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Monday, August 10th


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As BBaD ends... Russell has been revealing to Jordan that he was the single vote to keep Casey and tells her about the shirt Casey left for him. It's been kinda funny to watch Russell talking so much as he's druuunk. :lol:

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That's a great idea Chima!! Put Jeff on the block. That will give him more incentive than ever to use his powers and mess up your little world!!! :animated_rotfl:

He will be the hero of the house getting Jessie out of there!!!! :cheshire:

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Looks like other than POV ceremony, which might change up, as Chima said last night "maybe I should take Lydia off and put Jeff up!".....

its going to be a bumpy week.....

I would SO love to see her do this...but she won't. Natalie wont let her and has her believing that Jeff won't use the power if he or Jordan are not on the block.

It would be funny if she did put Jesse up. Jeff uses the Coup and Jesse leaves. Natalie would blame it on Chima not knowing that he was going anyway...LOL!

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I just could not brlieve how Russell kept bragging on how smart and quick he is last night, he was disgustingly drunk and everything that came out of his mouth was just stupid, he must really have low self esteem to bragg as much as he does, I ,mean, come on, it was hard to listen to, hard as listening to Jesse and the hoh crew talk their stupid shit, they go on and on about how stupid it would be for Jeff to use the power, yeah for their game point of view, but Jeff is not playin with them or for them, he is playin for himself and protecting Jordan, so he is smart as hell to use the power. These ppl are nuts.

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It's kind of funny.

Listening to Russel's drunken ramble last night made me realize he sounds EXACTLY like a buddy of mine.

And I mean exactly.

He does the same drunk ramble repeating everything every 15 minutes and is just as irritating to listen to.

I felt sorry for Jeff for not being able to leave.

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If the HOH is physical this week and it comes down to Jeff & Russ........Russ better be ready to toss it to Jeff this time. He was making me mad with all the drunk talk he was doing about justifying stabbing everyone in the back to win the $$$$$...........so far, he's the only one benefitting in the Jeff/Russ relationship. I still think it's wise to get Jess out first, would just like Russ to show some loyalty.

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I love when they have the control room up as FOTH, I was just watching Kevin leave the DR and go to the memory wall and put the veto around his neck then it switched to trivia.. dang it, thought I was gonna watch the whole veto meeting thru the control room.

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OK I just went to check facebook and this is what greeted me...

RealPlayer Superpass Just throwing This Out There! Sooooo Much Drama Always In The BB House But Today/Tonight..I Think We Are Going To See Fireworks!
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ITA that he's a coward, but, maybe, just maybe he realizes that the "Wizard Power" is still out there and figures Lyd to be safe, and at the same time not getting on She-Devils bad side (Actually, I don't think she has a good side either, lol)

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Kevin was keeping himself "safe"..........at this moment he thinks all the power will continue to be with C/J/N and he's holding onto them for dear life( esp. C)...........wait 'till it switches and we'll see have fast & furious he scurries over to the other side.

I just find it strange that real player would post something about drama and tonight there being fireworks

I've seen those before.......it's just to get people to sign up

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I just find it strange that real player would post something about drama and tonight there being fireworks...

Last night they gave Russ a bottle of wine and several beers to get shitfaced. They need to repeat that, plus give Chima a couple of bottles of the white wine she prefers. Then we'd see some serious Saturday Night action on Monday Night!!!

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