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bb charity has begun

no surprise bb bought out this twist now

the producers couldnt have peoples champ jeff not make the jury

i have no doubt he will win this prize

maybe jordan long shot

but jeff is getting male and female votes so it is almost a lock :animated_rotfl:

i knew this charity twist was coming

the question is how will the hg react after knowing which side is popular side and which side isnt

*<< :animated_bouncy:

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VOTE FOR JEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VOTE FOR JEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VOTE FOR JEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Loved what his mom said on the show tonight!!! Looks like she really likes Jordan. I was happy to see Jordan's mom as well..

Seem like two very nice families.

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they both seemed like nice families...and I don't go for the mushy stuff usually...but the families even want the 2 of them to get together.

who knows...maybe they will :love:

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Looks like you can only vote once on the internet America's vote.... which is the way it should be.

Wonder how the text messaging voting is being controlled.

I've never done the text voting... so I have no idea how they can control that.

I know some people go wacko texting for shows like American Idol.

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This is anything but a charity twist.

Game design 101

  1. Create a balanced game.
  2. Unbalance the game giving some a decided advantage. In this case, one team has the power from week #1 AND is one person larger than any other team. Let human nature run it's quirky little course and watch as the weak and needy types gravitate to the flicker of the power candle.
  3. Let the game run for a few weeks. This is to give the stronger group the time to build up their arrogance and bullying quotients. If BB is about anything it's about holding a mirror up to ourselves when we are at our worst. This is more often than not, when we've succeeded and we've come to believe our own good press. As soon as we think they are superior to others, we are in most need for a big fall. Nature loves a balance and reflexively responds to arrogance by raising the support for the out-of-power group. America loves an underdog.
  4. Rebalance the game. Watch as the "Good guys" even the score.
  5. Rinse... Wash... Repeat....
  6. Beware of the success trap!!! Everybody can get a little too big for their britches and you too can be the arrogant bully if you don't keep your ego in check.

Like I said, this is anything but a charity twist. This is nothing more than mixing human nature with game design.


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lol this isnt a charity twist :afro:

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bb charity has begun

no surprise bb bought out this twist now

the producers couldnt have peoples champ jeff not make the jury

i have no doubt he will win this prize

maybe jordan long shot

but jeff is getting male and female votes so it is almost a lock :animated_rotfl:

i knew this charity twist was coming

the question is how will the hg react after knowing which side is popular side and which side isnt

*<< :animated_bouncy:

This should have been given last week...I would have loved to have seen the faces as Jeff removed Casey & Jordan to put up Ronnie & Jessie

the text votes go on until next Tuesday...I hope CBS keeps the free voting up that long

Looks like you can only vote once on the internet America's vote.... which is the way it should be.

Wonder how the text messaging voting is being controlled.

I've never done the text voting... so I have no idea how they can control that.

I know some people go wacko texting for shows like American Idol.

That isn't true...just click on America's Vote and let the page reload..I've voted 10 times...I'm thinking that is the max per IP address

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This is anything but a charity twist.

Game design 101

  1. Create a balanced game.
  2. Unbalance the game giving some a decided advantage. In this case, one team has the power from week #1 AND is one person larger than any other team. Let human nature run it's quirky little course and watch as the weak and needy types gravitate to the flicker of the power candle.
  3. Let the game run for a few weeks. This is to give the stronger group the time to build up their arrogance and bullying quotients. If BB is about anything it's about holding a mirror up to ourselves when we are at our worst. This is more often than not, when we've succeeded and we've come to believe our own good press. As soon as we think they are superior to others, we are in most need for a big fall. Nature loves a balance and reflexively responds to arrogance by raising the support for the out-of-power group. America loves an underdog.
  4. Rebalance the game. Watch as the "Good guys" even the score.
  5. Rinse... Wash... Repeat....
  6. Beware of the success trap!!! Everybody can get a little too big for their britches and you too can be the arrogant bully if you don't keep your ego in check.

Like I said, this is anything but a charity twist. This is nothing more than mixing human nature with game design.

I agree with everything F.M. has said to a certain extent ..however, bringing Jessie in at the beginning of the game, adding him to the athletes thereby giving them an extra person in their clique as well as giving him HOH was a little too much out of balance for me...if I had been producing BB Jessie would have gone to the clique that lost the first evicted HG.

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Looks like you can only vote once on the internet America's vote.... which is the way it should be.

Wonder how the text messaging voting is being controlled.

I've never done the text voting... so I have no idea how they can control that.

I know some people go wacko texting for shows like American Idol.

if you refresh the screen after you vote on cbs site...you can vote again. then keep refreshing. they don't say anything about a limit on the number of votes.

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This should have been given last week...I would have loved to have seen the faces as Jeff removed Casey & Jordan to put up Ronnie & Jessie

the text votes go on until next Tuesday...I hope CBS keeps the free voting up that long

That isn't true...just click on America's Vote and let the page reload..I've voted 10 times...I'm thinking that is the max per IP address

I've voted like 20 times so I tink you can vote as much as you want.

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This should have been given last week...I would have loved to have seen the faces as Jeff removed Casey & Jordan to put up Ronnie & Jessie

the text votes go on until next Tuesday...I hope CBS keeps the free voting up that long

That isn't true...just click on America's Vote and let the page reload..I've voted 10 times...I'm thinking that is the max per IP address

Well if its max per IP, I got 3 computers ready and one old win 98 I can fire up! :animated_rotfl:

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uvp, I never agree with you but I always enjoy your contrarian ways.

no problem we just agree to disagree

both respectful towards each other

maybe one day we may agree

but seeing you were here since 06 and never agreed with me

that day may never come


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