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* Ronnie *


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I think Ronnie's nerd friends just crashed the Joker's website...


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From live feed updates today...

Kevin, Lydia and Natalie in the bathroom....Kevin has yellow cleaning gloves and and him and Lydian are telling Natalie that Ronnie just took a sh@% and he got it all over the place.

Now Jeff came in and said who took the explosive dump. They are disgusted and talking about confronting Ronnie and why he didnt clean it.


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Emptied out or not, he's still a sack of sh*t.

But I guess even sacks of sh*t need their rest too. If you don't have feeds, here's what you're missing:


Aren't you glad you don't? Now get back to work!

you know his wife is a pretty decent looking woman from that photo, why would she marry that?

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He manipulated her.

He didn't manipulate her, he PERSUADED her, remember he is a NATIONAL PERSUASIVE SPEAKER TITLE holder! :animated_rotfl:

Ronnies downfall in this game will be beleiving he can convince anyone of anything! He obviously hasn't learned his lesson ,while he was in EXILE!

Funny thing is russel is taking a page out of ronnies play book.

Ronnie didn't say anything like what Russel is telling Gnat and jessie,hopefully he gets away with it!

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you know his wife is a pretty decent looking woman from that photo, why would she marry that?

She has weight issues, and you know what that has to mean, she has low self esteem...

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Yana, would you like him as your son-in-law? I feel sorry for her and her family. What if Michele in house is same woman, only with faux pictures. Surely Michele in house is just above Ronnie's level.

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