele climbed into the dryer for a pic) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jennabee Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 BBT 4:33 Jordan is in the DR according to Nat, Kevin is practicing magic trick. Jeff just went outside, all cams still in Din Room. Mich eating her shake. Break to BRB screen. BBT 4:36 Michelle went outside, K/N/M just discussed that they will have lock down tonight for prod to build the comp set for tomorrow. All cams still on Nat/Kev. Nat is looking at the pics they took. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jennabee Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 BBT 4:39 nat went outside because she said they only have 30 more min before lockdown. N/J are thinking about what they could be building, endurance comp? or something to practice. BBT 4:40 Michelle and Kev taking a few more pics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jennabee Posted August 26, 2009 Share Posted August 26, 2009 BBT 4:41 M/K/N On couches outside, all cams on them. Talking about HOH camera and how one person is always missing from the pics when they take them (Russ was not in the pics, surprise surprise!) BBT 4:42 Nat talking about collecting things from outside, Mich gets up and collects the items, they want to make sure they don't forget anything. Kev says they can't workout tonight. And back to sitting on couches. J/J MIA BBT 4:45 Jeff comes outside and joins M/K/N on couches. Mich talking about how her shorts are still greasy from POV, Kev says he isn't worrying about it until he gets home. Nat points out that R was so excited to BBQ tonight but they are going on lock down so he can't. *BRB Screen* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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